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St Mary's Rickmansworth Church of England Primary School Aspiring, nurturing, flourishing; together shining a light

School Council

St Mary's School Council

The school council represent the children's voice, giving all pupils at St Mary's the chance to share their ideas and have a say. We encourage everyone to think of great ideas to help the school to become even more effective and demonstrate our values at every opportunity.

This year, the school council will develop links within the community, school and wider, to support others whilst looking to enhance the learning of all pupils. Through engagement and exploration of our local community and the individuals within it, we will develop links with our families, other schools and establishments to engage in learning opportunities and offer improvements. This links closely with our curriculum and interests within the classroom.


Head Girl - Heidi

Head Boy - Hector 


The School Council consists of:

Kaiden and Lucy (Year 1)

Danny and Lily D (Year 2)

Violet and Tilly (Year 3)

Henning and Kalina (Year 4)

Alice P and Noel (Year 5)


