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St Mary's Rickmansworth Church of England Primary School Aspiring, nurturing, flourishing; together shining a light

Year 1

Welcome To Year One's Class Page

The latest news, home learning, learning and events will be posted on this page.


Reception to Year One Meet the Teacher

Reading Support- Miss Devlin's Toolkit

Reading Timetable

Friday, 17th January 2025



This week, we’ve had a fantastic time diving into the world of toys! The children completed some wonderful homework on their favourite toys and loved sharing their choices with the class. We had great discussions about what makes each toy special, from key features to how they like to play with them.


Next week, we’ll explore past toys, focusing on what our grandparents or parents might have played with. If anyone has any vintage toys or items from their childhood that they would be willing to share, we would love to see them! Please send them in for us to discuss and compare them with modern toys.


To make the experience even more exciting, we’ll be hosting a toy workshop run by History Off the Page on Thursday, 23rd January. The children will have the opportunity to explore a variety of toys from 100 years ago. It’s a wonderful chance to gain hands-on experience and learn how playtime has evolved over the decades. A big thank you to the parents who have volunteered to support us with this event—your help is greatly appreciated!


Not only have we been exploring the history of toys, but we’ve also been busy with other exciting learning activities. In English, we’ve been working on setting descriptions and using adjectives to add detail. We’ve been building on our knowledge of place value in maths within 20. We’ve also started a new topic in R.E. about Judaism and explored fast and slow tempos in music. It’s been a wonderfully varied and productive week!


Home Learning:

Spelling and handwriting books have been sent home. The spelling test will take place next Wednesday (this is a change due to the toy workshop). Spelling books are due on Wednesday instead of Thursday this week to accommodate this. 


Please read with your child five times each week and sign the Reading Record book. 


Optional additional: Numbots and Busy things 


Have a lovely weekend.


Miss Devlin 

Friday,  10th January 2025


This week, we were delighted to welcome Mrs. R. Bushwood-Smith, who will work alongside me for the next six weeks. She is excited to support the children and contribute to their learning journey.

In PSHE, we’ve started a new topic on keeping safe, focusing on the importance of sleep and establishing healthy sleep routines. The children have been practising subtraction using a number line and solving word problems in maths.

Our phonics lessons introduced two new GPCs: a-e and e-e, known as split digraphs. These can be found in words like cake, bake, swede, and compete. The children have enjoyed exploring these new sounds.

In history, we’ve embarked on an exciting new topic all about toys, sparking curiosity and discussions about playtime past and present.

It’s been an excellent start to the term, and we’re looking forward to the weeks ahead!



Home learning:


Reading as usual—Thursday's readers did not get their books stamped. We apologise for this. We will correct this when the books are changed next week. Also, to clarify, only 1 stamp was given for over the holidays. 



This week, instead of spellings, the children have been given a worksheet titled 'My Favourite Toy'. Please complete this with your child and return it by next Thursday.

We are also inviting the children to bring in their favourite toy to share with the class. This will be needed by Friday, but toys can be brought in earlier if you and your child are comfortable with them staying at school for the week. Please note that the children will not have access to their toys until our lesson on Friday.


If you need a new worksheet to complete the homework, please let me know.


Thank you for your support!


Have a lovely weekend,


Miss Devlin :)

Friday, 20th December 2024


As we reach the end of term, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all our parents for their generosity and kindness in the form of gift cards and thoughtful gestures—it truly means so much. This week has been a wonderful mix of wrapping up our learning journeys and diving into the festive spirit. The children have been excited each morning, eager to discover what mischief our classroom elves have been up to overnight. We’ve also enjoyed some well-deserved Christmas fun, including a cosy Christmas film that brought smiles all around. Thank you for all your support this term; the children have made so much progress, and it is through our partnership that we can make a real difference to them.


Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Miss Devlin and the Year One Team


This Half-Term - Mrs Bennett

Spanish: This half-term, we have been learning how to count to 10 in Spanish. We practised counting to 10 by: counting objects around the classroom, singing songs, ordering numbers, playing Bingo and playing interactive games on Linguascope. I have been so impressed with their progress in Spanish! 

Computing: In Computing, the children have been exploring creative digital skills using the Paintz programme They created a range of different pictures, experimenting with shapes, colours, and tools available in the programme We also practised saving our work on the Chromebook. All the children are able to log into the chrome books independently. 

PE (Physical Education): In PE, we focused on developing gymnastics skills. The children learned how to perform forward rolls, paying special attention to body posture, safety, and smooth execution of the movements. We also practised balancing exercises, where the children worked on maintaining different poses and positions, strengthening their coordination and body control. 

Friday, 13th December 2024


We hope you enjoyed watching your child perform in Everyone Loves a Baby! We were so proud of their excellent singing and dancing. Thank you for all your support in making our production such a success! This week has been filled with excitement as the class also enjoyed watching the Reception Nativity, attending the pantomime, and celebrating Christmas dinner and jumper day. In addition to the festive fun, we explored creating reports on bats and learning how to collect data through surveys. The children applied this skill to real-world scenarios, such as finding out the class's favourite playground activity or Christmas jumper design. We've been working hard on our learning journeys and completing our Outsiders project book alongside our Christmas festivities. Next, we're diving into an exciting adventure—exploring a volcano!


Home Learning:

Spelling and handwriting: Spellings were completed last week, and no spelling will be set for next week. 

Please read with your child five times each week and sign the Reading Record book. Next week, reading-level assessments will take place alongside phonics assessments. 




Have a lovely weekend.


Miss Devlin 

Friday, 6th December 2024

Some of our learning this week has included rehearsing for our Nativity, Everyone Loves a Baby, which we are excited to share with you next week. In Maths, we have been focusing on counting forwards and backwards to 20, while in Geography, the children created maps of the playground, explored directions, and used keys before designing their dream playgrounds. In PSHE, we discussed people who are special to us and why they are important. We’ve also completed a range of consolidation challenges to revisit and strengthen our learning from this half-term.



Due to our busy schedule in Year One, we’ve had difficulty fitting in time for library visits. To address this, we’re changing how library sessions are run. Please send your child’s library book on their designated reading day, as they will now visit the library in small groups. This new system will begin next week. Thank you for your understanding!


Home Learning:

Spelling and handwriting: Please complete the handwriting practice.  New spellings have been given. The spelling test will take place on Thursday. 

Please read with your child five times each week and sign the Reading Record book.


Busy Things:

The busy things interactive activities have been set. 


Have a lovely weekend.


Miss Devlin :)

Friday, 29th November 2024


This week has been an incredibly busy and rewarding one in our class! We’ve been working hard on our maths and spelling assessments, and I couldn’t be prouder of each child's tremendous effort. Their maturity and focus have genuinely impressed me—it’s clear how much progress they’ve made.

Alongside our assessments, we’ve also been conducting exceptional rehearsals for the Nativity. The children have been practising their lines, learning cues, and singing their hearts out. It is wonderful to see their enthusiasm and teamwork as they bring this magical performance to life.

Reading assessments will take place next week. Please continue to support your child by reading together at home and encouraging them to share their favourite stories.

We’re looking forward to showing off all our hard work soon. Thank you for your continued support—it makes all the difference!

Stay tuned for more updates, and don’t forget to save the date for our Nativity performance. We can’t wait to share the magic with you.


Can you please have each child bring a roughly A4-size piece of cardboard next week? 

Friday, 22nd November 2024


This week has been full of exciting learning opportunities! In Geography, we created maps of our classroom, focusing on distance and scale, while in DT, we began making windmills, concentrating on crafting their sails. In English, we practised joining two clauses using conjunctions in different contexts. In maths, we worked on mastering the number bonds to 10. Our PSHE lessons highlighted the importance of rules in various locations, like roads and the seaside, and how they keep us safe. In R.E., we explored how Christians prepare for Christmas; in P.E., we focused on rolling balls with control and precision. Finally, in Science, we studied the unique features of amphibians. It’s been a week filled with growth, creativity, and discovery!


Home Learning: 

Home Learning:

Spelling and handwriting: Please complete the handwriting practice.  Please feel free to practise spelling inside our new spelling books. We will draw a line underneath to complete the test. 

Please read with your child five times each week and sign the Reading Record book.


Busy Things:

The busy things interactive activities have been set. 




Friday, 15th November 2024


This week has been full of exciting activities!

On Tuesday, we enjoyed an incredible assembly by sound box. We have been practising our Nativity songs in preparation for the upcoming performance. The children have been generating exciting vocabulary in English to describe dragons and create sentences using "and." In Maths, we have been exploring fact families to understand the relationships between addition in part-whole models.

As part of Anti-Bullying Week, the children created amazing posters to promote anti-bullying and to remind everyone of the important phrase STOP. They also designed network hands to identify trusted people they can turn to for help.

In Science, we explored what makes a bird unique, went birdwatching in the playground, and created a tally chart of the birds we spotted. These included pigeons, robins, magpies, kites, and parakeets.

It’s been a fun, busy, and productive week for everyone!


Home Learning:

Spelling and handwriting: 

Your child's new spelling book was handed out today. However, I missed a step in preparing the books. A line should be drawn halfway down the next new page to separate the practice area (above the line) from the test area (below the line).

Please could you draw this line in yourselves for this week. This will be done for you starting next week. Apologies for any inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding.

Please can this message also be shared in the WhatsApp group to ensure everyone sees it. Thank you!


Please read with your child five times each week and sign the Reading Record book.


Busy Things:

The busy things interactive activities have been set. 


Have a lovely weekend, 


Miss Devlin :)

Friday, 8th November 2024


A huge welcome back! 


This week, we have introduced many exciting new topics across our subjects. In science, we’ve begun our “Amazing Animals” topic, where we’ll explore the diversity of animal life. In DT, we’re getting hands-on with “Wonderful Windmills,” creating and learning about different designs. For R.E., we’ve started discussing “Why do Christians celebrate Christmas?” to understand the holiday’s significance. In Geography, we’re learning about “Where do I live?” exploring our local environment and its features. And in PSHE, our focus is on “Valuing Difference,” learning to appreciate and celebrate diversity.

It’s been a great start, and we’re looking forward to a term full of discovery and growth!


Home Learning: 

Please read with your child five times each week and sign the Reading Record book. We have some children who have not yet recieved their bronze badge. These rest of the badges will be given out at a later date when more have been created by year six. 


Your childs new spelling were sent home today. The tests were completed on white boards and pens this week so you will not find them inside their books. We will be handing out new bigger books next week which will also include some handwriting practise.

The spelling test will be held on Thursday next week as usaul. New spelling are send home on Friday.

Handwriting: Handwriitng will become complusary and no longer optional from next week and will be sent home in our new spelling books. 


A reminder about Odd Socks Day for Anti-Bullying week on Tuesday 12th November.


Have a lovely weekend, 


Miss Devlin and Mr Torranno


All about Dragons- Please have a look at our new English focus piece and read this with your child.

Friday, 25th October 2024


We've had a fantastic first term, capped off by our exciting school trip to Bekonscot Model Village! The children enjoyed exploring the village and participating in a transport workshop, using a checklist to find different models. A huge thank you to our volunteers for their support on the day!

As we head into the half-term break, there’s no official homework or spelling list, but I encourage everyone to keep learning through play and exploration. Observing the changes of autumn is a great way to explore nature together. 

Your child’s login for NumBots has been sent home as an optional way to support math skills. This will gradually become part of our homework routine as we progress through the year. 

Please continue reading with your children—every bit helps build their confidence and skills!


Have a wonderful break!


Miss Devlin :)



Friday, 18th October 2024


This week's blog subject focus is Spanish, computing and P.E.



The children have loved learning Spanish this half term. It has been so lovely to see their enthusiasm every week. This half term we have learnt the following: 

  • Greetings: Hello, goodbye, good morning, good afternoon 

  • Emotions:  Express feelings like happiness and sadness

  • Politeness phrases: Say please and thank you

  • Birthday song: Sing 'Happy Birthday' in Spanish



This half term we have explored the different parts and functions of a Chromebook. We have learnt  how to log in to the computer using our usernames and passwords. 

We created a picture on 'Paintz' using the trackpad on the Chromebook. We worked on controlling the trackpad to move the cursor smoothly, click, and drag to draw shapes and designs. Some of us preferred to use the touch screen element!

We also focused on typing our names using the keyboard. We practiced finding and pressing the correct keys to spell our names accurately. 



This half term, the children focused on agilitycoordination, and balance. The activities were designed to help them improve their ability to move quickly and efficiently, maintain control over their movements, and stay balanced during various exercises. We will continue to focus on these skills in future lessons.


Key things to remember for next week:

Parents' Evening:
If you haven't done so, please book your parents' evening slot for Tuesday or Wednesday evening.

School Trip:
We will be visiting Bekonscot Model Village next Thursday. Your child will need a packed lunch, appropriate clothing, and suitable footwear. Please refer to the letter sent out for more details.


Home Learning: 

Please read with your child five times each week and sign the Reading Record book.


The spelling test is on Thursdays. We mark and prepare new spellings, and they are sent home on Friday. If your child does not have their book or it has been missed in their book bag. Your child will complete the test on paper and receive new spellings. 

Handwriting:  I will provide the second handwriting booklet at our parent consultation evening. 



Busy Things:

The busy things interactive activities have been set. 


Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Devlin

Parents Evening


Next week you will receive an email with a mini report. This is to show, ahead of parents evening consultations, your child's learning behaviours in Year 1 as well as a target for Maths, reading and writing. We will discuss these at the consultation in the final week of this half-term.


The booking system is now live; please use the link below to book your appointment. 


SchoolCloud - St Mary's C of E Primary School



Friday, 11th Octorber 2024


This week, we’ve been focusing on embedding our new challenges into the classroom environment. The children have been highly motivated to explore these challenges, using what they’ve learned to enhance their discovery time. We also started focused guided reading and handwriting groups, which the children have thoroughly enjoyed. They loved the variety of independent and supported activities, and many expressed how much they “love challenges,” which was exciting to hear!

In history, the children placed their baby photos on a timeline. Mr. Torrano and I also created timelines, including a picture of me at their age, which the children enjoyed.

In science, we had a fantastic materials workshop, and we’re incredibly grateful for the help we received from parents and families—it wouldn’t have been possible without your support!

Please see some images below of the fantastic learning we have been doing this week!


Home Learning: 

Please read with your child five times each week and sign the Reading Record book.


The spelling test is on Thursdays. We mark and prepare new spellings, and they are sent home on Friday. If your child does not have their book or it has been missed in their book bag. Your child will complete the test on paper and receive new spellings. 

Handwriting:  I will provide the second handwriting booklet at our parent consultation evening. 



Busy Things:

The busy things interactive activities have been set. 


Have a lovely weekend. 


Miss Devlin :)

Friday, 4th October 2024


This week, the children have been working extremely hard and have been introduced to our class challenges in more detail. During discovery time (previously called planning time in reception), the children actively explore and complete the challenges.

In math, we continued mastering number fluency by matching numerals to words and practising adding one more to a given amount.

We have been creative in English by making our own ties, just like in the story. We also revisited actions and practised vital spellings.

In phonics, the focus was on learning the spelling rule for -ing endings, helping the children recognise how words change when applied.

In history, the children were introduced to timelines, and they loved creating a timeline of their day. Today, we also made life timelines using their photos, describing each picture with key vocabulary such as past, now, and future.


Home Learning: 

Reading Reminder:
Please read with your child five times each week and sign the Reading Record book.


The spelling test was completed yesterday. New spellings have been given, and the spelling test will occur next Thursday. 


The first set of handwriting booklets has been sent home. Please complete them at your own pace. When you are finished, please let me know so I can give you set 2. 


Busy Things:

The busy things interactive activities have been set. If your child is struggling or finding the activities too easy, please let me know so I can adjust the settings. 


Have a lovely weekend. 


Miss Devlin :)

Friday, 27th September 2024


We've had a busy week! The children have been investigating clothing that was mysteriously left in the classroom and trying to predict who it belonged to. We finally discovered that the clothes were from the story The Smartest Giant in Town. This week, we’ve started exploring the story in many different ways.

In maths, we've begun mastering number fluency with the help of Numberblocks, focusing on the different ways to make 5. In history, we kicked off our topic, "How Are We Making History?" by exploring a timeline. Next week, we'll be creating our timelines using pictures. In science, we’ve continued our studies on materials, identifying the difference between an object's name and the material it is made from.



Please send your child in with a picture of themselves as a baby, a toddler, and one of them now for our History lesson next Friday. If you cannot access a printer, please email the photos to the office.

If they don’t have any images to use, they won’t be able to participate fully in the lesson. Please let me know if you need any support with this.

They need to be in on Friday morning at the latest. 



Home Learning: 


Reading Reminder:
Please read with your child five times each week and sign the Reading Record book.


The spelling test was completed yesterday. New spellings have been given, and the spelling test will occur next Thursday. 


The first set of handwriting booklets has been sent home. When you complete these, please let me know so I can give you set 2. 



Busy Things:

The busy things interactive activities have been set. Maths, phonics and science topic tasks have been set this week. If your child is struggling or finding the activities too easy, please let me know, as I can adjust the settings. 


Have a lovely weekend. 


Miss Devlin :)


Friday, 20th September 2024



This week, the children worked on story mountains and storytelling language in English and then used these skills to create their own stories!

In Maths, we explored the rekenrek and developed questioning skills. The class also voted to name our new puppet, and I'm excited to introduce Squeaky!

In Science, the children drew trees from the playground and learned about evergreen and deciduous trees. In Computing, they practised logging in and out of their Chromebooks. We also shared postcards and began plotting them on our class map. If you haven't sent a postcard but would like to, please email a photo.

The children have settled into their Year 1 routines. Next week, we'll start a new English topic and introduce afternoon challenges into discovery time.


Thank you to the parents who attended the reading meeting. I am busy preparing the resources that I said I would share with you and will get them to you next week. I have uploaded the PowerPoint to the class page for reference. 


Home Learning:


Reading Reminder:
Please read with your child five times each week and sign the Reading Record book.


The spelling test was completed today. New spellings have been given, and the spelling test will occur next Thursday. 

Busy Things:

Following our recent discussions and meeting with Mrs Maxwell, we confirm some updates regarding the use of Busy Things. Moving forward, Busy Things will be optional in Year One, while the other homework tasks will be compulsory.

As your child transitions into Year Two, some of the homework will be online, so we do encourage you to prepare for this later on this year. Busy Things is a fantastic, engaging resource that supports your child's development across a wide range of skills. We recommend using it if your child has access to technology at home. It's a fun and educational way to support their learning journey.


I will also send a handwriting booklet home next week for you to work through at your own pace with your child. There is no need to return it. 


Have a lovely weekend. 


Miss Devlin 

Friday 13th, September 2024


This week, we have been embedding routines and exploring our Year 1 classroom. In Math, we have been looking at grouping objects, analysing, and questioning skills. In English, our focus has been poetry, specifically those based on a Tiger. The children worked together to create a class poem, which they rehearsed orally, and we even added actions to accompany it. Please encourage your child to perform the poem for you at home. I will attach a copy for your reference. The children have been exploring our 'Discovery time', which replaces Planning time in reception. During discovery time, the children are set challenges to complete. This week, we started to introduce these concepts to our classroom routine. 


Home Learning:

Reading Reminder:
Please read with your child 5 times each week and sign the Reading Record book.

Please log in to Busy Things.  Your child's login, found on the back of their reading record, will allow them to explore the platform this week. Assignments will start next week. Please let me know if you are unable to access this. 


The first set of spellings was sent home following the assessments. The spelling test will take place next Thursday. 


Have a lovely weekend.


Miss Devlin 



Friday 6th September



Dear Parents,


I hope you’ve all had a fantastic summer holiday! It’s been so exciting to receive postcards, and we’ll be looking at them in detail next week. If you still have any at home, it’s not too late to share them with us! 


I’m excited to share that we’ve had a wonderful first two days back at school! The children have settled in beautifully and are enthusiastic about the year ahead.  They have settled into the new routine and classroom, and I look forward to working with them on new and exciting learning adventures.


Next Week

P.E. days are Tuesday and Thursday. Can children please come to school dressed in P.E. kit. 

Homework, including spelling and reading, will begin next week. I will also provide a weekly timetable to help keep things organised.


Thank you for being so supportive as we kick off what promises to be a great year!


Have a wonderful weekend!


Miss Devlin
