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St Mary's Rickmansworth Church of England Primary School Aspiring, nurturing, flourishing; together shining a light

Year 1

Welcome To Year One's Class Page

The latest news, home learning, learning and events will be posted on this page.


Reception to Year One Meet the Teacher

Show and tell Summer 2

Friday, 19th July 2024


Wow, where do I start? Thank you so much for your kind words, generous gifts, and the most fantastic year. I have loved getting to know your children; being part of their journey has been a pleasure. I will truly miss them all.

I look forward to seeing what awaits them on their journey at St. Mary's. They have made incredible progress this year and are ready for their next exciting adventure.


We've had a busy week, including making sandwiches for our Lighthouse picnic, creating pull-along vehicles, and enjoying our class party. We concluded the year with our end-of-year church service and a heartfelt goodbye to the Year 6 children. I hope you all have a restful and safe summer holiday. Thank you again for our partnership this year. I have truly appreciated everyone's supportive nature. Thanks to the children and your support, it has been a lovely year. Thank you!


Best Wishes, 

Miss Devlin 

Little People BIG Dreams!

Friday, 14th July 2024


It’s been a busy and exciting week as we wrapped up several activities. We continued exploring our new text, "The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch," which the children thoroughly enjoyed. We also created decorations for our upcoming transition party with Reception next week, themed around lighthouses. This week, we visited the church, where Gary shared some fascinating facts about its history and key features. The children were amazed to learn that the church is 150 years old! Additionally, we had a special visit from Mrs. Perry's dog, Cindy, who is part of the Pets as Therapy program. The children loved stroking and spending time with Cindy, which was a delightful experience for everyone.


On Thursday, the class spent the morning in Year 2 with Mrs Lee and Mrs Collett. They explored their new classroom, participated in fun activities, and returned with huge smiles. We will continue addressing any concerns and questions next week.


Reports will be emailed on Tuesday in a new format focusing on learning behaviours, including phonics screening check results. If you have any questions, please ask or email the Office to forward them to me.

Please return all library and reading books on Monday. Each child should also bring a plastic or canvas bag to take home their subject books. 


Home learning: 


As it is the last week of term, the focus for homework is reading.  

Reading- 5 times per week. Please ensure you sign the reading record. We will start to collect in books on changing days next week. 

Handwriting- I will send home a handwriting booklet for support this week over the holidays. 

Spelling: There will be no more home spelling tests. We will be holding final assessments in class, and individual spelling results for the year will be sent home next week. 

Maths: No Maths homework- Blue CGP books will be sent home, and any pages that have not been completed can be completed over the summer holidays. 

Additional maths resource:  Numbots- Numbots Game



Friday, 5th July 2024


Sports Week has been amazing! We thoroughly enjoyed the special activities, including Multisports with the School Sports Partnership and our Sports Day yesterday. Some of our other learning has included introducing our new story, "The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch." In geography, we explored the physical and human features of the seaside. The children also took part in a vote for the new Head Boy and Head Girl. They had the opportunity to use the real polling station resources and took their voting process very seriously. It was fantastic to watch!


St Mary's Church Trip

Next week, we have an exciting outing to St Mary's Church on Tuesday afternoon for an RE lesson, part of a whole school day linked with the Church. Thank you to those who have volunteered to accompany us. We will leave school at 12:55 p.m. and arrive at St Mary's Church by 1:15 p.m.


Library Books

We will collect all library books to be returned to our school library next week.


Transition to Year Two 

Next Thursday is transition day. The class will have the chance to meet their new teacher and visit the Year 2 classroom. They will spend the morning completing exciting activities and preparing things to personalise their new classroom. 



Home learning: 

Reading- 5 times per week. Please ensure you sign the reading record. 

Spelling: Individual spellings were sent home on Wednesday. The spelling test will be held on next Tuesday. 

Maths: Blue CGP book- Pg22- 23 Number bonds to 20. 

Additional maths resource:  Numbots- Numbots Game

Friday, 28th June 2024


This week was Science Week, and the children enjoyed many exciting activities. Our main project was the Colchester Zoo STEM Design Challenge. The children worked on redesigning an animal enclosure to help solve real problems at the Colchester Zoo.

Some things we thought about were:

  • How can we make the enclosure more fun for the animals?
  • How can we make it look more like their natural habitat and teach visitors about it?
  • How can visitors feel closer to and see the animals, even if they are far away in the enclosure?

The children made first-draft maps and could choose to create a 3D design or improve their maps. They used their imagination and any classroom resources.

This morning, Giana's Mum joined us to talk about her job in the field of technology and shared some software languages, such as Python and C++, which the children enjoyed telling other classes about! This afternoon, the Year 6 students had a science fair. We joined in, trying different experiments and learning the science behind them from the Year 6s. It was a fun and educational week!


In Maths, we have been recapping partitioning numbers into tens and ones and counting to 100. In English, we have been exploring writing a non-chronological report about Isadora Moon! Next week is Sports Week, and we look forward to seeing you on Thursday morning for our KS1 Sports morning. Please remember that they need to wear a coloured top matching their house. We also have a multi-skills sports session with our Schools Sports Partnership on Wednesday afternoon, which will be good fun.


St Patrick- green

St Andrew- blue

St David- yellow

St George- red


Home learning:

Reading- 5 times per week. Please ensure you sign the reading record. 

Spelling: Individual spellings were sent home on Wednesday. The spelling test will be held on next Tuesday. 

Maths: Blue CGP book- Pg 10- 11 Counting to 100. 

Additional maths resource:  Numbots- Numbots Game

Friday, 21st June 2024


This week, we explored money in maths. The children have been recognizing coins and notes and identifying their values. We discussed the difference between pounds and pence and the symbols used for each.

In Geography, we recapped the countries of the UK and the continents, enjoying songs that helped the children remember them. We also completed our internal assessments, and the children worked really hard.

This afternoon, the children participated in play leader training. Year 5 designed some games, and Year 1 and Year 2 were led through a series of games organized and run by the Year 5 students.

A reminder that tomorrow is the school fair, and we look forward to seeing many of you there!


Home learning:

Reading- 5 times per week. Please ensure you sign the reading record. 

Spelling: Individual spellings were sent home on Thursday. The spelling test will be held on next Tuesday. 

Maths: Time worksheet due in on Monday, 24th June. 

Additional maths resource:  Numbots- Numbots Game

Friday 14th June 2024


This week, we focused on our bat project in English, learning fascinating new facts and writing sentences about them. The children thoroughly enjoyed this exploration. In Maths, we concentrated on telling time, specifically o'clock and half-past. They're starting to notice the classroom clock and ask for the time, so please encourage them to practice this at home. It's essential they master these basics before moving on to more complex concepts.

In PSHE, we discussed baby care, what babies need, and potential hazards. The children shared examples from their experiences with siblings. We also talked about staying safe, identifying who to ask for help, and resolving friendship issues. In Music, the children worked on tempo, and we focused on improving handwriting.

For PE, we've been preparing for Sports Day with various activities, including running races. The children have been enthusiastic and dedicated. In Geography, we started our "Wonderful World" topic, recapping the continents, exploring the UK and its flags, and beginning to name seas and oceans.

The children had a busy week with their phonics screening. We ended with a fantastic assembly, during which they saw prints created by a visiting artist. Due to rain, we couldn't send the prints home, but we plan to do so on Monday.

Our movie night was a great success, raising money for the Play Skill charity. Next week, we'll continue learning and complete some writing, reading, and maths assessments. These assessments are nothing to worry about. They are just part of our school assessment process. Year one does not take part in these specific activities all year until this point, as we feel they are now ready for this. The children will work in small groups with Miss Devlin, and the results will just give us some specific data to support transitions into year 2. 


Thank you for your ongoing support!



Phonics screening check

You should be incredibly proud of your children; they worked very hard on the phonics screening check, and we couldn't be prouder of them. Thank you for all your support throughout the year, helping them reach this level with their phonics. It truly lays the foundation for their reading skills and future education. We will continue to focus on filling gaps in their knowledge and working on the next set of alternative sounds. Please see the chart below that will help support your child with alternative sounds when reading. 


Reading Assessments

This week, in addition to the phonics screening check, I assessed reading levels. As books are changed next week, your child will be moved to a new level if appropriate. Please ensure your child's books and reading records are brought in on the correct day. 


Home learning:

Reading- 5 times per week. Please ensure you sign the reading record. 

Spelling: Individual spellings were sent home on Wednesday. The spelling test will be held on next Tuesday. 

Maths: Time worksheet (o'clock and half past)—
*Change* The homework will be sent out tomorrow (Tuesday, 17th June) and will be due in Monday, 24th instead. Apologies for the change again we had a very busy end of day again today with lots to hand out and homework was missed. 


Please let me know if you have any problems completing the homework during this time. 

Additional maths resource:  Numbots- Numbots Game

Friday, 7th June 2024


In English, we learnt about Bats. We learned about their habitats, diets, and the different species of bats found around the world. Did you know that the smallest bat, the bumblebee bat, is only about the size of a large bumblebee? The children found this fact fascinating!

In Maths, we focused on time, specifically the days of the week, months of the year, and the differences between seconds, minutes, and hours. In PSHCE, we looked at keeping our bodies healthy, what we need to stay alive, what is good for us to have sometimes, and what we should do/have occasionally.

In P.E., we started focusing on some key skills for sports day. This week, we practised accurately throwing tennis balls to hit a target, improving our speed and accuracy. In Music, we started our new topic, "The Snail and the Mouse."

Our new class book is called "Isadora Moon Goes to School." The children have thoroughly enjoyed it and have pleaded that I keep reading when I say it's time to stop. To support our work in Maths next week, it would be great if you could start talking to your child about time and the difference between the hour and minute hands.



Phonics screening check 

The screening check will begin next week, and your child will complete it by the end of the week. Unfortunately, I cannot share the results with you immediately. The results will be included in your child's school report, which is usually sent out in early July. When a date is confirmed for this, I will let you know.

The test will take place with me (Miss Devlin) in a quiet space. Please practice over the weekend to give your child the best opportunity to perform their best next week. Please ask your child if they have completed the test each day next week. If they haven't, please add in some additional practice until they have. This will greatly support their fluency.


Home learning:

Reading- 5 times per week. Please ensure you sign the reading record. 

Spelling: Individual spellings were sent home on Wednesday. The spelling test will be held on next Tuesday. 

Maths:  CGP Key stage one maths (Blue book)

There is no Maths homework to focus on phonics screening practice. A new Screening check practice booklet was sent home today for practice over the weekend. 

Additional maths resource:  Numbots- Numbots Game


Friday, 24th May 2024


We've had a fantastic Art Week with exciting activities and learning experiences. On Wednesday, an artist taught us how to make screen prints, and we created our own nature-inspired prints. This involved observational drawings, leaf rubbings, and designing our own lino prints. We also explored various paintings, drawing our own versions, selecting and zooming in on parts, and rearranging cut-up pieces to create new artworks.

We learned about Neil Armstrong and used actions to remember his name in history. We also explored life in space, discovering how astronauts eat and brush their teeth. In maths, we developed our understanding of halving different shapes, and in English, we completed our work on Little Red and the Hungry Lion, which the children thoroughly enjoyed. 


The highlight of our week was our school trip to the Brooklands Museum, where the children had an incredible time. Thank you to the parent helpers who supported us and made the day successful. The children didn't want to leave! They learned a lot about the development of planes and impressed us with their knowledge. They also had the chance to create their own planes and learn about thrust and drag. The children's highlights were definitely getting inside different planes, including a Concorde!


Home Learning:

Please continue to read at home and practice the phonics-focused activity that was sent home. Below are additional resources to help with your practice.

We will be studying bats next half term. If you have any bat-themed books, please send them to us to read to the children. It would be amazing if you could support your child in researching some interesting facts to share after half term!


Have a wonderful half-term. 


Miss Devlin :)


Spellings- Half-term- Phonics Practice


During the half-term break, please focus on practising for the phonics screening check scheduled for the week beginning Monday, June 10th, 2024. I have attached some resources for use at home, along with the materials sent home today. If you received flashcards, please practice with them daily (multiple times if possible). It only takes a few minutes but makes a significant difference. Your help will enable your child to shine at their best. 


A fun practice ideas include:


Phonics Hunt: Cut out the words and hide them around the house. When your child finds a word, they should identify the sound (digraph, trigraph, or split digraph) and then sound out the word.

Friday, 17th May 2024 


This week in Year One has been fantastic! The children created beautiful recounts of "Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion" and have been improving their handwriting skills. They've worked hard on phonics, with resources sent home for some children for extra practice ahead of the Phonics Screening Check after half-term. I will be sending additional practice resources for everyone next week. In science, we explored the school grounds to identify different trees, and in history, we learned about Bessie Coleman, the first Black woman to earn a pilot’s license. In PSHE, we discussed different types of money and learned the 8 key first aid skills, becoming more prepared to handle minor emergencies.


Next Week is Art Week; please make sure your child has an art shirt in school (we have lots in school already). On Wednesday, there will be a showcase for parents after school to view the children's work.


Brooklands Museum Trip- Thursday, 23rd May 2024 


We will leave school at 9.00 am; please ensure your child is at school at 8.30 am and will be returning at approximately 3.10 pm. On the day of the visit, your child will need: · to wear their school uniform, suitable footwear (trainers are acceptable)and a weather-appropriate coat. · A packed lunch (no nuts, chocolates or fizzy drinks, please). · A healthy snack · A water bottle · A sunhat and pre-applied sun cream (if needed)

Unfortunately we ran out of time on Friday to be able to go to the Library. We will be going on Monday instead. 


Home learning:

Reading- 5 times per week. Please ensure you sign the reading record. 

Spelling: Individual spellings were sent home on Wednesday. The spelling test will be held on next Tuesday. 

Maths:  CGP Key stage one maths (Blue book)

Pg 56-57 (Days)

Additional maths resource:  Numbots- Numbots Game

Please ask your child about the skills we learnt about this week.

Friday, 10th May 2024


This week in Year One, we've had some thrilling adventures in poetry with a focus on a terrifying tiger. We've also delved further into our captivating hungry lion story, unravelling its depths. In science, we embarked on an exciting journey by creating intricate 3D models of flowers, meticulously labelling their various parts. Additionally, we delved into the fascinating realm of wild plants versus garden plants, familiarising ourselves with their distinctions and even learning some names. In math, our exploration led us to delve into the world of multiplication through grouping and the concept of finding halves of shapes and objects. We've cherished every opportunity to work outdoors, relishing our time in the secret garden, where we've been nurturing our potato plants as they begin to sprout, carefully topping up their soil.




It's essential to inform us if your child hasn't received a library book recently. We've noticed some parents mentioning this issue, but children might not always communicate if they don't have a book at home. Additionally, sometimes books are returned but not properly checked back into the library, leading to discrepancies in information. We're enhancing our tracking system to help you know which books your child has taken home. We keep a class library log, so feel free to ask for the last book recorded. Please check at home for any missing books or request that we check our log.



Class trip to Brooklands Museum- Thursday, 23rd May 2024

Please make payment for this as soon as possible. If you are having any trouble with this, please contact the school office.


Weekly reading: 

We will be reading and stamping reading records to allow for more opportunities for adult direct reading time with the children. Your child's reading record may not be stamped to say that they have read with an adult, and additional comments may be added each week. We are introducing additional reads and streamlining the time so that more time can be focused on the children. Where appropriate, we will be signing, and this will give the class teacher more time to read with your child. If you have any questions about this, please let me know. 


Home learning:

Reading- 5 times per week. Please ensure you sign the reading record. 

Spelling: Individual spellings were sent home on Wednesday. The spelling test will be held on next Tuesday. 

Maths:  CGP Key stage one maths (Blue book)

Pg 36- 37 Finding Half (Halves) 

Additional maths resource:  Numbots- Numbots Game

Spelling Assessments 


Today, the latest spelling assessment results were sent home to your child. Words your child spelled correctly have been highlighted, while those they spelled incorrectly during the assessment have not been highlighted. Those words have been included back into their spelling lists for additional practice. The ticks represent previous assessments, so please do not worry about them.  


Highlighted words- Spelt correctly during the latest assessment

Non-highlighted words- spelt incorrectly during the latest assessment


If a child can spell most of these words correctly by the end of year one, they are deemed to be working at an age-related level for spelling.

Friday, 3rd May 2024

This week, we delved deeper into "The Very Hungry Lion," sparking creativity as children crafted questions for the characters. In Maths, we focused on arrays and counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s. In Science, we dissected plants, and in History, we soared with the Wright Brothers, learning about their first aeroplane design and 12-second flight. Thank you for your ongoing support in nurturing our children's love for learning.


Home learning:

Reading- 5 times per week. Please ensure you sign the reading record. 

Spelling: Individual spellings were sent home on Wednesday. The spelling test will be held on next Tuesday. 

Maths:  CGP Key stage one maths (Blue book)

Pg 32-33 multiplying

Additional maths resource:  Numbots- focusing on the challenges this week instead of the story settings. 

Taking our learning outside

Friday, 26th April 2024


This week in our classroom has been bustling with learning and exploration! We started a new English journey with "The Very Hungry Lion", immersing ourselves in its captivating storyline and colourful illustrations. In Maths, we focused on counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s, witnessing the children's confidence grow as they enthusiastically tackled these new challenges. Our PSHE sessions centred around rights, respect, and responsibility, sparking thought-provoking discussions about our actions' impact on others and the importance of kindness. Additionally, we took time to appreciate our school environment and recognise those who care for it. We planted potatoes in the secret garden in Science, offering a hands-on lesson in patience and nurturing. Overall, it's been a week of learning, growth, and excitement, and I'm incredibly proud of the curiosity and enthusiasm displayed by the children. 


Next week, we will start our new topics in History: 'How did we learn to fly?' and R.E. 'Why do Jewish families say so many prayers and blessings?' 



If you have any aeroplanes available for the children to use, we would greatly appreciate them. They would add an exciting dimension to our activities.


Home Learning:


Reading: Please read five times weekly and sign your child's reading records. Due to a busy schedule this week, we have not finalised reading and phonics assessments, which will continue into next week.  Your child's reading record may not be signed as a teacher reading with them, but they will have read to an adult this week.

Spelling: Individual spellings were sent home on Wednesday. The spelling test will be held on next Tuesday. 

Maths:  CGP Key stage one maths (Blue book)

Pg 42-43 Length and height

Additional maths resource:  Numbots- focusing on the challenges this week instead of the story settings. 

Friday 19th April 2024

Welcome back, everyone, to the Summer Term! I hope you all had a fantastic Easter break, it's wonderful to see the children return with such energy and enthusiasm for the term ahead.



This week, we started our adventures with some delightful activities in the Secret Garden. We rolled up our sleeves and got our hands dirty as we embarked on a gardening journey. We prepared the soil for planting potatoes! There's something truly magical about getting your hands into the earth. The children are so excited about our potato journey!


The fun didn't stop there. Inspired by the beloved tale of the Gruffalo and his "terrible tusks," we delved into a fruity adventure. Armed with various colourful fruits, we chopped, sliced, and skewered our way to creating delicious fruit kebabs. It was not only a feast for our taste buds but also a fantastic opportunity for the children to explore new flavours, rate their preferences, and, most importantly, learn how to handle a knife safely.

With our fruit kebabs resembling the Gruffalo's fearsome tusks, we ventured outdoors for a picnic in the sunshine. Spread out on a cozy blanket, surrounded by nature's beauty, we savored every bite of our creations. It was a wonderful moment.


Today, we held our 'marafun / mini marathon' around the Aquadrome! With hearts pounding and spirits soaring, our students embarked on a fun-filled run to raise money and awareness for the incredible charity Cardiomyopathy UK.

I extend my deepest gratitude to the dedicated parents who supported this event with their time, energy, and unwavering enthusiasm. Your commitment made all the difference; we couldn't have done it without you! 


I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the incredible support and encouragement I've received throughout my marathon journey. Your unwavering belief in me has been the driving force behind every step I've taken, and I am deeply thankful for every one of you.

Since I embarked on this challenge, your generosity and enthusiasm have been astounding. Your support has meant the world to me, whether through fundraising efforts or kind words of encouragement.


I cannot wait to bring my medal in on Monday and share the story of this incredible journey with the children. Their curiosity, enthusiasm, and boundless energy have been my constant source of inspiration, and I am eager to share this experience with them. Some of the children had asked for my bib number if you would like to follow me on the office TCS London Marathon app. We should be heading off at 11:30 am, and my bib number is 64903. I have also been told some of you are coming down to watch in person I hope to see you on the day!


Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness, generosity, and unwavering support. Together, we have made a difference, and I am grateful to have shared this journey with such an amazing community.


Have a lovely weekend, 


Miss Devlin 

Home Learning:


Reading: Please read five times weekly and sign your child's reading records. We have started some reading assessments this week, which will be finalised next week. Your child's reading record may not be signed as a teacher reading with them, but they will have read to an adult this week.

Spelling: Individual spellings were sent home on Wednesday. The spelling test will be held on next Tuesday. 

Maths:  CGP Key stage one maths (Blue book)

Pg 14-15 Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. 

Additional maths resource:  Numbots

Friday, 28th March 2024


After a short week of Easter celebrations, our term has ended, and I'm so proud of Year One for all their hard work. They've shown dedication, resilience, and teamwork, making our classroom a great learning place. I look forward to what they will achieve next term in their final term in Year One!


Your encouragement and involvement have been invaluable in helping our students thrive. Your support at home is a crucial complement to our efforts in the classroom, and it's clear that your dedication plays a significant role in your child's success. Thank you for partnering with us in their education journey and entrusting us with their growth and development. Your commitment means the world to us. This has been evident in the recent weeks, which have been filled with various events. Your dedication, enthusiasm, and partnership are invaluable, enriching our school community and fostering a love for learning and tradition in your children.


Home Learning:

Phonics- Please work through the phonics screening resources that were handed out at parents' evening. 

Reading- We have changed books that were brought in this week. Please keep reading as much as possible to help support and continue your child's progress. 


After Easter: 

School starts on Monday, 15th April. PE will be on the normal days of Wednesday and Thursday that week. 

On Friday, 19th April, we will hold a sponsored 'mini-marathon' around Rickmansworth Aquadrome. Children have brought home their sponsorship form this week. This will be the final fundraising event for Cardiomyopathy UK ahead of the London Marathon on Sunday, 21st April. 


Let's look forward to the next term and all the exciting things it will bring. Have a wonderful break filled with special moments with your loved ones. Wishing you all a wonderful Easter holiday. 


Miss Devlin :)

Friday, 22nd March 2024


Home Learning:


Reading: Please read five times weekly and sign your child's reading records. 

Spelling: Individual spellings were sent home. Apologies for the delay this week. The children will be tested on these next Thursday to allow for the delay. No spellings will be sent home over the Easter holiday. We will return to normal after the holidays. Please focus on reading and phonics. 

Maths:  CGP Key stage one maths (Blue book)

Pg 40-41 Length and height (this will not be due until after the Easter holiday as we will not be in school next Friday. 

Additional maths resource:  Numbots


Next Week

Tuesday - Easter egg hunt in the afternoon (eggs donated by FoSMS). 

After school there will be a bake sale / café after school in the hall,  where there will be an opportunity to buy baked goods and some Easter themed gifts. Any cakes, brownies or biscuits donated for us to sell would be very gratefully received. Any money raised will go towards the charity Cardiomyopathy which is the charity that I am running the London Marathon in support of.

On Wednesday, we have our Easter Service at St. Mary's Church. Children need to arrive in full school uniform by 5:45pm to the Church Hall, which is around the corner behind the actual Church building. Year 1 will be performing their song 'The Donkey Song'

On Thursday morning, we will host our Easter Bonnet parade - please bring your bonnet/crown/headwear in on Thursday morning!  We will also be learning how Easter is celebrated in another country.

Thursday is the last day of term and school finishes at 1.10pm. 


Homework: learn the words for our song 'The Donkey Song' ready to sing in the Church on Wednesday evening.

Make an Easter bonnet/hat ready for Thursday!


A huge thank you for the support and generous donations for Cardiomyopathy UK. I truly appreciate the support and well wishes for the London Marathon. 


Have a brilliant weekend! :)

Miss Devlin

Friday, 15th March 2024


This week in PSHCE, we explored people we would speak to if we felt nervous, scared, or worried. We also explored the importance of sleep and what a good sleep routine looks like. In English, we further explored our story 'Here Comes Mr Postmouse'. We have been working on learning a letter he sent to us off by heart! In Maths we have been counting in 10s. If you are able to practice this at home, please do as this will really support our learning next week. This week, we started our Easter RE topic by looking at the Big Story running through the Bible and where Easter fits into this. On Tuesday, we explored Holy Week through interactive storytelling and drama with Mrs Lee; we even saw and felt a real crown of thorns! 


Easter dates for the diary: 


Our school Easter service is on Wednesday, 27th March, from 6 to 7 p.m. in St Mary's Church. 

Easter bonnet parade -

As per tradition, the children will make their own Easter bonnet for the parade. 


Thursday 28th March


Home Learning:


Reading: Please read five times weekly and sign your child's reading records. 


Spelling: Individual spellings were set on Wednesday. The children will be tested on these next Tuesday.


Maths:  CGP Key stage one maths (Blue book)

Pg 20-21 Number bonds  


Additional maths resource:  Numbots


Have a lovely weekend,


Miss Devlin :)

Friday, 8th March 2024



We have had a wonderful week celebrating books with various book-related activities. From creating haiku poems to working out the masked readers, sharing the whole school book, ' Dear Earth,' and dressing up as our favourite characters, we have been immersed in reading! Thank you for all your support with the different activities.


We have continued our active learning this week with lots of movement and choice of working space. The children have continued to work hard and have demonstrated autonomy, resilience, and dedication to their work. In Math, we have been using the actions for first, then, and now to support subtraction number sentences. In Geography, we started our new topic about the United Kingdom. We explored the map of the UK and started to identify the countries it is made up of. 


I look forward to seeing you all at the Parent Consultation Evening on Tuesday 19th or Wednesday 20th March. If you have not yet signed up, please do, as it's an integral part of our partnership. It is also an excellent opportunity for you to see their work and to hear exactly how your child is progressing and how you can support them.



Home Learning:


Reading: Please read five times weekly and sign your child's reading records. 


Spelling: Individual spellings were set on Wednesday. The children will be tested on these next Tuesday.


Maths:  CGP Key stage one maths (Blue book)

Pg 28-29- subtracting 


Additional maths resource:  Numbots



Have a lovely weekend,


Miss Devlin :)

Friday, 1st March 2024


The children returned from half term with a spring in their step and were excited to see that their classroom had changed. During this half term, we are trialling a new learning approach supported by lots of research. As a result, our timetable has changed and we have introduced 'discovery time'. During this time, the children explore different challenges around the room. The children have loved this new change and the quality of work they have produced has been amazing!  This change has allowed the children greater independence by choosing which challenge they want to complete first. I have attached the timetable for reference. 


The children thoroughly enjoyed our new doubling topic in maths, and we completed many practical activities to find doubles. In English, we have started our new book 'Mr Postmouse'. The children have been writing descriptive sentences about what they can see in the book. The children have also been role-playing a postal worker. We also received a special personalised message from some postal workers, which the children were thrilled to see!


It is Brilliant Book Week in school next week and many fantastic activities are planned. See the email sent out for more details, but to highlight a few:

Thursday—Dress up as a book character for the Big Book Swap and the Booky Bake Sale! Why not spend a few minutes finding a book you are happy to swap this weekend?

Friday - Parents Library time. From drop off until 9:15 am, please share a book with your child in our classroom. 


Home Learning:


Reading: Please read five times per week. From now on, your children's reading books and records need to be in their bags daily. There are now additional opportunities for the children to read with additional adults during the week, and it is incredibly beneficial for them to read the books they are working on at home. This supports their fluency.


Spelling: Spellings were handed out on Wednesday. The children will be tested next Tuesday.


Maths:  CGP Key stage one Maths (Blue book)

Pg 12- 13- 'How Many?' 


Additional maths resource:  Numbots



Have a lovely weekend,


Miss Devlin :)

Optional additional activity

Friday, 16th February 2024

This week we enjoyed an amazing class trip to Hertfordshire zoo. The children had a wonderful time and were beautifully behaved. We also learnt about Chinese new year and finished off our learning journeys. We loved inviting parents in to see our enrichment project and a chance to explore our classroom. 

Reading assessments have taken place this week. I am  really pleased at the progress of the class.  Thank you for your support in encouraging their reading at home. It makes such a difference. Please continue to read over half-term.

I look forward to seeing you all at Parents Evenings on Tuesday 19th March or Wednesday 20th March. There will be an opportunity to look through your child books and explore our class learning and discovery book.


Home learning:

No spelling and maths homework. Please continue to read and practice the phonics screening checks. 

Additional maths resource:  Numbots

Have a wonderful half-term!


Miss Devlin 

Friday, 9th February 2024



School Trip Monday -Hertfordshire Zoo


We are looking forward to our trip on Monday.  Please bring your child to school for 8.15am to allow for registration.


Please ensure your child is wearing school uniform and has:  

  • A weather appropriate coat and sensible shoes (trainers)  
  • A healthy snack
  • A packed lunch in a rucksack that your child can carry independently – No nuts, sweets or fizzy drinks  
  • Taken a travel sickness tablet before leaving home if required.  

We expect to arrive back in time for the normal end of day collection.



Home Learning:


Reading: Please read five times per week. Your children's reading books and records need to be in their bags daily from now on, please.  There are now additional opportunities for the children to read with additional adults during the week and it is extremely beneficial for them to read the books they are working on at home. This supports their fluency.


Spelling: Spellings were handed out on Wednesday. The children will be tested next Tuesday.


Maths:  CGP Key stage one Maths (Blue book)

Pg 8-9 - Tens and ones


Additional maths resource:  Numbots

Friday 2nd February 2024


This week in Maths we have continued our understanding of numbers to twenty. We also explored finding one more and one less within twenty. In English, we have been further exploring the story of Scardey Squirrel. In PSHE we learnt about the importance of washing our hands and how to do this correctly. The children then created posters to spread awareness, we also explored the importance of patience and not giving up when you are learning a new skill. In Geography, we learnt how to create a survey and explored how the children feel about their playground. 


It is Wellbeing Week next week. We will take part in themed activities each day to learn about the different areas of our well-being. 


Home Learning:


Reading: Please read five times per week. Your children's reading books and records need to be in their bags daily from now on, please.  There are now additional opportunities for the children to read with additional adults during the week and it is extremely beneficial for them to read the books they are working on at home. This supports their fluency.


Spelling: Spellings were handed out on Wednesday. The children will be tested next Tuesday.


Maths:  CGP Key stage one Maths (Blue book)

Pg 16-17- The number line (one more and one less)


Additional maths resource:  Numbots


Numbots Game


Have a lovely weekend.


Miss Devlin :)



Friday 26th January 2024


This week we started a new story 'Scaredy Squirrel' The children loved reading the story. We then read the story 'Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend' the children loved creating ideas of what 'Scaredy' could do to make the perfect friend, they also designed their perfect friend.  In geography, we have been exploring maps and the children created their map of the playground so that if 'Scaredy' came to visit he would know where to go! In maths, we have been understanding the numbers 10,11,12,13,14,15 and 16 this week. We have been building them on tens frames and counting forwards and backwards. The maths homework this week is linked to this learning, your child may need some support with reading the numbers as words. This is something that would be very helpful if you could practice at home. 


We also explored the concept of 'colour your world with kindness' and focused on how we can bring colour into the world. We placed focus on how we can make the right choices to do this. 


Please watch this video with your child and please discuss the importance of kindness with them to further support our work in class. It would be really beneficial to reinforce this learning at home as this is an important stage of development for children at this age. 

Colour your world with kindness


Home Learning:


Reading: Please read five times per week.  

Spelling: New spellings were sent out on Wednesday ahead of the test next Tuesday. 

Maths:  CGP Key stage one Maths (The blue book): Pg 6-7 'One to twenty' 

Additional maths resource:  Numbots

Geography- Creating a map of our playground

Friday 19th January 2024


Home Learning:


Reading: Please read five times per week.  The children are doing an amazing job working through their badges!


Spelling:  Spellings were not sent home on Wednesday as usual, apologies for this I have been off sick the last two days.  Sorry for any inconvenience caused,  I have reduced the amount as they have been sent out later than usual to 4 individual spellings to learn instead of 6 this week.


I have had a few questions about the spelling words being words your child may have had before. This is because these words are words that your child did not retain how to spell when assessed at the end of last term. We will then work through these words again until spelt correctly to help them retain the spellings long-termm. 


Maths:  CGP Key stage one Maths (Blue book)

Pg 64-65- 3D shapes 


Additional maths resource:  Numbots


Numbots Game


Friday 12th January 2024


We have had an amazing first full week back in year one,  the children have worked hard and enjoyed exploring their new learning. We also had a visit from our new school bear whom the children have had the opportunity to name. In science, we continued our learning about sorting animals into categories and what characteristics make them different. In English, we explored the story"Where's My Teddy" and "Voices In The Park". The children enjoyed creating story maps and acting out the story.  In PSHE we started our topic 'Being My Best', we looked at what being healthy looks like and compared healthy foods and foods we should have occasionally. In Maths finished our subtraction topic and started our new topic on 3D shapes. We also recapped our knowledge of 2D shapes. 



Class Trip:

Hertfordshire Zoo- (previously Paradise Wildlife Park)


Monday 12th February 2024 (a letter will be sent shortly with further details). 


Home Learning:


Reading: Please read five times per week.  

Spelling: New spellings were sent out on Wednesday ahead of the test on Tuesday. We will return to the previous schedule for spellings.


Maths:  CGP Key stage one Maths (Blue book)


As mentioned at parents evening earlier in the year we would start official maths homework after Christmas. Your child has been sent home with their new maths book (they are very excited about this). Each week I will notify you of the pages on the blog. One page explains what to do and provides support, the second page has questions to answer. These books will be handed out on a Friday and collected on a Friday giving you a full week to complete. We will be going through the answers together as a whole class so your child must have their book in on a Friday to be able to do this. Please feel free to send it in early if it is finished, there will be a box in the classroom for the children to hand it in. Alternatively please let me know if you are having trouble keeping up with the homework or if you have any questions, I am more than happy to support you in any way. 


Pg 62-63 -Flat 2D shapes 


Additional maths resource:  Numbots


Numbots Game


Have a lovely weekend, 


Miss Devlin :)

Friday, 5th January 2024


Happy New Year and welcome back to you all this week. We hope you have had an amazing time over the Christmas holidays and had a chance to rest and prepare to begin a new term. Over the last two days, we've been thinking about our school rules: Ready, Respectful, Reflective. We've been considering what this looks like in practise and how we can demonstrate these rules around the school. 

We completed our clay self-portraits by painting them from the last half-term.  We have also started to learn about some of our new topics, including our Science topic 'Amazing Animals' and our R.E. topic, which focuses on Judaism. 


Home Learning:


Reading: Reading books that you child has handed in have been changed. All other books will be changed on Monday. So all reading books need to be brought in on Monday even if it is not your child's normal reading day.   

Spelling: Spelling homework will be set on Wednesday.  

Maths resource: Numbots


Have a lovely weekend, 


Miss Devlin :)

Friday 15th December 2023


We have been very busy completing our learning journeys and class projects this week. We have created self-portraits out of clay our Elf on the shelf 'Snowflake' even created his own! We have also been creating Christmas decorations.  On Wednesday, we watched Sleeping Beauty at the Watersmeet Theatre, which was a joy, you may have heard about my starring role! We ended the week with our class party and joined year two for some dancing and games. The children had a wonderful time. 


Next week we will be exploring Christmas in different countries in our family groups and painting our clay portraits. 


I would also like to say a huge thank you for the very kind and generous Christmas card and gift. 


Home Learning:


Reading: Reading books were changed for the last time before Christmas this week. If your child was off and missed their reading day please let us know so we can change them for you.  

Spelling: Spelling homework will return after Christmas due to assessments.  

Maths resource: Numbots


Have a lovely weekend, 


Miss Devlin :)

Christmas crafts

Clay Self Portraits

Friday 8th December 


The children did such an amazing job in the Nativity we are so proud of them all. They have worked incredibly hard and lots of the children overcome huge anxieties to perform and they did an incredible job. We hope you enjoyed the performance as much as we did sharing it with you. 


We have been busy this week with rehearsals exploring our book the Jolly Christmas postman. We have also been exploring the importance of the Christmas story to Christians. In Science, we have been exploring the seasons and predicting and exploring questions. We even used a tally chart to record our data!


Reading assessments have all been completed, new reading levels will be sent home as we change their books. 



Christmas Party:


On Friday we will be joining year 2 for some party games and a celebration. Please contact the class reps if you have any questions about snacks for the party. 


Home learning:


Reading: Reading 5 times per week. 

Spelling: Spelling homework will return after Christmas due to assessments.  

Maths resource: Numbots 


Have a lovely weekend.


Miss Devlin :)

Friday 1st December 2023


Our rehearsals for the Nativity are in full swing and we are so excited for you to see our performance next week. Thank you to those of you who have sent in costumes, please can you ensure any that have not been brought in yet are in for Monday after school. On Tuesday morning we will be having our first dress rehearsal. 


In Maths, we have been exploring number bonds within 10. In R.E. we have been learning more about the Christmas story, what it means to Christians and why it is important to them. In Science, we have been learning about what time of year each season occurs. In Phonics this week we have been recapping the phase 5 sounds that we have been 'unlocking' this half term. I have attached the phase 5 sound mat we have been using in class, this can be used to support reading and writing at home. 


Next week will be our last spelling test this half-term as we will be assessing the children on all spellings to see which spellings they have retained and which they will benefit from further practice. We will also be assessing reading levels therefore your child will not have their reading record signed that they have read with an adult over the next two weeks whilst this is taking place. 


Home learning:


Reading: Reading 5 times per week. 

Spelling: Spelling books were handed out on Wednesday. Please practice the inside spelling list and bring the books in on Tuesday for the test. 

Maths resource: Numbots Well done to the children who have completed the Rusty level on Numbots, keep up the great work!


Have a lovely weekend.


Miss Devlin :)

Friday 24th November 2023


We have begun our rehearsals for 'The BIG Little Nativity' this week and have thoroughly enjoyed acting and singing. We have also begun practising with year two on the stage today which the children were really excited about. 

In Maths we have been learning about fact families, writing number sentences and learning number bonds to 10. In English, we started a new book 'Farmer Duck'. In science, we have been learning about the different seasons and observing changes in our school environment. In R.E. we created a special bedroom for Jesus and explored how special Christians believe he is. 



Please see below for details of the clothing that your child will need for the Nativity. Please bring the following items in a named bag by next Friday 1st December. We have the main parts of the costumes at school. Thank you for your support with this. 


Inn Keepers



Wise People

Long sleeve dark top

Long sleeve dark bottoms

Light coloured long sleeve top

Light coloured bottoms

Alternatively, a white dress or Angel outfit if you have one at home.  

Long sleeve dark top

Long sleeve dark bottoms













Lola- Rose

























Home learning:

Reading: Reading 5 times per week. 

Spelling: Spelling books were handed out on Wednesday. Please practice the spelling list that is inside and bring the books in on Tuesday for the test. 


Maths resource: Numbots Well done to the children who have completed the Rusty level on Numbots, keep up the great work!


Have a lovely weekend.


Miss Devlin :)

Friday 17th November 2023

Year One have been working on their own versions of the story Stanley’s Stick. The children created their own mini books. The children in year four have also been working on their own version of their class story Buiscuit Bear. Year Four came down to year one to share their stories. Both classes listened to both class stories read by the teachers before sharing their own versions. The children buddied up and read their stories to each other. The children really enjoyed sharing their work with children from a different year group.

We also spent focused time this week on one kind word in 'Anti-Bullying Week'.  We also read the book ‘A Wrinkled Heart’ which demonstrates how doing something unkind and then saying sorry still leaves a mark (leaves a wrinkle on the heart). The children explored this in different ways and we explored the differences between being unkind and bullying.  

In maths we have been exploring the part whole model and writing number sentences through addition. 

Home learning:

Reading: Reading 5 times per week. 

Spelling: Spelling books were handed out on Wednesday. Please practice the spelling list that is inside and bring the books in on Tuesday for the test. 


Numbots: Today your child was sent home with their Numbots login and password. This is a great resource to develop your child’s number sense and fluency. 


Have a lovely weekend.


Miss Devlin 


Remembrance 2023

Friday 10th November 2023


Home learning:

Reading: Reading 5 times per week. 

Spelling: Spelling books were handed out on Wednesday. Please practice the spelling list that is inside and bring the books in on Tuesday for the test. 

Have a lovely weekend.


Miss Devlin :)

Brooklands Museum -Cancelled


Unfortunately, we have had to cancel the upcoming trip to the Brooklands Museum. I am hopeful that I will be able to reschedule this trip however, due to a significant amount of outstanding payments towards the toy workshop, we have regrettably had to cancel the next trip. Please if you haven't done so already, can you make payment for the toy workshop ASAP. If you are unable to make payment please let Mrs Palmer know. 

Missed Parent Consultation 


If you were unable to attend the parent consultations a communication from Mrs Parlmer will be sent to you shortly. We will run these sessions during the KS2 parent consultation on Wednesday 22nd November. 



Friday 21st October 2023


What a fantastic Half-Term it has been! It was great to have the opportunity to talk to so many of you this week at the parent consultations. Thank you for making the time to meet with me and discuss your child's progress. If you were unable to make it, please contact the office to arrange a meeting after Half -Term. 


Home Learning:

 Please continue to read regularly - Reading Records will be checked and signed on the first Friday back. Spelling books were sent home today in your child's bag. The test will be held on Tuesday 31st October. 


Christmas cards:

 Your child's Christmas card design was sent home in their bag today please see below for information about purchasing them. Please return them back to school after the Half- Term. 


Have a great Half-Term!


Miss Devlin :)

The London Marathon 2024


I will be running the London Marathon 2024 for the charity Cardiomyopathy UK. I would really appreciate if you could take the time to read and support my donations page.

Thank you.


Miss Devlin 

Friday 13th October


This week we took every opportunity to take our Maths lessons outside, for example, we explored finding one less than a number with sticks and leaves. In English, we enjoyed writing a letter in the character role of Mr Big. The children were able to show off all of their learning in this piece of work. We took part in the ExploreRE workshop to introduce to the children some of the activities they will be able to take part in next week. For show and tell this week we have a special visitor called Toby the Tortoise! Eliza's mum brought in Eliza's special pet to share with us, the children loved this surprise. In celebration of Black History Month, we have started our study of Vanessa Nakate a Climate activist. We have started to learn about the action she took to make a change and have discussed climate change and what it means. 



Due to unforeseen circumstances, the library was closed. As we have a very busy week next week we will not be able to go to the Library until our usual slot on Friday.  Apologies for any inconvenience caused.





I have still not received all the baby, toddler and now photos.  I would really appreciate the photos to support our history project being handed in by Tuesday 16th October. Please see last week's post for further details. Many thanks. 


Parents consultations

On Tuesday and Wednesday - I look forward to meeting with you all, at our KS1 parents consultations. The focus will be on how well your child has settled into Year 1 and we will give you simple targets to support their next steps in learning.  If you have not yet signed up for a slot, there are still times available. This is a valuable time to discuss your child's progress. If you have questions or concerns, please bring these ready.


Home learning:

Reading: Reading 5 times per week. 

Spelling: Spelling books were handed out on Wednesday. Please practice the spelling list that is inside and bring the books in on Tuesday for the test. 


Thank you so much for your support with homework.  It is really making a difference and is supporting your child in class work. 

Have a lovely weekend,


Miss Devlin :)

Friday 6th October 2023 


Another week has flown by in year one filled with lots of learning and fun. The children have enjoyed starting some new topics such as our ‘This is Me’ learning journey in art. The children studied different artists that specialised in self-portraits. They were then set the task of drawing their own self portrait. In English we continued our study of the book Mr Big, this week we created story maps and the children retold the story. In Maths we have been counting on from any number within ten and recognising numbers as words. In science we have been exploring materials and sorting them using a Venn diagram.  In PSHE we recalled what makes a good listener and how we can make sure we are listening to others. We also read the story ‘Flamingo was mean’ and discussed why it is so important to be kind to our friends.




To support our learning in History please could your child bring in three printed photos of themselves. The first photo needs to be of them as a baby the second as a toddler and then a more recent photo. 

If you have any trouble with printing then please let me know and I will support with this.
The photos are needed by Monday 16th October. Please bring them in before this date if possible.


Please could someone put this information onto the class WhatsApp group also. Thank you in advance.

Own Clothes Day


On Friday 13th there will be an own clothes day. This is to raise money for our exciting ExploRE week that is happening the following week. More information about this will be released nearer the time.


Home learning:

Reading: Reading 5 times per week. 

Spelling: Spelling books were handed out on Wednesday. Please practice the spellings inside and bring the books in on Tuesday for the test.

Have a lovely weekend,


Miss Devlin :)


Friday 29th September 2023


Another busy week in Year One, this week we started a new book in English called Mr Big. The children have enjoyed reading the story and exploring Mr Big's feelings. In science, we have started our topic ‘Marvellous Materials’. In R.E. we had a visitor come in to host a workshop about creation. In maths, we focused on numbers to 10 ordering and sorting. 


Terrific Toys! 

On Thursday Year One took part in a History off The Page Toy workshop. The children had an incredible time. In the morning they were taken through a museum experience and explored a range of different old toys. The children had to explore how they worked and what was different about them to modern toys. The children then enquired and answered challenge questions as they moved around the museum. After the break they became archaeologists! They explored how we can find out about the past through searching underground. The children then explored different materials and were challenged to sort the materials into groups. The final section of the day involved making their own toys! The children really enjoyed making their own versions of toys from the past we had experienced in the morning. This practical hands-on learning experience was great, the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and learned so much.  A huge thanks to the parent's helpers again for your support. 


Our Harvest Festival service is on Wednesday so please drop off your child, at St Mary's Church, at 8:45/8:50 am ready for our 9 am service. If you can stay and walk back to school with us, that would be really appreciated. 


Home learning:

Reading: Reading 5 times per week. 

Spelling: Spelling books were handed out on Wednesday. Please practice the spellings inside and bring the books in on Tuesday for the test.


 Friday’s group books were changed and the children were read with but unfortunately, I found the pile that I forgot to hand out after the children had left. We will ensure that this will not affect your child getting their stamp next week.



Library books need to be brought in on Fridays for your child to be able to change their book. Unfortunately, we do not have time in our timetable to go another day. There were a lot of children upset today that they couldn’t bring a new book home as they had not returned last week's book. I appreciate there is a lot to remember each week, so please leave the library book in your child’s bag for ease (if it fits) so it is there for Friday.



Friday 22nd September 2023


Another fantastic week in year one, the children have now really settled into their new classroom and routines. We have had a great week finishing our study of the book ‘Plenty of Love to go Round’ the children loved finding out what happened at the end of the story after lots of predictions! In maths we focused on sorting objects into different groups and counting objects using different techniques. In PSHCE we learnt about the importance of classroom rules. We discussed how they help us to learn and keep us safe. In music we started out topic on super heroes and we’re introduced to pitch. In computing the children were practicing logging on. If you are able to provide your child with access to a computer with parental supervision. It would be great if they could practice typing their name on a keyboard to support our computing lessons. In P.E we further developed our knowledge on running and jumping techniques.



Home learning: 

Please read 5 times each week with your child and sign the Reading Record book. 

The class Spelling assessments have been completed and spellings will begin being part of homework from next week. 

Six spellings will be sent home every Wednesday, the first time being the 27th September. Please support your child to learn their personalised spellings. They will then be tested on the following Tuesday. The first test being the 3rd October.

If they spell a word wrong in the test they will keep that spelling for the following week. If they are spelling a word they previously got right for spellings wrong in their work they will get that word back in their spellings. The spelling book they are tested in will come home so you can see how they have done each week. Please do not practice in this book. 
Please let me know if you have any questions.


Have a lovely weekend,


Miss Devlin

Terrific Toys!


To complement our study of toys in our history topic ‘Terrific Toys’ and our science topic ‘Marvellous Materials’, I have invited History Off the Page to provide a ‘History of Toys Day' in school. The session will take place on Thursday 28th September 2023.


History Off the Page is a company which provides immersive and practical History, Science and Literature workshops to schools. The workshop, which will take place in the school during regular school hours, will allow the children to explore toys in an investigative way. On the day, your child will explore how toys have developed and changed over time, including the materials they are made of and how they are used. Based on what they learn, they will then make simple toys of their own. We will be keeping the toys the children make for a showcase later; following this, the children may take home and keep the items they have created.


We require a number of adult helpers during the day, and we welcome your participation. If you are able to attend, please indicate your availability on the school gateway (when this has been made available) or please email to let Mrs Palmer know. 


Many thanks,


Miss Devlin




Book changing day






Show and tell


Friday 22nd September

Friday 29th September

Friday 6th October

Friday 13th October

Friday 20th October

Rules for show and tell

  • Something your child has made e.g. a picture or model.
  • Something your child has achieved such as a certificate from swimming.
  • Sharing of somewhere interesting they visited like a museum.
  •  Sharing about a hobby outside of school for example dancing, acting or football.
  • No toys please.

Friday 15th September 2023



In year one this week we have explored the book "The Truth About My Unbelievable Summer". The children loved exploring the different imaginative ideas in the story and then created their own story map in response to the book.  We have also been focusing on ordering numbers 1- 10 in maths with the children completing a range of activities to support their knowledge. We have also been working on improving pencil grip and scissors skills. Year one also enjoyed their first computing lesson where they learnt how to log on to a Chrome book by themselves. In P.E. we started our new topic locomotion focussing on running and jumping. The children enjoyed playing games that helped develop these skills and then participated in some team races. 


Home learning: 

Please read 5 times each week with your child and sign the Reading Record book. They will receive a stamp when they have read five times as part of the reading challenge. At different points of the challenge, they will receive special reading badges. 


Over the next two weeks, we will be conducting spelling assessments to allow for personal spelling lists to be sent home each week. More information will follow once these assessments have been completed. 


Have a lovely weekend. 


Miss Devlin :)

Friday 8th September 2023


Settling into Year 1


Thank you for preparing the children so well for their return to school. It has been lovely hearing about all the fun they have had during the summer!  The children have had a great short week they have settled quickly into their new classroom and have enjoyed their new routine.  We have had an exciting start to the term with lots of crafts, storytelling and exploring the classroom. We have started our phonics lessons and have been working on handwriting and letter formation. We have also created our own class prayer.


The children have enjoyed getting used to year one and their new routine. We also enjoyed a fabulous afternoon with their family groups working on a range of activities from scavenger hunts to painting. 



P.E Days:




P.E. days will be on Wednesday and Thursday every week starting from next week. Please bring your child to school dressed in their P.E. uniform. 


Reading books:

All new reading books were sent home on Wednesday. Please can you bring your child's book on their book-changing day, it has stayed the same as it was in Reception and is also written on their reading records. I will be reading these books with your child on their day next week so it is really important they are brought in even if they have not been read five times as it has been a short week. It is also helpful if they are always left in their bags if possible. 


Home learning:

Reading is the homework set for this week. I will be introducing spelling as of next week. When additional homework is set I will inform you on the blog. 


I look forward to building a partnership with you to support your child on their journey this year.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the office or catch me in person on the playground. 


Have a lovely weekend,


Miss Devlin :)




Birthday books already donated


Stick Man x2



A Dress With Pockets

Chocolate Cake

The Bear That Stared

The Dragon With The Blazing Bottom

Tiger Lily


Isadora Moon- book series 

The Worst Princess

The Dragon With The Blazing Bottom

The Dinosaur Department Store 

The Princess And The Wizard 

Phonics screening check resources
