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St Mary's Rickmansworth Church of England Primary School Aspiring, nurturing, flourishing; together shining a light

Year 5

Year Five Class Page

The latest news, home learning, learning and events will be posted on this page.

Friday 31st January

Even though the weather has been pretty dismal, we have not let that slow down our learning!


ENGLISH: We have just about come to the end of the shared writing section. The children have worked hard to complete, edit and even redraft their pieces of work. Next week, they will embark upon their own fully independent setting descriptions. Planning, writing and publishing all their own ideas whilst using the toolkit!


Can you spot any of our writing toolkit in any books you are currently reading?



MATHS: We have moved onto short division. The children are showing that they can divide up to 4 digit by 1 digits in a formal written method. I am very proud of everyone using strategies to help them with their learning.


SCIENCE: In our lessons this week, we have looked at reversible and irreversible changes. The children recognise that when we combine different substances together, a reaction may happen and that it can be easy to separate the substances again. 







Writing workshop for Year 5 - 27th February 9am - 10am.

During this interactive session, you’ll take part in a lesson alongside your child, exploring how we craft writing using our Writing Toolkit and Model Texts. It’s a fantastic opportunity to gain insight into how we teach writing at St Mary’s while enjoying some creative time together.



Have a lovely restful weekend!

Miss Preston


Friday 24th January

What a busy and productive week we have had in year 5. 


ENGLISH: I have been extremely proud of how incredibly imaginative everyone has been with their writing. We have been working hard to use all the parts of out toolkit. Here are some great examples from some children's work:


'Laid before me'

'I was at a fork'

'My fingers brushed along the books'


Can you spot any of our writing toolkit in any books you are currently reading?



MATHS: We have continued with our written formal multiplication. Now we have moved onto multiplying 4x2 digit numbers together using a variety of methods!


PE: Year 5 have been working hard to communication and team work. For our unit of OAA, the children needed to work together to problem solve 'the human knot'. Each of the groups took a different strategy but they could all agree that calmly communicating was the best strategy!









Have a lovely restful weekend!

Miss Preston


Friday 17th January


We have had another brilliant and busy week in Year 5. We have begun to explore our key word of 'trust' and it has been lovely to hear how well the children's understanding of this word is. 


ENGLISH: We have had a brief go at writing a setting description before we embark on all the different parts of the toolkit and it has been impressive to see so many children already having a go at the different features in their writing.


Can you spot any of our writing toolkit in any books you are currently reading?



MATHS: We have been working hard at 2x2 digit multiplication. We have learned how to solve calculations using the following methods: area, expanded form, written formal multiplication.


SCIENCE: Year 5 have begun to explore changes in materials. We tested different substances to see whether they were soluble. We would be able to recognise this by how well the substance dissolved in water and if the water went clear.






 Well done Year 5 on winning the highest attendance for the week!



Have a lovely restful weekend!

Miss Preston


Friday 10th January


Welcome back! I hope that everyone has had a restful and lovely holiday period. Even though the children have only been in for a few days this week, we have already covered so much! 


ENGLISH: We have begun our new unit which is writing a setting narrative. We have looked at our model text and begun to develop vocabulary around settings and the importance of synonyms in emphasising a description.


MATHS: We have been revising how to structure multiplication of a 4 digit by 1 digit number and will next week move onto multiplying by a 2 digit number.


MUSIC: Year 5 has been extremely musical and begun our new topic of the ukulele! I was thoroughly impressed with the resilience from all pupils and we know how to turn the tuning pegs to tune the instrument and even how to play the chord of C!


PE: Our new unit is communication and tactics. We worked in groups to complete team noughts and crosses and had to discuss the strategies needed to be as effective as possible.





Have a lovely restful weekend!

Miss Preston


Friday 20th December


What a fabulous end to an incredible half term, and end of Autumn 1! From the exceptional behaviour at the pantomime, the incredible resilience at the carol service and still maintaining focus in lessons, I am an incredibly proud teacher. We have worked hard to try and finish our automata this week and I can see that so many children have developed their skills in measuring and cutting accurately. This week we have been concluding our learning journeys as well as reflecting on our key question 'how can we share our planet.'


PE, Computing and Spanish - Mrs Bennett

PE - Gymnastics: Vault: This half-term in PE, we learnt how to perform a vault. The children practised techniques for running, jumping, and landing safely, with an emphasis on maintaining good posture and control during the vault. We also worked on building strength and confidence to improve their speed and accuracy when executing the vault. By the end of the half term, the class showed significant improvement in their ability to perform the vault. Some children moved on to practise a 'squat through' move!

Computing - Vector Drawings: In Computing, we explored the world of vector drawings! We learned how to use digital tools to create shapes and designs using lines, curves, and colours. The focus was on creating clear and precise graphics, learning how to manipulate shapes, adjust line thickness, and fill areas with colour. The children created fantastic vector drawings as their final project. 

Spanish - Sharing Personal Information, Months, and Dates: In Spanish, we practised sharing personal information - sharing their name, age, and where they live. They also learned how to talk about the months and dates of the year, practising how to ask and answer questions related to the calendar, such as "¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?" (When is your birthday?) Additionally, we practised asking and answering questions in the third person, helping them to extend their conversations beyond themselves. 




I would like to thank everyone for the cards and the gifts this week. The generosity has been incredible and I feel very lucky. I wish everyone a restful holiday period no matter how you spend it and look forward to seeing everyone refreshed in the new year.


Miss Preston


Friday 13th December


The penultimate week has come to an end! We have been incredibly busy working hard on our DT automata mechanisms. The children have shown exceptional problem solving skills and great independence with their cutting and gluing. 


In Maths, we have been practising adding and subtracting fraction using both pictorial methods and using our knowledge of factors and multiples to find equivalents as a strategy.


The children have just begun publishing their non-chronological reports. They have a choice on how they represent their information whether that is in booklet, leaflet or poster form in their books. It has been great to see children using their English books as a resources to help support their writing.


Home Learning


Please practise all the previous weeks' spellings and spelling rules!


Please practise your lines for the carol service!




- Please bring in any missing parts for the costumes.

- The KS2 Carol Service is on Wednesday evening. Please arrive at church in smart uniform at 5.45pm, ready for a 6pm start. 

- It is the final week of term next week. School finishes at 1.10pm on Friday. 


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend!

Miss Preston


Friday 6th December


With just a few weeks until the end of term, we still have so much we are doing in Year 5! This week we have tested the conductivity of different materials and recorded our results. We have also begun construction of our automata toys. The children have demonstrated they can safely use hacksaws and bench hooks to chop their dowels. Next week, we will be chopping the frames and preparing the backgrounds!


Please continue to support your children in learning their lines for the Carol Services. Over the next week, we will discuss what outfits will be needed. 


Home Learning


Please practise the following spellings in preparation for next week's test.





Wishing everyone a lovely weekend!

Miss Preston


Friday 29th November


Year 5 are very excited for the Carol Service this year. We have all been allocated our parts for the readings and are beginning to learn our lines and practise the drama alongside. Please encourage your children to practise at home so they can confidently know their lines and roles off by heart.


We thoroughly enjoyed testing the absorbency of different materials in Science this week and concluded that paper is definitely not successful at being absorbent! 


In Geography, we have begun to explore the importance of coral reefs and understanding that they are vital to the human race. 


Home Learning


Please practise the following spellings in preparation for next week's test.





Wishing everyone a lovely weekend!

Miss Preston


Friday 22nd November


What a fabulous week! I cannot believe that we already heading towards the end of November. We have been working incredibly hard across all our subjects but it has been amazing to see the progress in English. We have been exploring how we can expand our writing by using a variety of sentence structures including relative clauses. 


I was incredibly proud of EVERYONE's determination to take part in the fun run this week. It was tough competition but everyone gave it their all. We may not have won the overall fastest place but I can definitely say that we had the best song to cheer ourselves on and the best team who supported each other.  


Home Learning


Please practise the following spellings in preparation for next week's test.




- Parent consultations are next week. I look forward to discussing your child's academic progress!


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend!

Miss Preston


Friday 15th November


We have had another busy week in Year 5! On Tuesday, we had an amazing assembly where we had Soundbox come and demonstrate different instruments. I really hope everyone is inspired to take up an instrument (or two!).


It was great to see almost everyone wearing their odd socks on Tuesday to show support for anti-bullying week. We looked at the acronym STOP and discussed ways we could support each other if we saw bullying happening. 


Home Learning


Please practise the following spellings in preparation for next week's test.





- Raffle tickets for the Christmas Fair will be going home with children on Monday! Apologies for not having them out today.

- Please begin to sign up for the parent consultations on 26th and 27th November


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend!

Miss Preston


Friday 8th November


Throughout our first week back, we have been getting excited about all the new topics we will be learning! We have begun to think about what our automata toy in DT will look like considering a design brief. We have begun to look at the importance of oceans in the world and where they are located. We are starting to consider what properties different items may have and how we can classify them.


Home Learning


Please practise the following spellings in preparation for next week's test.






Monday 11th November - Scouting uniform for Remembrance Day

Tuesday 12th November - Odd Socks Day for Anti-Bullying week


Please begin to sign up for the parent consultations on 26th and 27th November



Wishing everyone a lovely weekend!

Miss Preston


Friday 25th October


What an incredible first half term for year 5! I am incredibly proud of every single person and how much progress has been made. It has been lovely to see everyone grow and I cannot wait to see what next half term holds. 


Even though we have come to the end of the final week for Autumn 1, we have covered so much! We have recognised in PSHE how important it is to consider how our words can be misinterpreted online and that we should ways demonstrate respectful and responsible behaviour online.

In English, I have been thoroughly impressed with the independence shown in our latest piece of sustained work. The determination to complete the narratives and edit them to a high standard has been wonderful.


Home Learning


Please practise the following spellings. These are all words from the statutory spelling list that have been covered over this half. As they have already been covered, they will not be allocated on Doodle Spell but posted here to view. Please continue to access Doodle English and Doodle Maths additionally over the half term.




Wishing everyone a well deserved, restful half term!

Miss Preston


Friday 18th October


We have been completing our narratives this week. It has been fantastic to see all of Year 5 really considering the structure of their work and attempting to apply all they have learned about the toolkit into their work. The progress has been amazing.


In maths, we have moved onto our multiplication and division unit. This unit requires a lot of practise around times tables so please make sure they are working on these at home. 

In our PE session this week, we began performing our routines which represented an 'opening ceremony' at an Olympics. I have been thoroughly impressed with everyone's team work and attention to detail in moving in time to the music. 


Home Learning


Please remember to spend 10 minutes every day on Doodle English and Maths as well as practising the spellings. The work really helps children focus on any gaps in their learning. 




Wishing everyone a lovely, restful weekend!

Miss Preston


Friday 11th October


What a fabulous week! In Year 5 we became performers! What an incredible trip we had on Wednesday. The workshop taught us all different warm up techniques, how to move our bodies like an actor and how to perform with expression and confidence. I am proud of everyone for stepping out of their comfort zone and working hard to find their confidence. We were absolutely blown away by the production itself. Here is some feedback from some of the students:


'Dramatic. Funny. Cool'


'It was a great school trip and it was really fun. I had a great time.'


'It was the best school trip ever - we got to go into central London and watch an amazing theatre show!'


'I was speechless afterwards and loved he songs. It was a 5* experience.'


'Shockingly good. 5* from me!'

In music, we are learning about musical theatre and working towards performing a 'character song'. The children will begin to write their own short sections of script to accompany this and perform it to others in class. I am sure everyone will be inspired by the Matilda trip. 


Home Learning


Please remember to spend 10 minutes every day on Doodle English and Maths as well as practising the spellings. The work really helps children focus on any gaps in their learning. 



Wishing everyone a lovely, restful weekend!

Miss Preston


Friday 4th October


I have been thoroughly impressed with everyone's progress this week in learning. All of Year 5 are really trying hard to apply all of the different skills from the writing toolkit into their longer pieces of work and it has been lovely to see everyone's independence grow further. 

We took part in the Harvest celebration at the church on Wednesday. Well done to everyone for singing proudly and loudly. Especially well done to our Ethos council who spoke a passage in front of everyone! 


Home Learning


Keep practising those spellings. It has been great to see everyone's improvement in lessons!



Wednesday 9th October - Matilda trip


Wishing everyone a lovely, restful weekend!

Miss Preston


Friday 27th September


What a fabulous week with so much learning covered! I have been especially impressed by everyone working hard both independently and collaboratively. In Science, we have begun creating parachutes - ready to experience and experiment with air resistance! We are certainly a class of musical talent. Year 5 have begun to find confidence in their singing and performance abilities and understand how to perform a character song in our Music lessons.


Home Learning


Keep an eye out for different assignments as well as the spellings on Doodle Spell. 




Wednesday 2nd October - Harvest Festival


Wishing everyone a lovely, restful weekend!

Miss Preston


Friday 20th September


We are certainly getting into all of our subjects. It has been lovely to see everyone's personalities coming through and everyone has been really impressing me with their knowledge and determination in all subjects. We have been working super hard on publishing our English work based around 'The Listeners' and are now beginning on our new fiction unit. We have really been exploring what happens in our model text and are able to retell the whole story without the need for words!


Home Learning


Please encourage your children to keep on top of their Doodle Learning. It only needs to be for a short amount of time each day. The spellings, again, are assigned on Doodle Learning but I have also uploaded them here.





Thank you to those who attended the Meet the Teacher. It was lovely to meet you all. Please check your emails for the pdf versions of the slides, timetable and maths knowledge mat.


Wishing everyone a lovely, restful weekend!

Miss Preston


Friday 13th September


What a fabulous first full week in Year Five! We have been very busy delving into our lessons this week and beginning all our new topics. It has been lovely to see everyone really developing a positive and enthusiastic approach to learning.  We have been scientists! We measured how many newtons of force were needed to move objects and make them 'unbalanced'. In Art, we have begun to look at Anglo-Saxon crosses and understand the symbolism behind them. Collaboration has been our focus in PSHE - we worked together to not let the balloon hit the floor! 


Home Learning


Mrs Maxwell is sending out a letter detailing the homework arrangements for Year 5, most of which is to be completed on Doodle Learning. 


  • Doodle learning Complete as much as possible in Doodle Maths, Doodle English and Doodle Spell - stay in the green zone!
  • ReadingAt least five times during the week (3 x outloud to an adult) and getting the reading record signed to show this. All children have a school reading book and reading record. 
  • Spelling - Please check Doodle Spell for the words you need to practise




The Year 5 Meet the Teacher meeting will take place on Thursday 19th September - 09:00. The presentation will be shared on the website for any parents who are unable to make the meeting. 



Wishing everyone a lovely, restful weekend!

Miss Preston


Friday 6th September

Wishing you all a warm welcome back. It has been lovely getting to know Year 5 this week. They have been fantastic and made me feel very welcome!

This week, we have been finding out about our school vision, had an afternoon in our Family groups, written our class prayer and started our poetry and Maths topics.


The Year 5 Meet the Teacher meeting will take place on Thursday 19th September - 09:00. 


Home learning will begin next Friday. In the meantime, Mrs Maxwell has challenged them to earn some stars by completing some learning on Doodle Learning. The Reading Records along with reading books will be handed out on Monday. 


Next week we will start the following topics across the curriculum:

Science - Forces, air and gravity

Art - Anglo Saxon symbolism

PSHE - Me and My Relationships

Music - Musical Theatre

History - How hard was it to invade and settle?

RE - What does it mean if God is holy and loving?


Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Miss Preston
