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St Mary's Rickmansworth Church of England Primary School Aspiring, nurturing, flourishing; together shining a light

Year 5

12th July 2024


As we get closer to the end of the year, we are having busy weeks in year 5. The children have had an exciting week, visiting St. Mary's Church and having their transition day. 


Disclaimer: Today (Friday the 12th) the children participated in a PSHE lesson with the following learning objectives: 

  • Identify some products that they may need during puberty and why;
  • Know what menstruation is and why it happens.
  • Know the correct words for the external sexual organs;
  • Discuss some of the myths associated with puberty.


Next week

Soft start on Monday morning. 

Year 6 production on Monday evening, 

Mini police assembly for parents Monday morning.

In English, we will start writing our own version of the story ‘The Old Mill’.  

In maths, we will finish converting units and start volume. 

On Wednesday, Y5 will be cooking at school. 

Last day of school on Friday, 13:10.

Leavers Church service at 09:00 on Friday.


Home Learning

Maths Atom Learning (volume) 

English: Please learn the story 'The Old Mill' by heart and practice storytelling it.

Reading: Read at least 5 times.


Have a great weekend and enjoy the football!


Kind regards, 

Miss Molinos


The Old Mill


Stealthily, Jo crept down the stairs, dodging the fourth step in case it creaked. At the bottom she paused, but all that she could hear was a silence that filled the house with sleep. The cat wound its way round her legs, begging to be let out.


Twenty minutes later, she entered Deadman’s Forest. Tall trees towered overhead and daylight filtered through the branches, casting ebony shadows. It wasn’t long before she came to the ruins of the old mill. The pond glittered in the sunlight. A few bees buzzed busily.


 Jo sat down under the trees and watched as the dragonflies flitted across the surface of the mill pond. It was here that she had first seen the unicorn. All morning she waited, till in the end her eyes closed and she slept, dreaming of crystal towers and goblins. Later, she woke with a start. The sun had slipped behind the trees, casting charred shadows across the water’s oily surface.


A cold breeze whispered through the reeds. Jo shuddered. A twig broke, leaves rustled, and something moved towards her! What was it?


Cautiously, Jo stared into the darkness between the trees where her imagination warned her that anything could exist. A vague silhouette darted! Again, Jo shivered but not from the cold for, at that moment, she heard a sudden hiss and a red eye flickered. Jo gasped.


With her dreams of unicorns left behind, Jo ran. Branches whipped at her face and brambles tore at her feet. She was sure that she could hear something behind her, feet thudding through the undergrowth. Something breathing …


It was only when she reached the road beyond the tree line that she stopped. She stood, listening but only her heart thudded. The trees were quite still. Nothing. Silence. It was as if the forest had swallowed its secret.

5th July 2024


Year 5 had a fantastic time canoeing and at sports day. In English, we have continued to learn the story of the Old Mill, and have started to look at some features of suspense and mystery writing. In maths, we have been finished our unit on position and direction and have moved on to converting units. 


Next week

Mini police assembly for parents.

Transition day on Thursday.

In English, we will continue learning our mystery story ‘The Old Mill’.  

In maths, we will continue to convert units.


Home Learning

Maths: Maths CGP book- metric units (page 52 and 53).

English: Grammar, punctuation and spelling CGP book - question marks (page 37). Please ensure you practice the story ‘The Old Mill’ and learn it by heart.

Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day. 

Spelling:  no spellings


Have a great weekend!

The Old Mill


Stealthily, Jo crept down the stairs, dodging the fourth step in case it creaked. At the bottom she paused, but all that she could hear was a silence that filled the house with sleep. The cat wound its way round her legs, begging to be let out.


Twenty minutes later, she entered Deadman’s Forest. Tall trees towered overhead and daylight filtered through the branches, casting ebony shadows. It wasn’t long before she came to the ruins of the old mill. The pond glittered in the sunlight. A few bees buzzed busily.


 Jo sat down under the trees and watched as the dragonflies flitted across the surface of the mill pond. It was here that she had first seen the unicorn. All morning she waited, till in the end her eyes closed and she slept, dreaming of crystal towers and goblins. Later, she woke with a start. The sun had slipped behind the trees, casting charred shadows across the water’s oily surface.

28th June 2024


Year 5 had a fantastic time on their trip to Cassiobury farm. We saw many adorable and unique animals like dingoes, laughing kookaburras and we even got to feed some goats We then used this trip as an inspiration for our Science weeek project where we created our own zoos on Google Sketchup. In English, we have continued to learn the story of the Old Mill, and have started to look at some features of suspense and mystery writing. In maths, we have been translating coordinates.



Next week

Canoeing trip on Monday.

KS2 sports afternoon on Thursday.

In English, we will continue learning our mystery story ‘The Old Mill’.  

In maths, we will learn about reflection and complete our unit on position and direction. We will start our new unit ‘Converting units’ were we will be converting kilograms/ kilometres and millimetres/millilitres.


Home Learning

Maths: Maths CGP book- translation (page 76 and 77)

English: Mystery and Suspense reading comprehension (given to the children).

              Please continue to rehearse our English story which is attached above. We have been retelling the story in class using actions.

Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day. 

Spelling: debt, knife, lamb, adorable, enjoyable, admirable, horrible, likeable, terrible, physically


Preteaching videos






Reflection questions:


Converting units:





Suspenseful fronted adverbials (spin the wheel and write a sentence using the fronted adverbial),the%20shadows%2C%2C%20Cautiously%2C


Atom learning is optional. 


Have a great weekend, 

Miss Molinos

21st June 2024 


We have started some new topics this week and have been really enjoying the weather in Year 5. We even had the opportunity to spend some time under the sunshine in the Secret Garden and read a story together. In geography, we have started our learning unit on ‘Trade’ and in PSHE we have started our new unit ‘growing and changing’ where we talked about feelings.


Next week

Science week.

School trip on Monday to Cassiobury Farm.

In English, we will continue learning our mystery story ‘The Old Mill’.  

In maths, we will continue learning about coordinates and position on a grid, including translation and lines of symmetry.


Home Learning

Maths: Maths CGP book- regular and irregular polygons (review of learning from last week), page 72 and 73.

English: Grammar, punctuation and spelling- nouns, page 4.  

              Please look at the start of our English story attached. We have been retelling the story in class using actions. Please ask children to retell the story at home in order to practice it and learn it off by heart. Children should use the drawings to guide them and support them in remembering, but not the text. Children should also do the actions as they are retelling the story. 

Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day. 

Spelling: -ly words, comfortably, responsibly, horribly, considerably, adorably, reliably, legibly, remarkably.

No preteaching. 

14th June 2024

We have been learning a lot this week. We have finished our unit on shapes in math, have finished Macbeth and have dissected an egg to look at all its different parts! I have also attached some other moments from our science learning this week.


Next week

P.E. on Monday and Friday.

Preteaching on Monday. Please bring headphones. 

In English, we will learning a new mystery and suspense story called ‘The Old Mill’.  

In maths, we will take a learning test and start learning about position and direction (coordinates).


Home Learning

Maths: In preparation for our maths tests this week, please complete the CGP Maths Progress Test 1 page 27-30.

English: Please log onto Atom Learning to read ‘A Peculiar Pest’ which is a mystery and suspense story. There are 5 questions to answer.

Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day. 

Spelling: No spelling this week.




Preteaching videos


Maths:  Coordinates


Alien coordinates


English:  Scaring your reader


Have a great weekend! 

Miss Molinos


Update: Dear all, this week we will be focusing on the work of Jane Goodall. We would greatly appreciate it if you could find out some facts and information at home through a little research to complement our classroom work. Thank you! 


7th June 2024


I hope you have all had a marvellous half-term. The children have come back very focused and with a great attitude to learning! In maths we have been measuring and drawing angles using a protractor, in English we have finished reading Macbeth and we are writing using different sentence structures.



Next week

P.E. on Monday and Friday.

Preteaching on Monday. Please bring headphones. 

In English, we will plan and write our own retelling of ‘Macbeth’ and finish the unit.

In maths, we will continue learning about angles and start learning about shapes (regular, irregular and 3-D).



Home Learning

Maths: CGP Maths (Angles, page 66 and 67).

English: Word types (sheet given out to children).

Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day. 

Spelling: -ous suffix Dangerous, jealous, enormous, poisonous, mountainous, tremendous, famous, nervous, fabulous


In maths we have been playing some very fun games. Log in at home to give them a go!

Alien angles:

Estimating angles:


Optional: Atom Learning  



Preteaching videos



Calculate angles around a point:

Angles in triangles:


Irregular and regular polygons game:


English: (Macbeth film- 25 minutes)

Spot the subordinate clause:

Main clause or subordinate clause:



Have a great weekend! 

Miss Molinos


Friday 24th May 

It's half-term! Congratulations to everyone for their hard work, it is now time to enjoy the sunshine and relax. 

This week we completed our maths test on statistics (line graphs and tables). In English, we wrote a newspaper in the style of 'celebrity gossips' about Macbeth's banquet and learnt how to use dashes for parenthesis. We got stuck in during art week and focussed on drawings, digital art and clay work. 


There will be no homework in the CGP books or spelling during this week. However, please carry on reading and playing on Timestables Rockstars. Additionally, we also encourage you to try out Atom Learning and watch the pre-teaching videos. 


Maths: Angles (

English: Dashes and parenthesis (


Have a great half-term! 

Miss Molinos 

Friday, 17th May

This week in year five we have continued our work on Macbeth. We thought about how Macbeth would be feeling now he is responsible for two murders. We 'hotseated' Macbeth and the children thought of some interesting questions for Macbeth to answer. In Math's we have be reading and interpreting graphs and tables, which has led to some quite competitive working outs! In D.T we are continuing to plan our Autonoma Animals, thinking of which cams will make our animals move in the way we have designed. 


Next week.

P.E on Monday and Friday.

Preteaching on Monday. Please bring headphones. 

Art Week - please remember to bring in an art shirt or apron.  On Wednesday we have visiting artist Clare Somerville-Perkins joining us for a print making workshop.  Afterschool the children’s artwork will be displayed in the hall for you to come and see. 


Home Learning

Maths: CGP (page 82 and 83)

English: CGP (SPAG page 13)


Could we also request that if you have any small boxes (quite strong card) kitchen roll or toilet roll tubes you send them in for our D.T project.


Have a great weekend!

Mrs Budd

Pre-teaching in the classroom

This week we went litter picking, had a murder in the classroom (King Duncan was killed by Macbeth and we got to analyse the crime scene!), interviewed Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to write a police report and finished our maths unit on perimeter and area. All the children worked really hard! 



Next week

P.E. on Monday and Friday.

Preteaching on Monday. Please bring headphones. 

In English, we will continue reading ‘Macbeth’. We will focus on relative clauses, characterisation and performing.

In maths, we will start our unit on statistics (line graphs and tables). 



Home Learning

Maths: CGP Maths (area, page 58 and 59).

English: CGP Comprehension (Video Gaming Grandma, page 20)

Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day. 

Spelling: (-able words) admiration admirable adorable application applicable consideration considerable vegetable

R.E.: Research the 5 pillars of Islam. You can also look at the preteaching video below.

Optional: Atom Learning  


Above you may find have attached some photos of preteaching this week. Please continue to watch these videos at home during the weekend and complete the accompanying quizzes at home to support your child’s learning. Here are the videos for this week: 



Maths: (line graphs) 

 (displaying data) 




English: Watch the video and think about Macbeth is feeling at this point in the play. Think about how his actions tell us how he feels. Good authors will show not tell. You can show how a character is feeling through what they do, instead of what they say.


R.E.: (5 Pillars of Islam) 


Atom Learning


Have a great weekend! 

Miss Molinos

Preteaching in Y5

3rd May 2024 


We have had a hard-working week in Y5. In English, we have been focusing on writing a discussion text on whether Macbeth should or shouldn't kill King Duncan. In Maths, we have learnt to find the perimeter of rectangles, rectilinear shapes and polygons.



Next week

No school on Monday due to Bank Holidays.

Preteaching will take place on Tuesday. Please ensure your child brings a small set of earphones if they do not have a pair in the classroom. 

In English, we will continue reading ‘Macbeth’. We will focus on relative clauses, performing and expanded noun phrases. 

In maths, we will be finishing our unit on ‘perimeter and area’. This week we will focus on area. 

No P.E. on Friday.  

Mini police session on Tuesday (Community service- Litter picking)


Home Learning

Maths: CGP Maths (perimeter, page 56 and 57)

English: CGP Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (Using conjunctions for cohesion, page 23 and prepositions, page 24)

Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day. 

Spelling: (unstressed vowels and consonants): bruise, category, cemetery, definite, desperate, dictionary, embarrass, environment, exaggerate, marvellous.

Geography: The children have been given the ‘Energy Saving’ challenge to count how many times they can be eco-friendly. Use the given chart to help you record how many times you save energy at home. Please bring it back on Thursday.


The class has really enjoyed the preteaching videos. I have attached some photos for you to look at what this looks like inside the classroom. Please continue to watch these videos at home during the weekend and complete the accompanying quizzes at home to support your child’s learning. Here are the videos for this week: 






Estimating area game:




Relative clauses:


Expanded noun phrases:



Atom Learning

All Maths and English homework in the CGP books or worksheets given by the class teacher are compulsory. As an option, if this homework is taking under 30 minutes or you would like to continue practicing, we strongly encourage you to log onto our new learning platform ‘Atom Learning’. There has been work assigned on perimeter, length, area and conjunctions. We hope you enjoy the use of this platform.



I hope you have a fantastic, long weekend!

Miss Molinos

26th April 2024 


The children have been working hard this week and have been enjoying starting new topics in the foundation subjects. In English, we wrote a letter to Lady Macbeth and a diary entry as Lady Macbeth. We have been focusing on modal verbs and building cohesion across paragraphs using the words ‘then, next, firstly, finally, afterwards, eventually, meanwhile’. We have also learnt what Shakespearean words like ‘thou, art, whence..’. In maths, we have learnt that decimals, fractions and percentages are equivalent and have been practicing how to convert them.



Next week


Please ensure your child brings a small set of earphones for Monday (more information below)


In English, we will continue reading ‘Macbeth’. We will focus performing, debating and writing a discussion.


In maths, we will be starting our one week unit on ‘perimeter and area’.


P.E. on Monday and Friday.  

Mini police session on Tuesday

School shut on Thursday 2nd May


Home Learning

Maths: CGP Maths (fraction, decimal and percentage problems page 46)

English: Shakespeare vocabulary sheet

Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day.


Spelling: (double consonants) occur, suggest, attached, appreciate, according, aggressive, recommend, immediate, communicate, opportunity 


Starting next week, the class will be asked to watch some videos as a form of ‘pre-teaching’ on Monday mornings. Please ensure your child brings earphones to school for this. Earphones can be kept in a designated, safe area in the classroom (earphones will be named at school) or children can bring them back home at the end of the school day on Mondays under the condition that they continue to bring them in weekly.  


Pre-teaching is a strategy that involves students learning concepts or skills prior to a lesson on the subject. This gives students the opportunity to gain confidence with the concepts and vocabulary before lessons.

We would like to encourage you to visit and watch these videos and complete the accompanying quizzes at home to support your child’s learning. Optimally, we ask this to be done prior to Mondays.







Discussion texts:


Science: Reproduction in plants



Have a great weekend! 

Miss Molinos



Maths practice 


Dear families, 


We are coming to the end of our unit on 'Decimals and percentages'. On Friday, children will be given a low-stake quiz about their learning. I would like to share some fun online games with you that cover some of the topics we have been learning about during this unit and will support your child's learning: 


-Rounding decimals:



-Comparing decimals:


-Equivalence of fractions, decimals and percentages:


I hope you enjoy these games! 


Kind regards, 

Isabel Molinos 


Year 5 have had a busy but exciting week back. We started the week off with some wonderful gardening and learning about plants. We then finished our unit on Anglo-Saxons and Early Islams by creating museum artefacts and displaying them like curators would. In science, we created mini-boats to test water buoyancy and made parachutes to test air resistance. In English, we have been fascinated with ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare. In maths, we have been ordering and rounding decimals.



Next week

In English, we will continue reading ‘Macbeth’. We will focus on modal verbs, adverbs, diary entries and performing.


P.E. on Monday and Friday.  

St. George’s celebration on Friday the 26th. Percentages


Home Learning

Maths: CGP Maths (percentages, page 44 and 45)

English: CGP Comprehension (The Wind in the Willows, page 22)


Recommendations: BBC teach has made some fantastic videos that retell the story of Macbeth. If you would like, watch videos 1-5. However, don’t watch beyond 5 or you will spoil the rest of the book!

Additionally, practice retelling the story of Macbeth at home.


Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day.


Spelling: (Macbeth vocabulary) tragedy, Macbeth, Banquo, thane, Scotland, castle, prophecy, witch, Shakespeare, dagger


Have a great weekend! 

Miss Molinos




29th March 2024


Dear families,


Thank you for a fantastic spring term. I would also like to say thank you to those who attended our church service on Wednesday and created fantastic Easter bonnets. Everyone looked great! 


After Easter: 

School starts on Monday, 15th April. PE will be on the normal days of Monday and Friday that week. 

On Friday, 19th April we will be holding a sponsored 'mini marathon' around Rickmansworth Aquadrome. Children have brought home their sponsorship form this week. 


There will be no homework assigned for the Easter break but please continue reading x5 a week and recording this in your reading record. Additionally, please continue to log onto TimesTables Rockstars to practice multiplication. 


We look forwards to welcoming everybody for the summer term.


Wishing everybody a fantastic Easter holiday,

Miss Molinos



Preparation for our Easter service 


Dear families, 

In preparation for our Easter service we ask you to please encourage children to learn and memorise the 2 verses of their songs by heart. We appreciate your help and collaboration! :) 


Here is love, vast as the ocean Loving kindness as the flood When the Prince of Life, our Ransom Shed for us His precious blood Who His love will not remember? Who can cease to sing His praise? He can never be forgotten Throughout Heaven's eternal days


On the mount of crucifixion Fountains opened deep and wide Through the floodgates of God's mercy Flowed a vast and gracious tide Grace and love, like mighty rivers Poured incessant from above And Heaven's peace and perfect justice Kissed a guilty world in love


We look forward to singing for you and spend a lovely evening altogether. 


Kind regards, 

Miss Molinos 


22nd March 2024 


Firstly, thank you to everyone who attended parent consultations. It is a pleasure to celebrate the children's learning with you and we appreciate your time. 


We have had an incredible and busy week in year 5. On Monday we went to LegoLand, on Tuesday our neighbourhood officers Ryun and Elaine visited our class for our mini-police programme and on Wednesday we participated in the K-Nex challenge (congratulations to our class winners Henry and Henning!). Photos will be available on the Newsletter.


In English, we have continued to read 'Tales from Outer Suburbia' and we have read a new story from it called ‘Our expedition’ which tells the story of siblings who don’t always get on very well! Together, they go on an expedition to find what is beyond Map 268. When they get to end of the map they find that it’s the edge of the world... We have continued using prepositions in our writing and we are now starting to look closely at using dashes as punctuation.


Next week

In English, we will finish our book "Tales from Outer Suburbia" by Shaun Tan and write our final piece. In maths, we will finish learning about thousandths and learn about ordering decimals.


P.E. on Monday.  

Easter Service on Wednesday the 27th of March

Bonnet parade and last day of school on Thursday 28th of March (pick up at 1:15pm).


Tuesday, 26th March 2024-There will be a bake sale / café after school where we will be selling baked goods and some Easter themed gifts.


Other dates 

Friday, 19th April 2024- 'mini marathon' around the aquadrome. Each child will run or walk a mile and as a class we will complete a marathon. Sponsorship forms will be coming home with the children next week.


Home Learning

Maths: Maths sheet given to children.

English: CGP Punctuation and Spelling (dashes, page 54)

Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day.

Spelling: -cial or –tial? special, glacial, essential, crucial, , social, beneficial, initial, residential, potential, influential.


Have a great weekend! 

Miss Molinos


15th March 2024 

We have had many amazing experiences in Year 5 this week. At the start of the week, the police came to visit us and we had our Mini Police session where we learnt about anti-social behaviour. Then, on Thursday, we got the fantastic opportunity to go to Merchant Taylor's School to play hockey. What a great time! 


In English, we have continued to read 'Tales from Outer Suburbia' and we have written a monologue and descriptions of different settings. We have also been focusing on using prepositions and relative clauses in our writing. In maths, we have been learning about how to convert fractions to decimals and vice versa. 


Next week

In English, we will continue with our book "Tales from Outer Suburbia" by Shaun Tan. We will continue to look at prepositions and also look at characters and dialogue. 

In Maths, we will continue learning about decimals. We will focus on thousandths and ordering/comparing decimals. 


P.E. on Friday. Please wear school uniform on Monday with comfortable shoes (e.g. trainers). 

LegoLand trip on Monday. Please ensure all children are in the classroom by 8:15am. 

Mini Police session 2 on Tuesday. 


Other dates to remember: 

Please keep your diaries free for our evening Easter Service on Wednesday the 27th of March! We are starting to learn a song to perform, and we are looking forward to being together for this special event. Year 3 will be reading prayers and Year 4 will be acting out the story of Easter through drama. We are looking forward to it! 


We would also like to highlight that on Thursday the 28th of March, as per tradition, we are holding our Easter Bonnet Parade. Please make/bring in your bonnet/hat for this!



Home Learning

Maths: CGP maths book (writing decimals as fractions, page 39). 

English: Writing sentences with relative clauses, followed by a prepositional phrase. Please write 4 sentences that  follow the structure below: 

Examples: Emily was reading her book, which she had just bought. In her book, she found wonderful pictures. 

                 Rob was eating the sandwich, that he had bought. Inside his sandwich, he found a bug! 

                Tom waved at someone, who was a friend from football. Next to him, his other friend waved too. 

-Remember the comma after the prepositional phrase! 

Relative clauses: who, whom, whose, that, which, when, where. 

Ideas of prepositions you can use: on, in, at, by, next, near, between, above, below, beside, across, along, towards.


Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day.

Spelling (vocabulary words to describe a setting): flourishing, picturesque, tranquil, decaying, pungent, malodorous, mystical, graceful, beautiful.



Have a great weekend! 

Miss Molinos

9th March 2024 

We hope everyone has enjoyed World Book week! The children all looked amazing in their costumes and enjoyed participating in a variety of activities. In English we have started our new book Tales from Outer Suburbia and have looked closely at what 'suburban settings' are. They also discussed who is if humans were smarter than animals. Thank you everyone who discussed this question at home. In Maths, we have finished our unit on fractions. The children have also completed national tests in reading and maths this week. 


Next week

In English, we will continue with our new book "Tales from Outer Suburbia" by Shaun Tan. 

In Maths, we will start learning about decimals. 

Mini Police session 2 on Monday (no P.E.- Please wear school uniform). 

Thursday: Hockey at Merchant Taylors'

P.E. will take place on Thursday and Friday. 


Home Learning


Maths: CGP Maths "Writing Decimals as Fractions" page 38. 

English:  CGP Comprehension "The Infinite" page 8. 

Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day.

Spelling (vocabulary words to describe the suburban setting in Tales from Outer Suburbia): banal, mundane, monotonous, uneventful, plain, ominous, eerie, gloomy, mysterious. 


The rap videos from last term are available on Google Classroom:

Your children will need to remember their Google login and password, which they use to log onto the Chromebooks in school. If you are struggling to access, please let me know. 


Have a great weekend! 

Miss Molinos

In preparation for our new English unit on 'Tales from Outer Suburbia' by Shaun Tan can you please take a moment to discuss the following question at home: 'Are people cleverer than animals?'. 

Please ensure that by the end of your discussion your child has an opinion and is able to back it up using evidence


Due for Friday 8th of March. 

Thank you for your collaboration! 


Miss Molinos 

1st of March 2024 

We have had a wonderful week back in Y5. We have built our vocabulary in English and have been using exciting words like treacherous, colossal, petrifying… We have used these words to write poetry. In maths, we have been multiplying mixed numbers and learning to find the fraction of an amount (ex. what is two thirds of 18?).


Next week

In English, we will start a new narrative unit on Tales from Outer Suburbia.  

In Maths, we will finish our unit on fractions. We will then start to learn about decimals.

P.E. Monday and Friday. 

World Book day- please see newsletter for dates. This will include a book swap and dressing up.


Home Learning 

Maths:  CGP Maths boo- Multiplying with fractions (page 36).

English:  CPG Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling book- Verbs (page 5).

Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day.

Spelling (words that we have learnt this week during English): treacherous, colossal, petrifying, scorching, glacial, clambering, hastily, illuminate, beaconing.


Looking forwards to this term!

Best wishes, 

Miss Molinos


Spring Half-Term


Term 2 Spring Learning 

-Maths: Fractions, Decimal and percentages

-English: World Book Day, Narrative

-R.E: Salvation

-Science: Forces

-History: Comparison unit, Early Islam Civilisation vs. Anglo-Saxon/Vikings

-D & T 

-Computing: Data and Information, flat-file databases

-P.E.: Hockey

-Music: Musical Theatre

-PSHE: Rights and responsibilities



First, thank you to all the families who came to our celebration afternoon. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to share our learning with you. The children's videos will be available after half-term. 


Home Learning

There will be no home-learning during half-term but we encourage you to continue reading 5 times a week and using TTRockstars to practice times tables. 



Hoping everyone is having a wonderful and very restful half-term. 

Miss Molinos

9th of February 2024 


In Y5, we have become rappers and hip-hop dancers this week. Thank you to all families and children for bringing in your amazing urban outfits. The children have created wonderful dances and have written fun raps about space.


Next week

In English, we will start a new unit on writing instructions.  

In Maths, we will continue with our new unit on fractions. We will be doing multiplying fractions and finding the fraction of a quantity.

P.E. Monday and Friday. 


Home Learning


Maths: Word problems

English/ Science: As we are coming to the end of learning about space, this week’s homework is based on facts about planets.

Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day.

Spelling: -ough letter. thought brought fought rough tough enough cough although though


Please encourage your children to practice their times tables using TTRockstars. 5-10 minutes every day can make a lot of difference. We are continuing to monitor the children's use in and out of school. 


Best wishes, 

Miss Molinos


2nd of February 2024 


This week we have been using written methods to solve division questions in Maths and have started learning about raps in English. This links to our P.E. topic ‘Street Art dance’ and our music topic ‘Remixing and Looping’. We have been practicing our rapping skills, discussing figurative language and listening to different raps.


Next week

In English, we will write our own raps about space.

In Maths, we will finish our unit on multiplication and division and start our new unit on fractions. We will start with multiplying fractions. 

P.E. Monday and Friday. 

Please bring a ‘hip-hop’ outfit in your bag on Monday. Children will get changed on Monday before their P.E. session where they will be dancing and filming their street dances.


Home Learning



Maths: CGP Maths Book ‘written division’ page 25.

English: Figurative language quiz, given to children on Friday afternoon. Children participating in Young Voices can collect their homework on Monday. You may also find a copy of the homework attached above.

Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day.

Spelling (silent letters): doubt, island, lamb, solemn, thistle, knight, knee, knife, answer, sword


Please encourage your children to practice their times tables using TTRockstars. 5-10 minutes every day can make a lot of difference. We are continuing to monitor the children's use in and out of school. 


Best wishes, 

Miss Molinos

26th of January 2024


We have finished our English unit on discussion and the children have done a fantastic job in their writing. Well done everybody! In Maths, we have continued learning about column multiplication. 


Next week

In English, we will start our new unit. 

In Maths, we will start learning written methods for division. 

Spelling test continues to take place on a Friday and homework continues to be due in for Thursday. 

P.E. Monday and Friday. 


Home Learning

Spelling:  programme, according, recommend, opportunity, immediately, suggest, sufficient, community, accompany, appreciate. 

Home Learning: 

Maths: 4 digit by 1 digit column multiplication. This sheet has been given to children. 

           Extra challenge: Add an extra number in the tens column to turn the calculation into a 4 digits by 2 digits. 

English: CGP Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling relative pronouns (page 13). 

Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day.


Please encourage your children to practice their times tables using TTRockstars. 5-10 minutes every day can make a lot of difference. We are continuing to monitor the children's use in and out of school. 


Best wishes, 

Miss Molinos

19th of January 2024


What a wonderful week in Y5. This week we have had been learning about relative clauses in English and written methods for multiplication in Maths. We have also continued learning about space (do you know the different between orbiting and rotating?). Finally, we have learnt about the city of Baghdad, which was also called ‘The Round City’.



Next week

In English, we will finish our unit on discussion texts.

In Maths, we will continue multiplying. We will be closely looking at column multiplication.

Spelling test continues to take place on a Friday and homework continues to be due in for Thursday. 

P.E. Monday and Friday. 



Home Learning

This week we have learnt that ‘If a word ends in –le and has a short vowel then I need to double the consonant.’ These are the words that follow that rule, which the children need to learn.

Spelling:  bottle, nettle, kettle, paddle, apple, shuttle, battle, smuggle, drizzle shuffle

Remember: j, k, w, x, v, h, and y are consonants that are not doubled and do not follow this rule.

Home Learning: 

Maths: Written multiplication (Page 24)

English: Relative Clauses worksheet given to children, which can also be found above.

Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day.


Please encourage your children to practice their times tables using TTRockstars. 5-10 minutes every day can make a lot of difference. We are continuing to monitor the children's use in and out of school. 


Best wishes, 

Miss Molinos


Maths method for subtracting proper fractions from mixed numbers

12th of January 2024


We had some very exciting moments in Y5 this week!


We opened some mystery boxes in R.E. and discussed what we would do if we found a magical box that could reveal all secrets (see the picture below!). In science, we made our own models of the solar system.



In English, we have continued learning about discussion texts. More specifically, we have learnt about the structure and looked closely at arguments for and against.


In maths, we have been learning about subtracting fractions. We have learnt that we must remember to find the common denominator before subtracting.


Next week

In English, we will be focusing on the grammar that we need to write a discussion text, like relative clauses and the conditional. We will then start planning our own discussion.


In Maths, we are going to start our new unit on multiplication and division. We will be looking at multiplying using written methods.



Home Learning: 

Maths: Maths worksheet given to children. Please see the methods that we have been using in class attached above. 

English: Research and write down 4 arguments for and 4 arguments against to answer the discussion question “Are astronauts important in our society?” 

Reading:  Continue to read 5 times a week. 

Continue to encourage your children to practice their times tables using TTRockstars.



What a pleasure to be back in school!

Wishing you a lovely weekend,

Miss Molinos



5th January 2024


Welcome back and a happy new year!

I'm really impressed at the way all the children have settled quickly back into our routine. We have started a new topic in Science 'Space' I really enjoyed sharing with the children what they knew about space and what they would like to find out.  In English we have been looking at the pros and cons of space travel and being an astronaut by having a discussion from different points of view. In Maths we continued our work with fractions by adding two mixed numbers. We have also started a new PSHE topic around keeping safe. We talked about bullying and cyber bulling and looked at the similarities and differences between them.

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Budd


Home work: 

Maths pages 34-35 adding and subtracting fractions.

English comprehension: pages 4-5 An Astronaut's guide to life on Earth.

Reading:Continue to read 5 times a week.

15th December 2023 


What an amazing week in Y5! First of all, a big thank you to all the parents who came to the KS2 service and to those who came to the pantomime. We hope you enjoyed it! Secondly, congratulations to all the children for their beautiful singing and amazing acting. Their hard-work payed off in leading an unforgettable service. Please keep a look out on the blog and newsletter as there will be many photographs of this week coming.


This week we have been reading a book about 'How to Live Forever'. We have been thinking carefully about uplevelling our vocabulary using synonyms and a thesaurus. 

In maths, we have been adding fractions. We will continue learning about fractions after the Christmas break too. 


Home Learning: 

Maths: No Maths homework!

English: No English homework!

Reading:  Continue to read 5 times a week. 

Continue to encourage your children to practice their times tables using TTRockstars.


Lastly, thank you to all for a wonderful Autumn term. It has been a pleasure joining St. Mary's and I look forward to the Spring term. Additionally, a big thank you for the very generous and thoughtful Christmas gifts. I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and the happiest New Year. 


Best wishes, 

Miss Molinos

8th December 2023 


We have continued getting into the Christmas spirit in Year 5! We been practicing for our Church Service on Tuesday, have been singing Christmas carols, have been opening our advent calendar, had a Christmas dinner, watched 2 nativities and wore Christmas jumpers! What a fun week! 


This week we have read Flanders Fields by John McCrae and Where the Poppies Now Grow by Hilary Robinson. We have written our own cinquain poems using some ideas from these texts. Well done! 


In maths, we have learnt how to convert improper fractions into mixed numbers and vice versa. We have also been comparing and ordering fractions. 


Next week

In Maths, we will be adding fractions. 

Spelling test continues to take place on a Friday and homework continues to be due in for Thursday. 

P.E. Monday and Friday. 


Monday 11th: Dress rehearsal at church 13:00-15:00 please bring costumes to school in a bag. 

Tuesday 12th: Christmas service at St Mary's church 17:30-18:30 

Wednesday 13th: Pantomime 

Friday 15th: Classroom Christmas parties



Home Learning

These are the words that we will be looking at next week: 

Spelling: spacious, vicious, precious, delicious, malicious, suspicious, conscious, disastrous, mischievous. What do you notice about these words? 


Home Learning: 

Maths: If not completed previously: CGP Maths 'Ordering fractions' (page 33).

English: If not completed previously: CGP Comprehension 'Poems about nature' (page 24).

            For English, please rehearse and memorise your lines if you have a speaking part and learn our song for the              Church service. 

Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day.


Please encourage your children to practice their times tables using TTRockstars. 5-10 minutes every day can make a lot of difference. We are continuing to monitor the children's use in and out of school. 


Best wishes, 

Miss Molinos

Christmas jumper day!

Christmas service information

1st December 2023 


Happy first of December! We have definitely been getting Christmassy in Year 5! We made our own Christmas tree decorations in the shape of stars, have been singing many carols and have been practicing for our Church Service taking place soon. 


This week we have started to learn about cinquain poems. Did you know that?:  

The first line of a cinquain poem has 2 syllables.

The second line of a cinquain poem has 4 syllables. 

The third line of a cinquain poem has 6 syllables. 

The fourth line of a cinquain poem has 8 syllables.

The fifth line of a cinquain poem has 2 syllables. 

We will soon be writing a poem about the first World War so we have also been reading a text about this time period during Guided Reading. 


In maths, we have learning about equivalent fractions and have been using several methods to find equivalence such as paper strips, fractions walls and multiplication and division rules. 


Next week

We will write a cinquain poem about the first World War. 

We will be converting, comparing and ordering fractions.

We will continue singing and rehearsing for our church service.

Spelling test continues to take place on a Friday and homework continues to be due in for Thursday. 

P.E. Monday and Friday. 

Christmas jumper day and Christmas dinner: 6th of December 


Home Learning

These are the words that we will be looking at next week: 

Spelling: (year 5 and 6 spelling list) yacht, vehicle, vegetable, variety, twelfth, thorough, temperature, system, symbol, suggest.



Maths: CGP Maths 'Ordering fractions' (page 33).

English: CGP Comprehension 'Poems about nature' (page 24).

Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day.


Where applicable, please rehearse any lines for our Church service. These have been handed out to children. More details of children's roles and costume will be posted above. 

Practice our Christmas carol: Lyrics will be attached below. 


Please encourage your children to practice their times tables using TTRockstars. 5-10 minutes every day can make a lot of difference. We are continuing to monitor the children's use in and out of school. 


Best wishes, 

Miss Molinos

Useful websites (math) 


Dear Parents, 


Some of you have been asking if there are any other websites or apps for children to practice their math at home. 

Here are a couple that you might wish to explore. 

1. 1-minute White Rose Math app 

2. Math Speed Drill by Bad Weasel (app)



If I hear of any additional or new websites I will update the list. In the meantime, I hope you find this helpful. 

Best wishes, 

Miss Molinos 



24th November 2023 

Firstly, thank you to all the parents who were able to attend parents evenings. It was a pleasure to have the time to talk to everyone and celebrate the children's successes. Thank you for your time and commitment. 


This week we have started to write our persuasive speeches. Should Ernest Shackleton go to South Georgia and leave his crew behind in Elephant Island? In math, we have finished our unit on multiplication and division and have started our new topic on fractions. We specifically looked at equivalent fractions. 


Next week

Next week, we will be finishing and editing our persuasive speeches. 

In math, we will be continuing with equivalent fractions and start looking at how to convert fractions from improper to mixed numbers and vice-versa. 


Home Learning

These are the words that we will be looking at next week: 

Spelling: forGETting, beGINning, preFERred, GARdening, LImiting, LImitation, adMITting, reGRETted, oCCURrence

If you wish to look at the spelling rule at home before next week: If the last syllable of a word is stressed and ends with one consonant letter that has just one vowel letter before it, the final consonant letter is doubled. The consonant letter is not doubled before adding a suffix if the last syllable is unstressed.



Maths: CGP math page equivalent fractions (page 32).

English: Apostrophes for missing letters (page 56). 

Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day.


Please encourage your children to practice their times tables using TTRockstars. 5-10 minutes every day can make a lot of difference. We are continuing to monitor the children's use in and out of school. 


Best wishes, 

Miss Molinos

17th November 2023 


This week was anti-bullying week and we have had a really fun week being kind and spending time with our family groups and house groups. 


This week we have continued focusing on persuasive texts but we have also been learning about Shackleton's journey. We have been so surprised about some of the facts that we have learnt! Did you know that he had 69 dogs who joined him on his journey? 


In maths, we have been learning about multiples, factors, highest common factor and prime numbers.


Next week

Next week, we will be learning about square and cube numbers in maths and we are going to be writing our final persuasive writing piece, discussing whether Shackleton and his 5 men should make an epic journey of eight hundred miles in a lifeboat, and then walk across terrible frozen wastes and mountains in order to get help and save the lives of all twenty seven expedition members... What do you think? Are you for the voyage of the James Caird or against it?

P.E. Monday and Friday. 

Homework and spelling test on Thursday. 



Home Learning

Spelling: We have been reviewing short and long vowels. If the vowel is a short sound with only one consonant after it, then double the consonant when spelling. If the vowel is a short sound but has more than one consonant after it you do not need to double. 

lapping, turning, hunting, hitting, nodding, begging, lifting, standing, backing, begging.

Think about which words have had a consonant doubled and why? 



Maths: CGP Maths page 18 (Multiples), 19 (Factors and Primes). 

English: CGP Comprehension page 26 (The Girl Who Stole and Elephant). 

Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day.


Please encourage your children to practice their times tables using TTRockstars. 5-10 minutes every day can make a lot of difference. We are continuing to monitor the children's use in and out of school. 


Best wishes, 

Miss Molinos

10th November 2023 


We participated in a Fun Run this week! Congratulations to everyone for running such a long distance and trying something different that was a little bit challenging!


This week we have started learning about persuasive texts. Did you know that we can find them everywhere? In adverts, leaflets, magazines, book blurbs, letters, newspapers, flyers, catalogues, posters, movie trailers…! Can you spot any examples of persuasive texts over the weekend?


In Maths, we have finished our unit on addition and multiplication.


Next week

We will continue to learn about persuasive texts and we will start to write our own persuasive speeches. 

We will start our new unit on multiplication and division with a focus on multiples and factors.  

P.E. Monday and Friday. 

Homework and spelling test on Thursday. 



Home Learning

Spelling: co-operation, co-star, co-ordinate, exterior, external, explode, refill, replay, rewrite, rearrange


English: CGP Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling page  8 (adjectives) and page 9 (adverbs). Please do not complete page 10 and 11 as of yet.

Maths: CGP Maths page 12 and 13 (written adding and subtracting) 

Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day.


Please encourage your children to practice their times tables using TTRockstars. 5-10 minutes every day can make a lot of difference. We are continuing to monitor the children's use in and out of school. 


Best wishes, 

Miss Molinos

3rd November 2023


Welcome back to school!   

What a great week back! We have finished learning about explanation texts and have written our own leaflets about a location (the desert, Arctic and rainforest). In maths, we have started learning about addition and subtraction.


Next week

We will start our new English unit on persuasion texts. 

We will be continuing with addition and subtracting. More specifically, we will look at different types of maths problems like problems with more than one step and missing number problems. 

P.E. Monday and Friday. 

Homework and spelling test on Thursday. 



Home Learning

Spelling: We are looking at rules that can help us spell. Please can children learn the examples and become familiar with these rules. 

Challenge x: Can you think of any other examples? 

1. 'Chop e': (late, later, latest)

2. 'Change y': (copy, copied, copying)

3. 'Double consonant': (sad, sadder, saddest) (chop, chopping) 


English: CGP Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling page 12. 

Maths: CGP Maths page 8 and 9. 

Reading: Read at least 5 times and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day.


Please encourage your children to practice their times tables using TTRockstars. 5-10 minutes every day can make a lot of difference. We are continuing to monitor the children's use in and out of school. 


Best wishes, 

Miss Molinos

20th October 2023 


We have had such a great last week of term. We did a science experiment to learn about absorbance, had an amazing experience in ExploreRE and painted Anglo-Saxon crosses.  


In English, we have been looking at the layout of different non-fiction texts with a focus on how to write formally.  In Maths, we have learnt how to multiply and divided by 10, 100 and 1000.  


Next week

Half-term! We are back to school on the 30th of October.

Starting from the first week of next term, spelling tests and the marking of homework books will happen on Thursdays.



Home Learning

Spelling: we have been revisiting –ment and –ness words.

argue(ment), pay(ment), govern(ment), crazi(ness), thought(ful)(ness), weight(less)(ness).

Remember: Adding –ment to a verb turns the word into a noun.

                   Adding -ness to an adjective turns the word into a noun.

English: CGP Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling page 6 and 7 (modal verbs) and page 67 (Headings and sub-headings).  

Maths: CGP Maths page 21, 22 (Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000) and page 31 (thousandths).

Reading: Read at least 8 times over the holidays and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day.


Please encourage your children to practice their times tables using TTRockstars. 5-10 minutes every day can make a lot of difference. We have been monitoring the children's use in and out of school and have noticed that for many of them they are not focussing and taking a long time over answering questions we know they know the answer to.  This means that the game is not generating harder questions and they're are not progressing the way we'd hoped they would. 


Wishing you an amazing half-term, 

Miss Molinos 

13th October 2023


We have had such a busy and great week in Year 5! We have had our photos taken, a pre-visit from ExploreRE, and were Vikings for the day!  


We have finished our unit on decimals and our English unit on Monsterology. We have started our new English unit on explanation by learning about modal verbs. 


Next week

We will start our new Maths unit on multiplying and dividing. In English, we will start our new unit on explanation texts.

On Wednesday, 18th of October we will be participating in a range of activities that ExploreRE have organised for our school. Parents and families are welcome to visit between 3:30 and 4:30 on Wednesday


P.E. will take place on Monday and Friday next week.


We will be completing our art piece (making Anglo-Saxon crosses). Please can all children bring cardboard in by Thursday. Children will need to be able to cut this cardboard so it must not be too hard. Additionally, the cardboard for this activity must be corrugated (see pictures). Thank you in advance.


Home Learning

Spelling: Commonly mispelt words during our Monsterology unit: mythical, sanctuary, immediately, dangerous, extremely, creature, unbelievable, poisonous. 

English: CGP comprehension page 2 (Portrait of a dragon).

Maths: CGP Maths page 40 and 42 (rounding decimals and ordering and comparing decimals).

Reading: Read at least five times over the week and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day.


Please encourage your children to practice their times tables using TTRockstars. 5-10 minutes everyday can make a lot of difference. We have been monitoring the children's use in and out of school and have noticed that for many of them they are not focussing and taking a long time over answering questions we know they know the answer to.  This means that the game is not generating harder questions and they're are not progressing the way we'd hoped they would. 


Wishing you a great weekend, 

Miss Molinos 


Viking day

Harry Potter day photos!

6th October 2023


We had a fantastic day during our Harry Potter trip! Please stay tuned to see all the photos that will be uploaded soon. 


In maths, we have been learning about decimals, including converting decimals to fractions. In English, we have been writing sentences using several different sentence structures. For example, sentences that include prepositions, adverbs and subordinating conjunctions. 


Next week

We will finish our unit on decimals. We have created our own mythical creature and we will be writing a non-fiction report about it. 

School Photos take place on Tuesday (siblings) and Wednesday (Y5 individuals).

On Thursday, 12th of October, we will be having our Viking day workshop.

Friday, 13th of October, will be a non-uniform day to raise money for our ExploreRE  week which will take place on the last week of term. 

P.E. will take place on Monday and Friday next week.


Home Learning

Spelling: In class we have been learning about root words and adding suffixes (-ment, -ness and -ly)

The spelling words are: excitement, happiness, crazily, achievement, loneliness, loudly, disappointment, forgiveness, hopefully.

English and Maths: There will be no CGP homework this week due to our trip today. Home Learning books will be marked on Monday along with last week's words spelling test. Children will be given homework on Monday to be completed for Friday. It will be shorter in length due to children having less time to complete it. 

Reading: Read at least five times over the week and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day.


Wishing you a great weekend, 

Miss Molinos 

29th September 2023


We have been learning a lot in Y5!

In maths, we have finished our unit on negative numbers and we have started decimals, which we will continue next week. In English, we are enjoying ‘Monsterology’. We have focused on vocabulary, wrote a diary entry and learnt how to use subordinating conjunctions.

In history, we wrote a poem about King Alfred and learnt about why he was so great! We also went outside, on the playground, to do a science experiment to test the strength of different types of paper.


Next week

We will continue with ‘Monsterology’ and using subordinating conjunctions. As we have just started decimals, we will continue with this unit next week too.

On Friday, 6th of October, we will be going on our Harry Potter themed trip.

P.E. will take place on Monday and Thursday next week.


Home Learning

Spelling: In class we have been learning about the plural of words and their rules.

                In most cases, we add -s to the end of a word to show plurals (ex. cars, pots, flowers…)

                If it ends in –y, the plural becomes –ies (ex. parties). This rule does not apply for words that end in –ey (keys, monkeys)

                If it ends in –f, the plural becomes –ves (ex. wolves). This rule does not apply for double letters (ex. cliffs)

                If a word ends in –s, –sh, –ch, –x, or –z, the plural becomes –es (ex. quizzes, buses).

The spelling words are: dictionary/ dictionaries, community/communities, forty/forties, knife/knives, church/churches, journey/journeys, miss/misses, calf/calves, loaf/loaves


English: Please complete page 16 (Basic relative clauses) 

Maths: Please complete page 6 (counting backwards through 0)

Reading: Read at least five times over the week and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day.


Thank you for a great week and have a fantastic weekend! 

Miss Molinos 



22nd September 2023 


We have been very busy in Y5! 

First of all, thank you to all the parents and families that came to our Y5 meeting. It was a pleasure to meet everybody. 


In English, we have been writing our own short stories called the 'Elephants in the Walls' pretending that it is the sequel to the book we are reading ('The Wolves in the Walls'). In maths, we have continued to learn about place value and rounding numbers up and down. We have also started our new unit on negative numbers. 


Next week: 

We will finish our short stories and publish them. We will then start our new non-fiction book 'Monsterology' where we will focus on vocabulary and conjunctions. 

In maths, we will continue our unit on negative numbers. 


Home learning

Spelling: accommodate, category, determined, foreign, lightning, profession, sincerely 

Maths: Complete pages 6,7,10 (CGP Maths- Counting backwards through zero, place value in big numbers, rounding).

English: Complete pages 15 and 21 (CGP Grammar, punctuation and spelling- clauses, co-ordinating conjunctions)

Spelling test and homework due on Friday. 

Reading: Read at least five times over the week and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday. Reading books need to be brought into school every day. 


Extra home learning

Feeling very motivated? Complete the reading and questions about Vikings attached above (optional home learning).

We will be celebrating 'European Languages Day'. If you speak a European language aside from English you are welcome to think about what words you would like to teach the class on this day. You could even make a poster or a PowerPoint to teach us. 


Have a fantastic weekend. 

Miss Molinos 





Friday, 15th of September 2023

We've officially completed our first week of Year 5 and have been very busy learning! In 

English, we have been writing persuasive speeches, book reviews, reports and learning about conjunctions. 

In Maths, we have been focusing on 7-digit numbers and place value. 



Home Learning:

If your child is interested in becoming a council member, they are welcome to have a think about it over the weekend. They may wish to write something or make a poster. We have 4 councils and 2 children will be selected for each:

  1. Eco Council
  2. Ethos Council
  3. School Learning Council
  4. Sports Council

Homework books and spellings will be sent home next Friday.


Spellings - Please visit the Year 5 and 6 spelling words (attached above). 

Reading - You should read at least five times over the week and get your Reading Record signed to show this. Reading Records are checked every Friday.

Topic: Our new topic is the Vikings! Children have been learning key dates and events in school. Please revisit this using the timeline attached above. 

Maths: Feel free to log into Times Tables Rockstars at home to help learn multiplications. You will need to remember your log in.


Next week 

Our meet the teacher meeting will take place on Tuesday the 19th of September from 09:00 to 10:00 in the Year 5 classroom. 

Our P.E. days are Monday and Friday. 

Please ensure that you bring the assigned reading book to school everyday. 

In English, we will finish learning about conjunctions and think carefully about constructing sentences. 

In Maths, we will be continuing learning about place value and large numbers. We will also learn how to order and round numbers. 


Have a fantastic weekend, 

Miss Molinos 



Friday 8th of September 2023

The first week back to school is over and it has been amazing to meet all the children! 

As some of you may know, I am new to St. Mary's and it has been lovely to feel so welcomed throughout this week. 


During our first day of school, we played games and got to know each other. We have also started our learning. For example, we read some of our new English book called "The wolves in the walls" and made some predictions. In maths we learnt about place value. This afternoon, the children did some fun activities with their school family which was a great opportunity to spend time with other students from different year groups. 


There will be no home learning this week but all children have chosen a reading book. Please may I ask that all children read this weekend and that their reading record gets signed. 


I would also like to use this opportunity to inform that Mrs. Budd will be teaching Year 5 on Fridays. Mrs. Budd and the children had a fantastic day together today and we look forwards to having her every week. 


I have attached some information and documents below that you might find useful so please feel free to consult them. 


I am feeling very excited about teaching Y5 and being a part of St. Marys. 

Wishing you a lovely weekend, 

Miss Molinos 


