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St Mary's Rickmansworth Church of England Primary School Aspiring, nurturing, flourishing; together shining a light

Year 3

Year Three Class Page

The latest news, home learning, learning and events will be posted on this page.

Friday, 18th October


It has been a busy time in year 3 this week. We have been writing our own story based on our model text, taking each paragraph one at a time. In maths we have been challenging ourselves to add ones and tens and crossing the tens and hundreds. We have used base 10 and number lines to help us find the answers. We have played a game to find out whether we would survive in Iron age Britain, bartering and trading the things we have for the things we need. We completed our R.E unit designing our own symbols to represent the trinity and we learned all about how fossils have been formed. 


Next week, we are looking forward to our trip to Chilton Open Air Museum on Tuesday. We will be creating posters all about Mary Anning and writing our own stories. In maths we will be subtracting ones and tens by crossing the tens and hundreds. We will also create our final dance piece based on wild animals in P.E. 


Home Learning

Please practice number bonds to 10 and 20 to secure this knowledge. 

Keep doing Doodle Learning: 15 minutes Maths, 15 minutes English

Listen to your child read at least 5 times and sign the reading record. 

Spelling: All children have taken home a spelling sheet. For those working on year 1/2 spellings they have their own personal list. For the rest we are focussing on the grapheme oi, oy?: annoy, choice, enjoy, rejoice, royal, toilet, voyage, The year 3/4 words we are working on are: accident, actual, address


So that I have enough time to mark and set new spellings, we will be doing the spelling tests on Thursday starting next week. 


To support our Spanish, your children can access the Linguascope website with the username: stmarys and password: sunhat13


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs. Garland

Friday, 11th October

It's been another busy week in year 3. We have begun to hug the text and have started writing our own story based on our model text. We have been adding and subtracting ones, tens and hundreds in Maths and investigating fossils in Science. We have compared infant and believer's baptism with Jesus' baptism and learnt about how bronze changed people's lives. 

Next week we will be adding and subtracting across the 10 and 100. We will complete our shared writing and we will find out how fossils are formed. We will also be learning about the importance of trade during the Iron Age. 


Home Learning

Please keep doing your Doodle Learning. At least 15 minutes of Maths and 15 minutes of English.

Read at least 5 times out loud and sign your reading record.


Spellings. Long U sound: rescue, issue, include, huge, prune, viewed, fruit, continue, group, through. I'm sending a spelling sheet home. 


Have a lovely weekend, 


Warm regards,

Mrs. Garland


Friday, 4th October


It has been another busy week in year 3. We have completed our place value unit in maths, been analysing our model text and identifying our toolkit within it. As you read with your children, you could look out for dialogue, similes, adverbial phrases and the way the character's feelings change as the story develops. In history, we were being archaeologists, making sensible guesses, identifying  different stone age artefacts, considering what they were made from and what purpose they might have. In Science, we were considering why soil is an important microhabitat and how it provides for both animals and plants.


Next week, we will be finding out about how fossils were formed, we will be finding out about how bronze changed prehistoric Britain, we will be writing our own narrative based on our model text and begin our unit on addition and subtraction.


Home Learning


Keep listening to your children read at least 5 times this week.

Do at least 15 minutes of Doodle Maths and 15 minutes of Doodle English.

Spelling: long o sound: suppose, potatoes, throat, coast, meadow, tomorrow, piano, echo, spoke, gnome


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Garland 

Friday, 27th September

This Week:

  • R.E: A new verse for a song was written.
  • Science: The class investigated soils.
  • Maths: Focus was on placing numbers on a number line up to 1000.
  • History: The students explored Skara Brae, the Neolithic settlement in Orkney, Scotland.
  • English: The focus was on writing dialogue.

Next Week:

  • Maths: Ordering and comparing numbers up to 1000.
  • PE/Dance: Creating a dance inspired by wild animal movements.
  • English: Analysing model text, likely to deepen understanding of narrative structure or writing techniques.

Home Learning


Please keep reading at least 5 times a week. Bring in your reading record to be stamped on your allocated day. 

Do at least 15 minutes of Doodle Maths and 15 minutes of Doodle English

Spellings: long i sound: flight, height, might, bright, knight, smile, guide, describe, guide.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs. Garland



Friday, 20th September


Thanks to all of you who came on Monday morning to Meet the Teacher. It was lovely to meet you. This week we have been investigating the properties of different rocks in Science, we have been reading and acting out the paragraphs from our model text and representing hundreds tens and ones using Base 10 and place value counters. we were discussing how to resolve conflicts with our friends and how good it is to make amends. The emotion we have explored this week is 'excluded'. 

Next week, we will be investigating Skara Brae using archaeological evidence to find out how people lived in the Stone Age. We will be finding dialogue, similes and times adverbs in our model text and placing numbers up to 1000 on a number line. Next week the emotion we are going to explore is 'relieved.'


Home Learning.

Spend at least 15 minutes on each app on Doodle Learning, especially maths, English and Times Tables. 

Keep reading aloud at least 5 times and sign the reading record, bringing it in on your assigned day.

Spellings: ee, ea, e_e: complete, extreme, increase, three, squeak, steam, these, even, agree, peace


Have a lovely weekend.

I hope you enjoy the good weather while it lasts.

Warm regards,

Mrs. Garland

Friday, 13th September

This week we focused on writing poems based on Kit Wright's 'The magic box', we have been working on place value in maths and beginning to think about hundreds. We began our topic on rocks and soil in Science, learning that there are three different types of rock and began to learn about life in the Stone Age. In P.E we have been moving like wild animals and learnt a little about Jesus' baptism in R.E.

Next week we will be beginning our unit on characterisation in English and be learning about numbers upto 1,000. 


Home Learning

Mrs Maxwell is sending out information about Doodle Learning. Please encourage your child to do at least 15 minutes English, 15 minutes Maths and 15 minutes Times tables so that they hit the green level. We will explain this further at the 'Meet the Teacher' session Monday.

Please listen to your child read at least 5 times a week and sign their reading record. Please return your reading record on your child's day to receive the stamp. 

Spelling:a sound (ay, ai, eigh, a_e, aigh, ey) eight, weight, made, brain, they, crayon, behave, strange, name, straight


See as many of you as possible at Meet the Teacher on Monday at 9 a.m. in the Year 3 classroom,


Warm regards,

Mrs Garland 

Friday 6th September 2024

Hello and welcome to Year Three and Key Stage Two! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer break. We’ve had a lovely start to the school year so far. The class has begun to settle in to their new routines. We have begun our poetry unit in English looking at the poems, 'Words are Ours' by Michael Rosen and 'The Magic Box' by Kit Wright. We had our first Spanish, Computing and P.E lessons with Mrs. Bennett.  We had a very fun afternoon on Thursday in our ‘school family groups’ completing a scavenger hunt, an outdoor activity and a helping around the school too!


Home Learning:

To help us with our poetry writing, please could all the children bring in a photograph of a special occasion, a treasured object and a favourite book from home for Monday please. Mrs Maxwell has challenged Year 3 to earn some stars by completing some learning on Doodle Learning.


Next Week:
I will listen to all the children next week and they will then take home their reading books and reading records. (Their day to change levelled books and have their record stamped will remain the same as it was in Year 2 for continuity.) I will explain more about levels and the reading passport in our ‘Meet the Teacher’ session on Monday, 16th at 9 a.m. PE days will be on Monday and Friday.

In English, we will continue with our poetry unit . In Maths, we will focus on place value – representing, partitioning and comparing numbers. We will begin our Science unit on Rocks and Soils, looking at the Trinity in R.E and finding out about when the Stone Age was in History.


I hope you have a restful weekend.

Mrs. Garland
