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St Mary's Rickmansworth Church of England Primary School Aspiring, nurturing, flourishing; together shining a light

Year 3

Year Three Class Page

The latest news, home learning, learning and events will be posted on this page.

Friday 12th July 2024

The end of another exciting week at St Mary’s. We enjoyed spending time in our new Year 4 classroom on Thursday, feeling very grown up on big chairs and tables. 

In English we have been applying the suspense toolkit (empty words, show, don’t tell, similes, three action sentence) to write our very own detective stories surrounding the tale of Hansel and Gretel. We spent time editing, checking the writing makes sense and seeing if we have included all the elements of the toolkit.

In Maths we have been creating tally charts and using them to make bar charts to show our data. 

As part of Computing the class made penalty shoot out games on Scratch. Hopefully something that won’t be happening in the Euros final on Sunday. 

Today’s PSHE lesson was concentrating on the male and female reproductive organs. 

In our Forest School lesson we were linking back to our topic on Plants, making Flower/leaf plaques using plants we found in the school grounds. We used a rolling pin to press them into clay. 

Our Guided Reading lessons have been using an illustrated image as a starting point and asking ourselves what do we notice and what do we wonder? The creative imaginations come alive during these sessions. 

Our Art lesson this week took place over two sessions, designing a block print using rainforest plants and flowers and then drawing it onto tracing paper. When happy with this we pushed the pattern through the tracing onto polystyrene foam using a pencil. We used a roller to apply printing paint onto the foam and then printed it onto A3 coloured paper. This was repeated another 3 times with their choice of 5 colours. 


Monday 8th July

Homework for this week:

Maths - CGP Book - Bar Charts & Pictograms pages 65 & 66

English - Comprehension CGP Book - Daddy Fell into the Pond pages 14 & 15 

TTRS - 14 minutes over the course of the week. House points are awarded every Monday morning for those who have completed it.

Reading - please record at least 5 times reading in their record. They receive a stamp on a Thursday morning if this is completed.

Optional Homework: Atom Learning - there is a Grammar task and a Maths task to complete.

Homework to be handed in by Monday 15th July.

Action shots from Sports Day

Friday 5th July

Happy Friday to everyone.

Yet another busy week at St Marys. What a pleasure it was to celebrate the sporting success of Year 3 yesterday at our Sports Day. The opportunity to collaborate with and cheer on other children from Key Stage 2 was lovely to see when they circulated in their houses. 

In English this week we have been ‘hugging the text’ where we take a sentence at a time from our model text and adapt it to make it about a new story plan.

In Mathematics we started Statistics - looking at pictograms and bar charts. We compared data and thought about the most popular, least popular, combined total, difference between amounts.

As part of our PSHE topic we thought about secrets and surprises. What makes it a good/bad surprise? When is it ok to keep a secret and when is it important to share a secret? Who are the trusted people in our lives?

For RE we focused on Mucknell Abbey and the important work the nuns and monks do as ‘caretakers’ of our world. We discussed how we could be caretakers of the world.

For Geography we made leaflets about the Amazon River and its uses. Always a pleasure to see the pride children take in producing work to a high standard.

The Spelling focus for this week is words with the suffix -al. The spellings are as follows: magical, sensational, personal, medical, accidental, national, optional, professional. The sheets will be sent out on Monday. 

Thank you to anyone who is able to participate in the painting party tomorrow. THe help is very much appreciated.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.


As part of Sports Week we participated in a yoga session - Minions style!

Making Rivers

Monday 1st July 2024

Homework for this week:

Maths - CGP Book - 3D Shapes pages 56 & 57

English - Grammar CGP Book - Homophones pages 94 & 95 

TTRS - 14 minutes over the course of the week. House points are awarded every Monday morning for those who have completed it.

Reading - please record at least 5 times reading in their record. They receive a stamp on a Thursday morning if this is completed.

Optional Homework: Atom Learning - there is a Grammar task and a Maths task to complete.

Homework to be handed in by Monday 8th July.



Friday 28th June

What a busy week Science Week has been!

In English, we have been looking at similes to add interest to our writing and creating an argument for the prosecution in convicting Jack (from Jack & the Beanstalk) of his crimes! 

During our Maths lessons this week we have looked at 2D and 3D shape, thinking about the properties (edges, faces, vertices)

As part of our Geography, we made our very own rivers - ensuring we included the riverbanks, source and mouth of the river. 

The trip to the Aquadrome yesterday was such a highlight. The activities involved: learning about the history of the area, river dipping, catapulting, classification of plants, team building exercises. The children were such a credit to the school due to their engagement, enthusiasm and beautiful manners. It has been lovely collaborating with Year 4.

Today we participated in an incredible science workshop delivered by Year 6. Lots of fun experiments to experience and even the leaflets the year 6s had produced to remind ourselves later.

In Art they have almost completed their John Dyer- inspired rainforest pictures.  

During their Spanish lesson they learnt about  'Dia de los Muertos' - Day of the Dead.

As we finished the story of The Iron Man in Guided Reading, we reflected on the ending and thought about what we liked/disliked/might change/keep the same.

No spellings were set this week, they are to continue learning those set last week.


Monday 24th June 2024

Maths - CGP Book - Progress Test pages 60-61

English - Comprehension CGP Book - Why to adults get shorter? pages 28 & 29

TTRS - 14 minutes per week.

Reading - 5 times a week. Reading Records are stamped every Thursday.

Optional Atom Learning - based on length/perimeter and definitions of words.

Homework is due on Monday 1st July.

Friday 21st June 2024

In Maths we have been looking at acute and obtuse angles, horizontal and vertical lines and parallel and perpendicular lines. We even created these lines in partners to showcase our understanding.

During our English lessons this week we reached the final part of ‘The Bulldozer’. This story is a fun alternative look at ‘The Three Little Pigs’, written from a detective’s perspective. We focused on the technique of ‘show, don’t tell’ to describe the actions which represent our emotions rather than explicitly saying how the character is feeling. Today we had to think of our defence if we were Goldilocks caught red handed in the Bears’ home. 

In Music we got out the glockenspiels and ‘improvised’ using particular notes. We were inspired by Punjabi MC - Knight Rider.

Our John Dyer inspired rainforest creations continued this week, using oil pastels to add vibrant plants onto the watercolour background.

In the Forest School session today we recalled the science topic of ‘Forces and Magnets’. We used friction to attempt to make fire. We used the bow drill method and a fire starter. 

For the Geography lesson this week we took a journey along the Amazon River, pretending we were a droplet of water; travelling from the source of the river (The Andes) to the mouth (The Atlantic Ocean).


The spelling pattern the class are practising over the next week is the short /u/ sound spelt with an o.

Looking forward to the Summer Fair tomorrow.


Monday 17th June 2024

I hope you all had an enjoyable weekend.

English - CGP Grammar - Writing Lists - pages 46 & 47

Maths - CGP Book - Angles and Lines 58 & 59

Optional Homework: Atom Learning - angles and a reading comprehension

TTRS - 14 minutes over the course of the week. 

Reading - reading records are stamped on a Thursday if they have read 5 times. Please ensure reading books and reading records are in school each day as we sometimes have people available to hear them read.

Homework to be handed in on Monday 24th June.

Friday 14th June

The end of another busy week in Year 3. We started the week celebrating the incredible effort the boys put into the Athletics event at Croxley Danes. 

In English we have been learning the story of ‘The Bulldozer’, by adding actions and following illustrations. It has been interesting to see the Three Little Pigs told as a suspense story. We looked closer at different parts of the story; looking for synonyms to create our own versions of the sentences. 

In Maths we have started the Geometry topic, looking at clockwise and anticlockwise turns, right angles, obtuse and acute angles. We will continue with this next week as well as looking at properties of 3D shapes.

As part of the Creation topic in RE we analysed the beginning of the Bible, looking at the book of Genesis. We wrote letters from God’s perspective about what had been created. 

In the Spanish lesson the class were looking at La Tomatina. It is a Spanish festival in Buñol, Spain where participants throw tomatoes at each other. It is said to be the biggest food fight in the world.

As part of our Art lesson we painted the background of our watercolour painting. This will provide the base layer to our ‘John Dyer’ inspired paintings of the rainforest. 

Our Outdoor Learning this week we were revisiting the Science Topic of ‘Light & Dark’ - focusing on the creating a light source. We attempted to make a clay dish filled with lard and lit the wick. The weather proved too windy so we will attempt again next week.

This week’s spellings are concentrating on words ending in -ary: necessary, dictionary, library, etc.

Well done to the choir for representing St Mary’s at Riverside Lodge.

Monday 10th June 2024

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend.

English - CGP Comprehension - Anisha, Accidental Detective pages 22 & 23

Maths - CGP Book - Solving Calculation Problems - pages 30 & 31

Optional Homework: Atom Learning - addition & subtraction and English (adjectives and adverbs)

TTRS - 14 minutes over the course of the week. 

Reading - reading records are stamped on a Thursday if they have read 5 times. Please ensure reading books and reading records are in school each day as we sometimes have people available to hear them read.

Homework to be handed in on Monday 17th June.

Friday 7th June 

What a fantastic first week back after half term. It has been exciting to see the class versions of The Iron Man story over the course of the week in our English lessons, which were inspired by the artwork we produced before half term. Editing is playing a great role in helping the children improve upon their sentences and correct spellings. 

In Maths we have been looking at the duration of time, using an empty number line to help visualise the time passed. Converting time from minutes and seconds into seconds, making sure we remember our “known fact”: 60 seconds = 1 minute.

On Monday we started to learn about the artist John Dyer, who visited a tribe in the Amazon, to produce paintings inspired by his surroundings. We looked at adding colour into white to create a gradation of colour from white to the colour chosen.  We also started to look at green plants found in the rainforest and how John Dyer uses yellow to add light to the plant and uses blue to create shadow.

Our music lesson this week introduced instruments which originated in India: the sitar, tabla and Indian flute.

Today we started our new Science topic. Each week we will be revisiting the five areas of Science that have been covered over the academic year as part of our Outdoor Learning. This week it was ‘Animals and Humans’. We made stretchers out of poles, string and waterproof material. This involved many skills: communication, turn taking, patience, teamwork and trust. 

Today’s spellings were handed out. We are focusing on the short /u/ sound spelt ‘ou’.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.


Monday 3rd June 2024

It has been lovely welcoming the children back into the classroom and hearing about their half term adventures.

Maths - CGP Book - Time Problems pages 52 and 52. Please use an empty number line to solve the problems involving duration of time.

English - CGP Book - Suffixes 'er' and 'est' - pages 74 and 75.

TTRS - at least 14 minutes per week. House points are awarded to those who achieve this.

Reading - 5 times per week. Reading Records are checked and stamped on Thursdays.

Homework to be handed in on Monday 10th June 2024.


Friday 24th May 2024

I was incredibly proud to take the class to The Reach Free School yesterday for an Athletics tournament against 5 other local schools. It was lovely to see the team spirit and encouragement shown by the pupils from St Marys. The boys team came first and the girls came third. A massive well done to all!

We have had a wonderful Art Week. We welcomed Clare Somerville-Perkins into St Marys on Wednesday, she is a screen printer from Eastbourne. Each of the houses went and carried out a workshop. As a school, we were delighted to showcase work created at the end of the day. In class, we had been inspired by The Iron Man, creating our own robotic characters and designing a print. We carved it onto foam through a stencil we’d made and then used a roller to print it onto gold or silver paper. We also imprinted inspirational quotes on clay tiles, getting the hang of the letters in reverse.

In English this week we have been creating our robotic character and named it, labelling the parts and creating a backstory. Today we have started planning and writing our stories, working alongside the story of The Iron Man.

In Maths we have been focusing on a.m and p.m, consolidating digital time and hours/days/months. 

On Tuesday, Minister Garland came to speak to the class about Pentecost. Highlighting the importance it has in the Christian Church as it marks the beginning of Christianity. 

Wishing you all a very restful half term and I hope it’s filled with sunshine.


The Iron Man Prints

Monday 20th May 2024

I hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed the sunshine.

Home work for this week:

English - CGP reading comprehension pages 24-25 - Poems about Crocodiles

Maths - pages 42 and 43 - Progress test. This is revisiting some of our recent maths learning.

TTRS - please complete 28 minutes over the two weeks.

There are two optional Atom Learning tasks set. The logins are stuck in your Reading Record.

Please ensure you are reading regularly and noting it in your reading record.

Homework to be handed in by Monday 2nd June.


Friday 17th May 2024

 In our English lessons this week we have created newspaper articles about the arrival of The Iron Man into the village, using the story of The Iron by Ted Hughes as inspiration. We also thought about the perspective of the seagulls in the story, writing from their point of view. Wito shared a very interesting fact that history is told from people’s point of view and that’s why it’s ‘his-story’. It was interesting to read the class’ creative descriptions of the iron monster. 

During the Maths lessons this week we have been continuing with time: telling the time to five minute and one minute intervals and starting to read time on a digital clock. Digital time is something the children would benefit from revisiting.

On Wednesday, the school had an assembly with Mrs Bartram, discussing Art week, which is taking place next week. 

In the Geography lesson we compared the Amazon Rainforest and Sherwood Forest - thinking about the creatures found there, size and age. It was interesting to think about the vast size of the Amazon by comparison and the fact it is millions of years old.

It was a pleasure to take the class to Hazard Alley yesterday. We explored the miniature town and all the hazards you might encounter: making phone calls to emergency services, what to do in the event of a fire, thinking about road and railway safety, looking at water safety. In the afternoon we had a session about online safety and how to protect your identity. 

In the Spanish lesson the class were learning about names of fruits and vegetables.

The spellings this week are concentrating on the prefixes: bi- and re-.

We brought art into our Science lesson today, making the cross section of a flower by collaging and labelling.


Next week we will be concentrating on the duration of time (minutes, hours, days, months) in our Maths lessons. 

Our English will be tied into Art Week, creating our very own metallic being to write a story about.  

Monday 13th May 2024

I hope you all had a sunshine-filled weekend.

English - Grammar CGP book pages 52 and 53 - looking at apostrophes for single possession..

Maths - CGP book page 51 looking at time.

TTRS - please complete 14 minutes of TTRS practice. 

Atom learning - there are two optional activities set on the atom learning page. Maths - reviewing addition. English - reading comprehension.

Reading - a reminder that reading records are stamped on a Thursday if they have read 5 times.


Homework to be completed by Monday 20th May.

Friday 10th May 2024

What a difference a week makes in terms of weather. It has been lovely to welcome the sunshine.

In English we have been using our persuasive writing skills to create a news report to highlight the issues surrounding deforestation

In Maths we finished learning about giving change, especially when acting as shopkeepers, to bring our learning to life. In a world where more and more is being paid online, it was very worthwhile experimenting with the coins. Today we started our lessons on Time, looking at roman numerals and 

Our Science lesson today focused around pollination. Lots of taxing vocabulary for us to wrap our heads around: style, ovule, sepal, stigma.

It was lovely to celebrate our talents in our PSHE lesson, we even showcased them in a Year 3’s Got Talent show. An interesting discussion around the various areas we can have talents:

  • Linguistic – people who are skilled with using words – reading, writing, poetry, word games etc.
  • Logical – people who are skilled in thinking in a mathematical or scientific way
  • Physical/Practical – people who are skilled at coordinating their body (gymnasts, athletes, sports people etc.) or skilled in a practical way (mechanics, builders, chefs etc.)
  • Visual/Spatial – people who are skilled at art and design (architects, painters, sculptors etc.)
  • Musical – people who are skilled musically (singers, instrumentalists, drummers etc.)
  • Inter-personal – people who are good at working with others and being part of a team or a natural leader
  • Intra-personal – people who like working more by themselves and are quite reflective in their nature
  • Naturalistic – people who are good with nature and the natural world (farmers, gardeners, vets etc.) 

We all agreed that any talent takes time and practice to develop.

As part of our Geography we created fact files about the created who can be found in the rainforest; thinking about which layer they inhabit.

In Computing we have been continuing to hone our coding expertise on the Scratch programme. We are improving our debugging skills by reflecting on the coding blocks and seeing what changes can be made.

Music was an interesting exploration of our body percussion and listening to the impressive noise we can create as a class when snapping, clapping or booming. We thought about the rhythm: becoming faster or slower.

For the spelling focus this week we were looking at the ‘ch’ digraph making the /k/ sound: scheme, chaos, school, chemistry, etc.

Next week we will focus on telling the time to five minute intervals, minute intervals and digital time.


Tuesday 7th May

I hope you all had a wonderful bank holiday weekend, despite the rain.

English - Reading comprehension CGP book pages 30 and 31 to complete ‘Evie in the Jungle’ reading comprehension.

Maths - CGP book page 50 looking at money.

TTRS - the time has been reduced to 12 minutes this week to account for the bank holiday Monday, so ignore the 14 minutes listed.

Atom learning - there are two optional activities set on the atom learning page. Maths - reviewing fractions from weeks 1 and 2 of this term. For English I have set a synonyms (words that mean the same thing) and antonyms (words that mean the opposite) activity. There are videos which can be used to help pupils understand and develop independence.

Reading - a reminder that reading records are stamped on a Thursday if they have read 5 times.


Homework to be completed by Monday 13th May.


Friday 3rd May 2024

Maths - In our Maths lessons we have been focusing on money. We have been adding and  subtracting money and converting pounds to pence. At the start of each Maths lesson we start with 10 maths fluency questions - these help us to look for known facts and use them to answer more complex calculations. On Friday afternoons we are carrying out mental arithmetic quizzes, these are a great way of continually revisiting all the areas of maths. 

English - Continuing to use The Great Kapok Tree for inspiration, particularly deforestation, we have started learning about the features of persuasive writing. The focus this week was on emotive language and using facts to support your point of view. 

Science - In our Science lesson day we used celery and food colouring to help us understand about how water is transported through a plant. Our key science word was Xylem (which means to carry water from the roots to all parts of the plant).

DT - we started creating our rainforest inspired flowers by combining various materials.

Spellings - This week our spelling focus has been on the -ation suffix. 

Guided Reading - One of the highlights of my week has been the focus the class has during our reading of ‘The Iron Man’. Our Monday and Friday reading has been about a fascinating book called ‘Survivors: Extraordinary Tales from the Wild and Beyond’, this has a great link to the Rainforest.

Geography - We creatively explored the four layers of the rainforest (Emergent, canopy, understory and forest floor) by putting actions to them and making flap booklets.


Next week

We will be looking at analogue time in our Maths lessons next week. I’d appreciate your help with reinforcing telling time at home as it is an important skill.


Wishing you all a wonderful bank holiday weekend and look forward to seeing the children on Tuesday 7th May.


Monday 29th April 2024

Good afternoon, I hope you all had an enjoyable weekend.

Homework for this week:

English - CGP book pages 78 & 79 - -ation and -ous word endings.

Maths - CGP book Maths - Fractions of an amount pages 38 & 39

Times Tables - 14 minutes. House points are awarded to those who complete at least 14 minutes of practising times tables a week. 

Reading - planners are checked on a Thursday. We are looking for reading to take place 5 times a week.

Please hand in your homework on Tuesday 7th May.


Friday 26th April 2024


English - Inspired by The Great Kapok Tree, we have been creating our very own adventure stories, set in the rainforest. After planning the story, we spent each day writing a different part:

  • Beginning
  • Build up
  • Middle (problem)
  • Resolution
  • Ending


Maths - we have finished our fraction learning for this academic year, although we will revisit it regularly in the Fluent in Five and Rapid Reasoning starters at the beginning of each Maths lesson. WE found a unit fraction (â…“ ¼ ) and non unit fraction (â…” ¾ ) of an amount. There is a link to show the method we used. Dividing by the denominator (bottom number) and multiplying by the numerator (top number). 


A great way to learn times tables is through songs, some popular choices from the class are:

3 times tables 

4 times tables 

6 times tables 


RE - following our ordering of the events of Pentecost, we got creative and produced beautiful artwork to depict the Holy Spirit.


Music - in our music lesson we were creating sounds of the rainforest using body percussion - clicking, rubbing hands together, tapping our legs and jumping. It was amazing to hear the sounds of the rainforest in our year 3 classroom.


Guided Reading -  we are continuing to read The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. It has been wonderful to see the class using the new vocabulary (aghast, scavenged, brink, scrutinised), we retrieved from the text, in their own writing.


Spellings - we have been looking at the -sion ending of a word. We noticed that root words ending in de or se changed to -sion ending. E.g. Confuse -> confusion; persuade -> persuasion


PSHE - We looked at the Eatwell Guide with its recommendations for the amount we should be eating.


Science - Today we have been setting up experiments to investigate what a plant needs to grow by removing one of the following: light, warmth, water or soil.


Next Week

In our DT lesson we will be creating a 3D flower, inspired by those found in the rainforest. The children have designed them. If you have any spare cardboard tubes or cardboard boxes (no bigger than the size of a cereal box), please send them in on Monday. These are not compulsory for each child, if will just add to our resources for creating.

In English we are moving on to persuasive writing, still using The Great Kapok Tree as our inspiration. We will be thinking about deforestation. 

Money is the focus of our Maths learning for next week. Finding change and creating amounts.


Monday 22nd April 2024

Good afternoon, I hope you all enjoyed the weekend and the lovely weather we had.

Homework for this week:

English - 'Lets Get Growing' reading comprehension - pages 12 & 13. This ties in perfectly with the Science topic: Plants. 

Maths - Adding and Subtracting Fractions (pages 36 & 37)

Times Tables - 14 minutes. House points are awarded to those who complete at least 14 minutes of practising times tables a week. 

Reading - planners are checked on a Thursday. We are looking for reading to take place 5 times a week.

Please hand in your homework on Monday 29th April.

Friday 19th April 2024

This Week

What a fantastic first week I have had with Year 3, rounded off perfectly with the Marafun run around the Aquadrome. A big thank you to the parent helpers for helping us get safely to, from and around the Aquadrome. We are very excited to champion Miss Devlin as she prepares for her Marathon event on Sunday in support of Cardiomyopathy. Well done to Year 3 for having the courage to run, jog or walk around.


In English this week we have been reading the story of The Great Kapok Tree. A thought provoking story about deforestation and the impact it has on the world and the animals who inhabit the rainforest. You might want to watch the story being read here: 

Inspired by this story we wrote setting descriptions, character descriptions and dialogue.


In Maths we have been learning about adding and subtracting fractions. We reminded ourselves that we should add the numerator (top number) but not the denominator. Same for subtracting. We found a fraction of an amount: 1/3, 1/2, 1/4, 1/5, etc. We remembered that we divide by the denominator (bottom number).


In this week’s PSHE lesson we learnt about the importance of washing our hands thoroughly to make sure we do not spread germs. To show how easily germs can spread we applied Vaseline and then glitter. When we shook hands with our partner the glitter spread to their clean hand. Water alone did not remove germs (glitter), we required soap as well.

Some groups then created memorable rhymes to help promote hand washing.


In Science this week we have started our topic on Plants; learning about the parts of the plant (roots, stem, leaves and flower) and the job they do.


This term, in Geography, we are looking at the features of a rainforest, specifically the Amazon Rainforest. 


In Computing the pupils have started Coding using the Scratch online programme, they have individual logins. 


As part of our DT topic, we will be creating 3D flowers inspired by the rainforest. This week we made observational sketches of flowers found in the rainforest.


Spellings have been sent home today ready for a test on Friday 26th April, focusing on words with the -tion ending.

Mrs Morris' spelling group will not have these words.


Next Week

Maths - we will be continuing to work with fractions. 

English - Creating adventure stories about the rainforests and the creatures found there.

Science - beginning an experiment to understand what plants need to survive. 

Spellings - -sion ending (e.g confusion)



Wishing you a restful weekend.

Mrs Martin


Monday 15th April

Good afternoon,

It has been lovely to welcome the class back from the Easter Holidays. 

This week for homework please can your child complete the following:

English: - Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling - pages 26 and 27. Looking at the past and present tense.

Maths: - Length, Mass and Volume - pages 46 & 47. Revisiting measurement which was covered before the Easter holidays.

Times Tables: - please can your child complete 14 minutes of TTRS over the course of a week. Regular practise will help prepare the pupils for the Times Tables assessment which takes place at the end of Year 4.

I will check Reading Records every Thursday morning. Reading 5 times a week will benefit pupils; supporting their imagination, spelling and fluency.

Thursday 28th March 2024

We have now come to the end of Spring term after a week full of Easter reflections, activities and celebrations. Today, we got together in our school family groups (a mixed group of children from Reception to Year 6) and learnt about 'Easter around the world', finding out about Easter traditions in lots of other countries and places and we made crafts to take home.  


Sadly, this is my final post as Year 3's teacher. I'd like to take a moment to say a huge thank you to everyone - the children, parents and carers and staff at St Mary's. Thank you for your understanding, kind words and lovely cards and gifts. This was an incredibly hard decision for me. The St Mary's community will have a special place in my heart forever. I'll come back to make visits and there's already talk of me getting involved in some more music-related events! I'd also like to give a warm welcome to Mrs Martin, who will no doubt be the wonderful teacher that Year 3 need for their last term. She has so many exciting things planned for you all, including a class trip! I'm so happy that the children have got to know her and this will make an easier transition for them going into Summer term. The fabulous Ms Morris will continue to support Year 3 as well! :) 


Summer Term will begin on Monday 15th April. After Easter, the children will take part in a 'mini marathon' on Friday 19th April at the Aquadrome, in support of Miss Devlin taking on the huge challenge to run the London marathon for Cardiomyopathy. The children will need their PE kits on that day. 


Thank you again and I hope you all have the most amazing Easter holidays!

Love from Miss Bhanderi x 

Monday 25th March

Good afternoon, as we are approaching the Easter holidays we will not be setting homework for this week. We do encourage you to keep reading. Keeping a diary over the holidays is a great way to keep up the skills of writing and could continue the objectives we learnt in recount writing. Make sure to include facts and opinions. 


 Friday 22nd March 2024

It was lovely to see so many of you at parents’ evening - thank you for coming! It always gives me great pleasure to catch up and talk about the children’s progress at school. 


This week we have been busy writing limerick poems and finishing our learning journeys in history, RE and science. In science, we found out that the distance between the source of light and an object affects the size of its shadow. We sketched shadows and made stick puppets to test out! 


FUN FACT OF THE WEEK: The closer to the light source an object is, the bigger the shadow will be. This is because the object blocks more of the light. 


There won’t be any spellings set this week or over the Easter break. Please keep learning the Year 3 and 4 common exception words, as we are always looking out for these in the children's writing. 


Reminders for next week:


All reading records will be checked and stamped on Wednesday and the children will have time to choose 2 books to take home and read over the next couple of weeks. Year 6 are making our Gold Reading Badges and these will be handed out after the Easter holidays.  


Monday 25th March 

Please hand in your homework to Mrs Martin and wear a PE kit. 

Wednesday 27th March

Easter Service / performances - Please arrive at St Mary’s Church at 5:35pm for a 6pm start, wearing full school uniform.

Thursday 28th March

No PE. 

You can wear an Easter hat or bonnet.

Finish school at 1:15pm. 


After the Easter break, Year 3 will be learning about the following topics in Maths: Fractions (adding, subtracting, finding fractions of amounts) and then Money (converting pounds and pence, finding change from adding or subtracting). 


Have a great weekend!
From Miss Bhanderi and Mrs Martin



Monday 18th March 2024

Good afternoon, I hope you had a great weekend.

Homework for this week to be handed in on Monday 25th March:

Maths - CGP book pages 16 and 17. With a particular focus on scales for measuring mass.

English - CGP SPaG book pages 36 and 37, concentrating on capital letters.

Friday 15th March 2024


This week, we explored the Easter story in more detail and wrote diary entries from the perspective of Jesus’ mother Mary. We learnt about how some Christians celebrate Easter, whether that’s with their family or church community, and compared it to how we celebrate it. We also wrote Haiku poems about this!


We had some extra special collective worship sessions this week. In our singing worship, I played the violin and will be playing in the Easter service too! On Wednesday, we had a communion with Gary, ate some bread, drank some juice, and sang songs of thanks. We also met up in our house groups to have a meeting about ideas for a school prayer.  


On Wednesday 27th March, 6-7pm, we have our Easter service at St Mary’s church. Year 3 will be reading some prayers and performing a song with Year 4, as well as singing lots of other wonderful songs. I look forward to seeing you there!


Spellings (x6)

The suffix ‘-ous’ means ‘full of’: dangerous, delicious, enormous, famous*, generous, nervous

Remember, when a root word ends in ‘-e’ it gets replaced with ‘-ous’, like fame -> famous. See if you can spot the ‘-ous’ words in your reading books! 

*from the y3/4 statutory spelling list


 Reminders for next week:


Monday 18th March 

Please hand in your homework to Mrs Martin and wear a PE kit. 

Tuesday 19th March and Wednesday 20th March

Parent consultations with Miss Bhanderi (please book a slot if you haven’t done already)

Thursday 21st March

Please wear a PE kit.

Friday 22nd March

Spelling Test (‘-ous’ suffix spellings)


In Maths, we will be learning about mass and capacity. In English, we will continue with understanding, performing and writing poetry. 


From Miss Bhanderi and Mrs Martin 


Monday 11th March 2024

We hope you had a wonderful weekend.

For Homework this week, please can your child complete the following:


English - Reading Comprehension from the CGP book. Continuing with our Guided Reading work on Dick King Smith's Hodgeheg, please complete Page 6-7 'Harriet's Hare'. We encourage you to answer in complete sentences.


Maths - Following our learning on Fractions, please complete the worksheet to concentrate on counting in fractions.


This homework needs to be handed in on Monday 18th March.

Thank you


Friday 8th March 2024

We made a brilliant start to the week with our class trip to the Stone Age Celtic Harmony Camp! Throughout the day, we took part in several activities, involving watching friction fire and flint knapping demonstrations, as well as den building and ‘hunting’ in the woods. I will attach some photos here over the weekend. Thank you to all the adults who helped out and to those that stepped in at the last minute. Also, a big thank you to all of the year 3 parents for assisting with getting the children prepared for the trip with the right clothes and pocket money ect. The leaders at the camp were very impressed with our good behaviour and tidiness!


We also celebrated Book Week and World Book Day this week!. As a whole school, we read a story called ‘Dear Earth’ by Isabel Otter and then took part in different writing activities within our year groups. Year 3 wrote a story and a kenning poem.  


Please may you kindly remind children to leave their toys (including slime and fidgets) at home, unless you have spoken with me, Mrs Martin or Mrs Collett about it? I wouldn’t want their belongings to go missing, break, or distract them or others from their learning. I had a discussion with the class explaining that everyone learns differently and some people need to have certain things to make it fairer for them to learn and others don’t. It's a tricky concept to understand at this age, but it's still important. Thank you for your support with this. 


Spellings (x6)

We will be learning about when ‘ou’ makes an ‘uh’ sound like in touch. 

country / courage / double / enough / touch / young 

Can you think of any other words which follow the same pattern? Try to spot those words in the books you are reading at home! 


Reminders for next week:

Monday 11th March 

Please hand in your homework to Mrs Martin and wear a PE kit. 

Thursday 14th March

Please wear a PE kit.

Friday 15th March

Spelling Test (when ‘ou’ makes an ‘uh’ sound)


I hope you have a restful weekend after such a busy week!

From Miss Bhanderi and Mrs Martin

Tuesday 5th March 2024

We thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Celtic Harmony yesterday. We hope the children were filled to the brim with stories of hunting Woolly Mammoths, visiting roundhouses, making soup and exploring Stone Age tools.

For Homework this week, please could your child complete the following:

Maths - page 33 Equivalent Fractions from the Maths CGP book.

SPAG - please complete pages 70 and 71 of looking at re/anti/sub/super prefixes in the SPaG CGP book.

Reading - Please ensure your child is reading at least 5 times a week, with the Reading Record filled in.

Please can they hand in their work by Monday 11th March.

Friday 1st March 2024


Welcome back from the half-term break! We have lots of exciting activities this term; please check the newsletter for more details. As part of our Art lesson on Tuesday, we looked at the discovery of the Lion Man, a 40,000 year old sculpture of a man with a lion’s head carved out of a Mammoth’s tusk over the course of 400 hours. Fortunately we made our version out of clay, which took considerably less time. On Wednesday, we took part in a TriGolf session and had so much fun playing different putting and driving games!


In RE, we explored how Salvation and Easter fit into The Big Story in the Bible. We started a new unit in Science called ‘Light, Dark, and Shadows’. We discovered that there are more than one type of light source - the sun, torch, fire, light bulbs and others. We think fire and the sun were the most important for people living in the Stone Age.


FUN FACT OF THE WEEK: Interestingly, the moon is not a light source as it actually reflects sunlight! 


Spellings (x8)

We are learning about the prefixes ‘re’ (which means again or back) and ‘super’ (which means better or above and beyond): 

rebuild / recall / recycle / redo / superglue / superhero / supermarket / superpower 


Reminders for next week:

It will be Brilliant Book Week!

Monday 4th March 

Celtic Harmony Stone Age trip! Please arrive at school at 8:15am. Please check the letter for more details! 

Tuesday 5th March

Please hand in your homework to Mrs Martin. 

Thursday 7th March

World Book Day - dress up! Please still wear / bring comfortable shoes for PE.

Friday 8th March

Spelling Test (‘re’ and ‘super’ words)


I look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning for the trip! Myself, Mrs Martin, Ms Morris, Mrs Maxwell and some lovely parent helpers will all be going with the children. 


From Miss Bhanderi and Mrs Martin

Homework 26th February - due in Monday 4th March

Thank you to all children that brought their homework books in today.  As mentioned in the email, parent meeting and to the children before half term, the homework timetable has changed. Homework is now set and to be handed back in on a Monday. The children will be shown what their homework is on each Monday.


Please can all homework books be kept in their school bag.  We would like to check all of their homework books this week (Tuesday) to make sure they each have the correct ones going forward.


Maths - CGP book - revision of Partitioning - pages 12 and 13.

English - Comprehension book - Nature Trail - pages 8 and 9.


Remember to keep practising your times tables using TTRockstars!




Spring Term 2:

Class trip: Monday 4th March 2024 - Celtic Harmony Stone Age Camp

English Writing - Playscripts, 'Brilliant Book Week' (including World Book Day), Poetry

Maths - Fractions, Mass (g/kg) and Capacity (ml/l)

Science - Light and Shadows

RE - Salvation and the Easter Story in Christianity 

History - Stone Age to Iron Age

Art - Cave Paintings using oil pastels and charcoal

Music - Jazz 

Computing - Branching databases

PSHE - Rights and Respect 

PE - Hockey and Racket sports

Friday 16th February 2024

Happy half-term to such a wonderful group of children and families! We have all worked so hard and deserve a break, so there will not be any set home learning this week. 


This week, we celebrated our learning by comparing Ancient Egypt to Stone Age Britain and completing some art and writing activities. We had a debate and all decided that the Egyptians were better builders! Thank you if you were able to come to the learning showcase! I have taken photos of the children's work in case you weren't able to come. We also had so much fun making excellent rainforest jars for the St Mary's secret garden, as part of enrichment. 


This afternoon, I pre-visited Celtic Harmony's Stone Age Camp and can absolutely confirm that the children will LOVE this trip! Please be prepared that some areas are a little muddy as most of the activities will be outdoors. Luckily, the camp have some fantastic indoor spaces too if the weather is not on our side! There's a place for us to store bags throughout the day. 


Thank you for all being supportive and thank you to the children for being so resilient!

Have a brilliant half-term!

From Miss Bhanderi smiley


Friday 9th February 2024

As we approach the end of half-term, we are starting to finish some of our learning journeys. But, the learning still continues. Next week, we will be taking part in a History Class Project to celebrate all the learning we have done so far in Year 3 - I'm so excited for all the fun activities I have planned for us to do in the afternoons! On Thursday, parents/carers are invited in to school from 2.30pm for our Learning Showcase.


In Maths, we have been learning about lengths and measurements. We will continue practicing this as well as perimeter next week. Remember, the 'perimeter' is the distance around the edge of a shape. You can work it out by adding up all of the lengths of each side. If the shape is a square or an equilateral triangle, all the sides will be equal! In English, we have started a new writing unit: playscripts! We will continue this for another week after half-term. By the end of the unit, we will have written our own scripts, including scene descriptions and stage directions. We will be practising our acting and reading skills next week.  


Thank you so much for all the jars! We now have enough for one each. It means so much to us and our children - they will have the best experience!


Home learning (due Thursday 15th February)

  • Maths CGP book - Perimeter pages 48 and 49
  • English SPaG CGP book - Prefixes (un, dis and mis) pages 68 and 69 
  • Spellings x6 - disagree, disappear, misbehave, misplace, unfair, unlucky: Can you find the root words? For example ‘appear’ in disappear. 
  • Please continue reading 5 times per week and sign your record to show this. 

There will not be any home learning set over the half term, as you have all earned a break! 


I sent home an optional spelling home activity, where you can cut up the prefixes and root words and mix them up to create real words. For example 'un' + 'fair' = unfair. 


After half-term we will be reading 'The Hodgeheg' by Dick King-Smith in Guided Reading and during story time. I have enough copies for one between two children. If you would like to bring in your own copy, you are more than welcome, but this is not mandatory. There is a free pdf version online if you would like to read it at home:


Next week:

PE will be on Tuesday and Friday as normal. 

On Thursday, parents/carers are invited in to school from 2.30pm for our Learning Showcase.

Thank you for making sure the children have brought in their reading records and books. I was unwell for the last couple of days unfortunately, but I will check them all next week and make sure they are stamped properly.


Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Bhanderi 

Request for jars with lids!

In the last week of spring term 1 we will be making a miniature rainforest in a jar using natural resources from our new secret garden and the school grounds. This is part of our enrichment learning. Please may you bring in a jar with a lid - on or before Friday 9th February? It would be amazing if there were enough for each child. Examples are pasta sauce jars or jam jars - whatever you can reuse from home! If you could donate 1 jar or more that would be so helpful! Thank you in advance! 

Friday 2nd February 2024

This week, we used the Chromebooks to research Skara Brae in History and we made Google Slide presentations. We found it interesting how different the homes looked at that time compared to now. In RE, we have been studying how Muslims might get ready carefully and respectfully before prayer - for example by washing themselves and taking their shoes off. In Science, we explored a range of different fossils and had some thoughtful discussions about dinosaurs and discoveries about the past. We also wrote explanations to describe the process of fossilisation. 


Home Learning: Spelling / Times Tables reviews will be on Thursday 8th February 


  • Reading - Please continue to read at 5 times per week and sign your record to show this. As written in Mrs Maxwell's letter, please make sure you have your reading record and reading book in your school bag every day. This is to ensure that 1 to 1 reading with various adults can take place at anytime throughout the week- thank you! 
  • Spelling Review Test -These words haven been taken from the Y3/4 Statutory Spelling list and are words we have learnt so far in Year 3: accidentally / actual / business / material / mention / metal / natural / position / possible / special
  • Times tables: Please practise the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. Remember to use facts you know - for example, if you know 10 x 4 is 40, then 9 x 4 is 4 less (36). Please ask if you would like a reminder of your TTRockstars login. 


Next week:
PE days will be on Tuesday and Friday. 

In Maths, we are learning about measurements (mm, cm and m) and perimeter. Try having a practise of measuring lengths at home! 

In English, we will be writing our final set of instructions: How to wash a woolly mammoth. Then, we will be moving on to a new unit - writing playscripts!


Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Bhanderi


 Friday 26th January 2024 

On Tuesday, we had our DT cooking themed day, when we made our own bread rolls - a special mention and thank you to Mrs Morris and Nicola for supporting us! Please have a look at more of what we got up to on the Weekly Newsletter! 


We started reading a new book in English, called ‘How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth’, which is part of our instructions writing unit. We learnt that imperative verbs are rather bossy and tell us what to do! We took some prehistoric animals for a play in the mud outside and then gave them a bath by following the imperative verbs that were said. We had to ‘clean’, ‘scrub’ and ‘soak’ the animals in warm, soapy water using different utensils, such as toothbrushes, cotton buds, and sponges.


This week, we took our topic learning outdoors! In Science, we investigated the characteristics of soil. We found that dark soil was the most common on the school grounds. Dark soil contains the most organic matter (and worms!) which makes it great for growing plants. In History, we became hunter-gatherers and made Stone Age shelters to help us survive in the forest.


Home Learning (due Thursday 1st February) 

This week’s home learning will focus on spellings and grammar. On Monday, we will be starting a new unit in Maths called ‘Length and Perimeter’. Please continue using TTRockstars for this week. Your child has taken home an optional ‘Look, Say, Cover…’ sheet, as some have said this might be helpful for practising spellings at home.  


  • SPaG: CGP book, pages 8 and 9 - Verbs  
  • Reading - you must read 5 times a week and get your record signed to show this. If your child reads with Mrs Perry, please may they bring their books and record in on Wednesdays. 
  • Spellings x 6: Words with the ending “t + ion” sounding like “shun”. 

It is mostly used when the root word ends in “t” or “te”. If the root word ends in ”e” you will need to drop it, for example, complete becomes completion.  

action / completion / invention / mention* / position* / question* 


* words taken from the Year 3 / 4 Statutory Spelling List


In our spelling lessons, we have been working on breaking words into chunks or syllables and checking that each sound is represented. For example, when we break ‘happiness’ up as “hap - pi - ness” it helps us to remember and hear that there are two p’s. 


Next week:

PE days will be on Tuesday and Friday.

Home learning must be handed in on Thursday, so all children can take part in the feedback and consolidation process. Thank you for everything you do at home - it makes a wonderful difference! 


Have a fantastic weekend, 

Miss Bhanderi  

Spelling Home Learning 19.01.24

Friday 19th January 2024

This week, we have been working so hard and really getting stuck into our learning journeys! I'm very impressed by all the curious, thoughtful questions! In Science, we explored how soil is formed and drew a diagram showing the different layers of soil (top soil, sub soil and bedrock). We will be starting a new book in English, called 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth'. Our focus over the next couple of weeks will be writing instructions. In Maths, we will continue practising multiplication and division methods for one more week. We used a place value chart and dienes to divide 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers, and then moved on to drawing methods and solving worded problems.


Home Learning: Due Thursday 25th January 2024

English (spelling sheet): Create words using the suffixes '-ment' and '-ness'. Remember, most words (but not all) that end in 'y' must be changed to 'i', for example happy -> happiness and busy -> business.

Maths CGP book: page 27 (Using Times Tables Facts) and page 30 (Solving Calculation Problems

Spellings x 6: business* / busy* / equipment / experiment* / happiness / sadness 

* taken from the Year 3/4 Statutory Spelling List


Reading - Please keep reading and signing your record 5 times a week. 


Next week:

We have our DT Cooking Day in school on Tuesday! If you have an apron, you may bring it in, but if not don't worry, I have spares. We will be baking bread rolls, learning about what the Stone Age people might have baked, and making shopping budgets and food safety posters. The children will be taking home their bread roll to taste and evaluate! 

PE kit will be needed for Friday please.


I hope you all stay warm this weekend! 

See you on Monday,

Miss Bhanderi

Friday 12th January 2024

We had a brilliant first whole week back in Year 3! I celebrated my birthday with the children on Monday and they sang beautifully to me. In English, we took a flight to Paris and wrote postcards about our adventures, focussing on sentence construction and punctuation. We also worked in groups to present a broadcast to the rest of the class about the different festivals we 'visited' around the world!


In music, we painted Chinese New Year dragon masks, listened to different pieces of traditional Chinese music, and learnt how to play a pentatonic scale (made up of 5 notes, C D E G A) on the xylophone. 


We also planned and carried out a science investigation, testing the permeability of rocks, by putting them in beakers of water and making observations. We learnt that a rock is 'permeable' if water or air can pass through it. As a class, we decided that the more bubbles we could see, the more permeable the rocks were. Chalk was the most! 


Home Learning: Due Thursday 18th January 2024

- English Comprehension: 'Sam Wu is Not Afraid of the Dark', pages 2-3 in the CGP book

- Maths: Short Multiplication. Please see the attached question sheets. If you would like a printed copy, I can give them out on Monday. There are 2 versions. One version has no exchanges, which may benefit your child if they would like some help before trying the sheet with exchanges.

- Spellings x 5: accidentally* / actually* / basically / frantically / dramatically

- Reading - Please keep reading and signing your record 5 times a week. 


* taken from the Year 3/4 Statutory Spelling List


Next week

PE will be on Tuesday and Friday, as normal. 

Library will be on Thursday, as normal.


Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Bhanderi 

Friday 5th January 2024

Happy New Year! Welcome back to school. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break.  

I have been so impressed with how quickly the children have settled back in to the classroom routines. As a whole school, we have focussed on our three school rules this week: Ready, Respectful and Reflective.  


In English, we are reading a brilliant book called ‘Atlas of Adventures’. Today, we created passports and took a (pretend) flight to see the Northern lights in Finland, Europe. I very much enjoyed being the pilot! Each time we visit a new place, we will stamp our passports and complete a writing activity. I wonder where we will go next…  

We’ve started to learn about the Stone Age in History and about the three types of natural rock in Science (igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic). As part of our ‘No Outsiders’ scheme, we read a book called ‘We’re Wonders’ which is based on a character called Auggie from the film ‘Wonder’. We discussed what a bystander is and made posters encouraging others to speak out if they see something that isn’t right.  


Going forward, Miss Morris will be supporting us in Year 3 in the mornings, in the classroom and with interventions. She is very excited to be with such a lovely group of children and we are just as excited to have her!  


I am changing the day for home learning, spelling test and reading records to Thursday from now on. As I usually having planning time on a Friday afternoon, this will help me ensure that everyone is taking home the right books, ect. We will also have our library session every Thursday afternoon.


Home learning: Due Thursday 11th January 2024

  • Comprehension: pages 4-5 ‘Building Stonehenge’ in the CGP book
  • Maths: TTRockstars practice
  • Spellings and meanings: 5 pairs of homophones (words that sound the same but are spelt differently): blew, blue, night, knight, aloud, allowed, heard, herd,  one, won
  • Reading: Please continue to read 5 times per week. Some children are starting to get their Silver badges! I am more than happy if you would like to change your books before Thursday. 


Next week:

PE Days will be on Tuesday and Friday as normal.


In English, we will continue reading Atlas of Adventures.

In Guided Reading, we will be reading Stone Age Boy.

In Maths, we will be starting to use the column method to multiply two digit numbers by 1 digit numbers, for example 24 x 2 and 53 x 3.


Have a lovely weekend,

From Miss Bhanderi

Tuesday 19th December 2023

We have finally reached the end of term and the Christmas holidays! Thank you for coming to Year 3's first KS2 Carol Service last week. I am so proud of them; their singing and playing was wonderful and they were very brave. 

The children have been so resilient in their first term of Year 3; they have adapted to changes and are already showing fantastic progress in their learning. I want to thank you all for your patience and understanding whilst I have been poorly. The staff at St Mary's have also been brilliant, for stepping in and ensuring the children still have the festive fun they deserve. I heard that Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed the pantomime and class party!


There's no set home learning over the holidays - please enjoy a well-earned break and come back feeling refreshed. Please do continue to keep reading at home and keep practising your times tables on TTRocktars.


Thank you for my Christmas cards, generous gifts and kind words! I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday 4th January 2024. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

From Miss Bhanderi :) 

Friday 8th December 2023

What a brilliant week in year three! In English, we have been planning our own fables, which we will finish writing next week. In Maths, we have done lots of work on column subtraction, including making exchanges. Please see the help sheet for how I teach it in class - hopefully this will help at home. This week, we were joined by two Christmas elves, who wrote us a letter and made themselves at home in our classroom, from reading our books and leaving trails of stickers, to getting tangled up in tinsel! I wonder what they’ll be up to next week…


Thank you for handing in such creative stories - I have enjoyed reading them all!

Please may home learning be handed in on Thursday next week? This is so we can have some festive fun on Friday instead!


Home learning and spellings due THURSDAY 14th

Maths – Written subtraction, page 25

English – learn the lyrics to ‘It was a starry night’ for the KS2 Carol Service. Please see the lyrics attached.

Spellings x 8 – Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelt differently. Please learn the spelling and meaning of these words: blew/blue   break/brake   here/hear   missed/mist.

Please continue to read 5 times per week and record this in your reading record.  


Lots happening next week:

Monday – Wear ancient Egyptian costumes / historian clothing

Tuesday – Wear school uniform (not PE Kit). Please wear uniform at the church too, for our KS2 Carol Service, where we will meet between 5:35pm and 5:45pm. I will bring everyone’s instruments with me, so you just need your lovely selves.

Wednesday – Pantomime at Watersmeet theatre (pick up from there at 4:30pm)

Thursday – final Spelling Test and Home Learning DUE for the term

Friday – Please dress festively (and warm) for fun, Christmas activities in school!


I hope you enjoy your weekend!

Miss Bhanderi

Friday 1st December 2023

How is it December already? We have so many wonderful things to look forward to over the last few weeks of term - there's definitely a buzz in the classroom! We have now finished our history learning journey. However, the Ancient Egypt theme continues as we begin to study the River Nile in geography. In RE, we are making comparisons between festivals of light, from Diwali to Hanukkah to Christmas. In Science, we found out that magnets can attract when opposite poles are facing each other and repel when the same poles are facing each other. 

Please read the school newsletter to find out what we've been up to in English and Maths.


I have opened up a 'Chat Box' system for the Year 3 children to use when they feel like they want to share a worry or something exciting with me. I care deeply what the children have to say and this way I can monitor how the children are getting on and we can have conversations that don't eat into our learning time. (Our days our so busy!) Please remember, I am always happy to have a chat.  


Home Learning due Friday 8th December

Maths – column subtraction (no exchanges)

English – creative writing task, to encourage writing at home. Use one of the pictures to write your own short story.

Reading - Please keep reading 5 times a week and sign the reading record. 

Spellings x 6 - Words with the -al ending: actual* / material* / metal / natural* / occasional* / special*


*words from the Y3/4 Statutory Spelling List 

Material and metal are the only nouns. The rest of the words are adjectives (words that describe nouns). In class, we practise separating syllables in longer words, like occ - a - sion - al


Next Week:

Please wear your school PE Kit on Tuesday and Friday. Please bring a coat and other warm accessories every day as the temperatures start to drop.

On Wednesday 6th December, there’s a Christmas jumper day and Christmas lunch. I look forward to spending lunchtime with all the children!

In English, we will plan and write our own fables and in Maths, I will introduce exchanges when using the column method, for example 534 - 217 where 4 subtract 7 cannot be done without borrowing from the tens.    


Wrap up warm this weekend! I look forward to seeing you on Monday,

Miss Bhanderi

Friday 24th November 2023

What a fun week we've had! On Tuesday, even though we didn't have our planned workshop, we still took part in Ancient Egyptian activities all day, from making 3D landscapes of Egypt and paper plate collars to using clay to create a Rosetta stone. The children's costumes were absolutely brilliant! We will be dressing up again on Monday 11th December, for the workshop we booked. 


Recorder lessons in Year 3:

As part of our music curriculum, I have started teaching the class how to play 'Silent Night' on the recorder, which they will be performing in the KS2 Carol Service on 12th December, as well as singing 'It was on a starry night' (found on Youtube). Today, each child took home their named recorder, which has four coloured stickers on and the bag to keep it safe in. Please return the recorder on Monday! It would be fantastic if they could practice even for just 5 minutes a day. Playing an instrument is so important for children's cognitive learning and fine motor skills. 

Home Learning due Friday 1st December

Maths - page 26 (The 3, 4 and 8 times tables). Keep revising the 3s and 4s.

English (SPaG) - pages 4 and 5 (Nouns and Adjectives)

Reading - Please keep reading 5 times a week and sign the reading record. 

Spellings x 8 - Words with the -le ending: angle / apple / circle / little / middle / people / possible* / sparkle 


*from the Y3/4 Statutory Spelling List


Next Week:
Please bring the recorders back to school on Monday for our next rehearsal. 

On Tuesday and Friday, please wear PE Kit to school. 

On Friday, please bring a bag with party clothes in, if you are attending the disco after school, 3:10-4pm.


In Maths, we will be learning how to use the column method for addition and subtraction over the next 2 weeks. 

In English, we have started reading and writing fables (stories that have a moral) such as The Hare and the Tortoise. 


It was lovely to meet you all at the parent consultations. Thank you for coming and for all the work you do at home - it makes a huge difference! 


Hope you have a super weekend,

Miss Bhanderi

Friday 17th November 2023

This week was Anti-Bullying Week. We made a Kind Classroom Agreement, read a story called 'A Wrinkled Heart', and took part in activities in house groups and family groups with the rest of the school. 


In Maths this week, we started learning the 3 and 4 times tables for the first time, which included counting in multiples and dividing by 3 and 4. We discovered that multiplying by 4 is the same as multiplying by 2 and then 2 again (or doubling and doubling again). Your child will have taken home a sheet for their home learning, which reflects the work we've done in class. We will have all year to revise the 3, 4 and 8 times tables and will keep on coming back to this in our fluency and daily practice. 


We have thoroughly enjoyed reading Fantastic Mr Fox so far in Guided Reading and Story Time. We unpicked little details about each of the characters and pictured the setting in our heads before drawing and labelling it. 


Home Learning Due Friday 24th  

Maths - The 3 and 4 times tables. Please find attached a copy of the sheet, in case your child wasn't here on Friday.

There are a number of songs available on Youtube to help with times tables. This is the one we've practiced in class:


English (SPaG) - Apostrophes for Missing Letters (pages 50 and 51)

No Spellings. Instead, please learn your Chromebook password off by heart. It is made up of two letters (your initials) and 6 numbers (the day, month and year you were born). _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

For example, if your name is Jane Doe born on 1st February 2015, your password will be J D 01 02 15. 


Next week:

On Tuesday, please dress up for Ancient Egyptian Day - we are all so excited!

On Friday, please wear your PE Kit to school. 

I look forward to catching up with you all in our parent consultations. 


Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Bhanderi 

Friday 10th November 

We’ve had another wonderfully busy week in Year Three! In Science, we investigated friction using a toy car and four ramps that represented different surfaces. We increased the height of the ramp until the car was able to move along the whole distance of the ramp. We cheered each time it reached the end! Our results showed that the smooth ‘road’ (card) surface caused the least friction and the rough, bumpy ‘muddy road’ surface caused the most friction.   


In Music, we have been learning a song called ‘The Gift of the Nile’. This week, we worked in groups to create our own sequence of music using hieroglyphics. We then performed them to the class using instruments.  


In Computing, we made stop-frame animations by drawing images on whiteboards and using the Chromebooks to take pictures. Each picture represented one frame. Please see the video of some of the ones we made!  


Home Learning: Due in by Friday 17th November  

Please continue to read at least 5 times a week and bring your reading record in on Friday, to get a stamp. Some children are now starting to get their bronze badges!  

Maths: page 8, counting in multiples 

English (SPaG): pages 58 and 59, inverted commas  

Spellings x 9: Please learn the meanings and spellings of these words, with the suffixes ‘er and ‘est’ – happy, happier, happiest, lucky, luckier, luckiest, nice, nicer, nicest 

Spelling Rules:  

  • If the root word ends in ‘y’ change it to ‘i’ = angry, funny, spicy                
  • If the root word ends in ‘e’ drop it then add the suffix = brave, late, wide,  


Next Week: If you have a copy of ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ by Roald Dahl, at home, please bring it in to school. We will be reading this in our Guided Reading lessons and during story time over the next few weeks. I have some copies available in school.  

Also, any donations of tin foil would be really appreciated. Thank you everyone for the cardboard!  

Please continue to wear PE kit to school on Tuesday and Friday.  

In English, we will be writing the ending of our ‘Mini Rabbit Not Lost’ narratives, with a focus on dialogue and subordinating conjunctions.  

In Maths, we will be learning the 3 and 4 times-tables, including counting in multiples and dividing by 3 and 4. Keep on going with TTRockstars!  


Have a great weekend,  

Miss Bhanderi  

Stop-frame Animations

Still image for this video

Friday 3rd November 2023 

It’s so good to be back and to be welcomed by wonderful children, staff and families! Thank you all for your support, kindness and understanding whilst I haven’t been here. This week, we finished off all our learning journeys and started some new ones. We explored forces in Science and focussed on push, pull and gravity. We enjoyed moving about, finding different ways to represent the forces taking place. In PSHE, we practiced some listening activities. The children are improving with how to work collaboratively, which is really great to see. In their computing lesson with Mrs Taylor, they were introduced to animation and they created their own flip books.  

We celebrated Black History Month as a whole school. Year 3 worked on a project based on a very talented musician (one of my favourites!) Ella Fitzgerald. We enjoyed listening and dancing to her songs during our writing sessions. Thank you if you were able to come and see our work today! Please have a look at the photos as well.   


Home Learning: Due in by Friday 10th November  

Please continue to read at least 5 times a week and bring your reading record in on Friday, to get a stamp. Some of the children are starting to earn their bronze badges! 

Maths: Written Addition (page 24)  

English (SPaG): Suffixes ‘ing’ and ‘ed’ (pages 72 and 74

Spellings x 8: Please learn the meanings and spellings of these words, with the suffixes ‘ing’ and ‘ed’ 

  • arrived, carried, enjoyed, hurried 
  • closing, looking, playing, wasting  

Rules: Sometimes change ‘y’ to ‘i’ = carry, hurry               Always change ‘e’ to ‘ing’ = close, waste 


Next Week: Please wear PE kit to school on Tuesday and Friday. On Tuesdays, we will be doing gymnastics in PE. This will be done in the hall with no shoes or socks on, for health and safety reasons, when using apparatus.  

In Maths, we will work on multiplication and have an introduction into the 3 times tables.  

In English, we will explore a book called ‘Mini Rabbit Not Lost’ and writing our own descriptive stories based on it.  


Have a brilliant weekend,  

Miss Bhanderi  

Friday 20th October 2023


This week has been incredibly busy!  Year 3 have all come home with well deserved Above and Beyond stickers as they have been so resilient and kind over the last couple of weeks. On Wednesday we explored ExploRE. A big shout-out to the enthusiastic volunteers from the Watford Schools Trust who made this exploration even more exciting with their diverse range of engaging activities.

In English, we delved into the enchanting world of poetry with Kit Wright's mesmerizing masterpiece, 'The Magic Box'. Inspired by this enchanting piece, they have begun creating their own verses.  We look forward to sharing these with you when they are finished.

In guided reading, we were comparing three books all based on the Ancient Egyptians and mummification. We know there are a few children that are desperate to read these.




In Maths, we have been mastering the art of addition using part-whole and number lines to explore adding 1's across 10 and 10's across 100.  


Times Tables in Year 3

After half-term, Year 3 will be having 'Times Tables Tuesdays'. They will have some extra time to practice their times tables and will then have a go at completing the 3 minute test. This will be starting from Tuesday 31st onwards and will continue throughout the year. We will also be practicing as normal every day in lessons.

Congratulations to Fletcher for securing the top spot in the Year 3 TTRockstars challenge! Keep honing your skills using TTRockstars over half term if you can. 


This is the order of learning times tables in school: (0 and 1) 2, 5, 10, 3, 4, 8, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12.

By the end of Year 3, children are expected to be fluent in the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. Being fluent means being able to solve 30 multiplications completely independently in 3 minutes (on average that’s 6 seconds per multiplication). The more tables they become fluent with before next year, the easier their transition will be. I will let you know when your child moves on. Any children who go beyond the levels below will be given additional challenges. Towards the end of Year 4, all children will take the Multiplication Tables Check, which will involve a mix of all times tables.  


Levels: 3 minutes per test

Bronze: counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Example: 2, 4, _, 8, _ , 12

Y3 Autumn Term 2 Starting point -> Silver: 2, 5, 10 tables

Gold: 3, 4, 8 tables

Platinum: 6, 7, 9 tables

Diamond: 11 and 12 tables

Emerald: Mixed up tables 1-12


Please see the attachments. 



Christmas cards:

Your child's Christmas card design was sent home in their bag today. Please have a look at these and the information included on how to purchase them. 


If your child has not handed their homework books in, please do so on the first day back after half term. Mrs Bhanderi will listen to all children reading the first week back to check if they are still on the correct book band. 


Enjoy a wonderful half term and we look forward to seeing you again on Monday 30th October.

Miss Bhanderi

Request for cardboard in Year 3 before 10th November please

Any collections of flat-pack cardboard, that's fairly easy to cut for children, would be greatly appreciated e.g. cereal boxes. We will be using cardboard for our DT project after half-term. Thank you for your support in advance! :) 

Friday 13th October 2023

Hello, I am poorly at the moment but on the mend. I hope to be back as soon as possible. Missing you all and can't wait to see all the fabulous things you have got up to! 


Y3 Ancient Egyptian Workshop on Tuesday 21st November - save the date! More details to follow in a letter soon. 


Home Learning: Due Friday 20th October  

English comprehension - Nature trail poetry 

Maths page 22 mental addition 

Spellings - revision of CEWs from years 1 and 2 (beautiful, clothes, every, everybody, friend, once, past, said

Keep reading!


Over the next 3 weeks, please may the children try to complete as much of Maths Progress Test 1 as they can - as independently as possible. There are 4 pages (18,19,20,21). There’s no time limit but try to aim for around 1 minute per mark. We will have a look at these pages in class on Friday 3rd November (the first Friday after half term).


Please encourage your children to practice their times tables using TTRockstars. 5-10 minutes everyday can make a lot of difference. We have been monitoring the children's use in and out of school and have noticed that for many of them they are not focussing and taking a long time over answering questions we know they know the answer to.  This means that the game is not generating harder questions and they're are not progressing the way we'd hoped they would. 


Next week:

English - reading, performing and writing poetry

Maths - continuing with mental addition strategies and revising the topics we have covered so far (place value, reading scales and rounding) 

PE will be on Tuesday and Friday. Please wear PE kit to school. 


Miss Bhanderi

Friday 6th October 2023

We enjoyed singing Harvest songs at church and watching the Year 6’s acting. Thank you if you managed to help with the walk back to school - it’s always appreciated!


In Maths, we practised reading scales and identifying appropriate units of measure; for example, using centimetres to measure the length of a pencil and using metres to measure the length of the playground. We worked on including subordinating conjunctions and prepositions in our writing, as we prepare for our final piece next week – writing a set of instructions, based on the book ‘Walk with a wolf’. The children have been excellent when participating with adding atmosphere to the story through their own sounds and actions.


In Science, we wrote a letter to the school cooks, suggesting new ways that they could ensure the school lunches follow the Eatwell Plate. We designed our own balanced, nutritious meals as well, making sure they included all the different food groups.


Home Learning: Due in by Friday 13th October  

Please continue to read at least 5 times a week and bring your reading record in on Friday, to get a stamp.

  • Maths: Numbers on Scales pages 14 and 15
  • English (SPaG): Sentences pages 18 and 19
  • Spellings x 8: Please learn the meanings and spellings of these words, containing the long ‘u’ sound: continue*, group*, huge, moon, moose, move, through*, you


*Words from the Year 3 / 4 Statutory Spelling List


Next Week: Lots of fun to be had! Please see the newsletter for more details.

  • Sibling school photos will be on Tuesday and individual Year 3 photos will be on Wednesday. Please come to school wearing full school uniform. Please bring PE Kit in a bag on Tuesday.
  • On Monday morning, Year 3 will attend a very exciting ‘Healthy Heroes’ workshop, which links to our science topic.
  • On Friday, it will be non-uniform day, to raise money for our ExploRE week the following week. No need to bring PE kit but please still wear comfortable shoes for outside.


I hope you all have a great weekend,

Miss Bhanderi

Friday 29th September 2023

We have been very busy writing this week! We finished planning and writing our short stories, based on the dragon’s perspective from ‘The paper bag princess’. We also started reading our new text, called ‘Walk with a wolf’ by Janni Howker. In Maths, we worked hard on comparing and ordering numbers, and rounding to the nearest 10 and 100. We will revisit rounding before half-term.


Please see the weekly newsletter for more highlights from Year 3 this week!     


We are very pleased to welcome Mrs Taylor to our staff team! She will be supporting Year 3 mostly in the mornings Monday to Thursday. She has really enjoyed getting to know the children this week.


Home Learning: Due Friday 6th October

  • Maths – Comparing and Ordering Numbers (pages 10 and 11)
  • English – Conjunctions with subordinate clauses (pages 22 and 23) 
  • Reading records will be checked on Friday. Please read at least 5 times to build fluency and earn a stamp. I’m going to start re-assessing levels over the next couple of weeks. Some books may change.
  • Spellings x 8 – Learn the spelling and meaning of these words that contain the ‘long o’ sound: alone, below, bone, home, potato, potatoes*, snow, suppose*


*Words from the Year 3 and 4 Statutory Spelling List

I accidentally included 9 spellings last week, which was well-spotted by some of the children!


Next Week:

PE kit will be needed on Tuesday and Friday as usual.

On Wednesday, we have our Harvest Service at St. Mary's Church at 9am. Children should be dropped to the Church rather than school on this day. Please bring any donations with you to the church.

On Friday, the class will be taking part in a Perform Workshop with Years 1 and 2.


I look forward to seeing you on Monday, for another fabulous week!

Miss Bhanderi

Friday 22nd September 2023

Thank you for coming to the ‘Meet the Teacher’ session – it was lovely to meet you so many of you! All information will be available on this page; please find useful documents below.


In English, we started writing our own narratives from the dragon’s perspective of the story, which we will edit and continue writing next week. Our main focus was to include conjunctions in order to add more information and detail to our writing. In Maths, we worked on adding and subtracting 10 or 100 to numbers. We used dienes and to help us regroup through 100.


In RE, we learnt about the Holy Trinity and created our own artistic representations of it, and we also had our first Spanish lesson this week!


Home Learning: Due in by Friday 29th September

Please continue to read at least 5 times a week and bring your reading record in on Friday, to get a stamp.

  •  Maths: 10 or 100 more or less page 9 only
  • English (SPaG): The ‘ay’ sound page 88 only
  • Spellings x 8: Please learn the meanings and spellings of these words, containing the long ‘i’ sound - climb, guide, height, inside, nice, nine, smile, surprise, wise

Every week, I’ll be looking out for the children’s use of these spellings in their writing.


Next Week:
Please wear PE kit to school on Tuesday and Friday. 


We will be starting whole-class guided reading lessons from Monday, using the chapter book ‘The owl who was afraid of the dark’. I will be using ‘passport books’ in guided reading lessons because it’s really important that all children get access to the wonderful language used in these books, which may inspire their love for reading and help to develop their vocabulary when writing too.


Wishing you a fantastic weekend,

Miss Bhanderi

Friday 15th September 2023

Our first whole week in Year 3 has whizzed by! In English, we wrote descriptions about the main characters from the story ‘The Paper Bag Princess’. We discussed how the story is similar to a classic fairy-tale but definitely has its twists and turns! In Maths, we used equipment to represent 3-digit numbers. We played a game where we regrouped numbers by swapping one ten for ten ones. We also started our topic lessons, including learning about Ancient Egypt.


Home Learning: All home learning will be due in every Friday, but if you wish to hand it in earlier that is great – there’s a box in the classroom for it to stay in safely. On Friday mornings, we will be marking home learning as a whole class.


Please continue to read at least 5 times and get your record signed so you can earn a stamp. If your child is reading a level book, they need to swap this out every Friday. Once your child is on level 12+, they will be reading ‘Passport Books’, which can be swapped for another book at any time during the week, as some of them will take longer than one week to read.

  • Maths: pages 6 and 7
  • English (SPaG): page 20 only
  • Spellings x 8: Please learn the meanings and spellings of these words, containing the long ‘e’ sound - believe, clean, complete, extreme, freeze, increase, three, recent


Next Week:
PE days will be on Tuesday and Friday. Please wear your PE kit to school on both days.  

I look forward to meeting you at the ‘Meet the Teacher’ session on Thursday. All information will be made available on this page after the meeting.  


Have a brilliant weekend,

Miss Bhanderi

Friday 8th September 2023

Hello and welcome to Year Three and Key Stage Two! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer break. We’ve had a lovely start to the school year so far. I am very impressed with how well the class have settled in to their new routines. This week, we created a class display about belonging and being part of a team. We enjoyed getting to know each other through playing games. Today, we had a very fun afternoon in our ‘school family groups’ completing art activities and outdoor ones too!


I listened to all the children read over the last couple of days. Today, they have taken home their reading books. They will take home their reading records on Monday. I will explain more about levels in our ‘Meet the Teacher’ session, but please come and see me if you have any questions before then.


Home Learning:

If your child is interested in becoming a council member, they are welcome to have a think about it over the weekend and tell me by next Friday (15th September). They may wish to write something or make a poster. We have 4 councils and 2 children will be selected for each:

  1. Eco Council
  2. Ethos Council
  3. School Learning Council
  4. Sports Council

Homework books and spellings will be sent home next Friday.


Next Week:
PE days will be on Tuesday and Friday.

In English, we will be starting to read a book called ‘The Paper Bag Princess’ by Robert Munsch. In Maths, we will focus on place value – representing, partitioning and comparing numbers.


I hope you have a restful weekend.

Miss Bhanderi
