Year Three Class Page
The latest news, home learning, learning and events will be posted on this page.
Friday, 7th February
This week, we have been busy writing both our shared and individual portal stories, bringing our creativity and descriptive skills to life.
In maths, we focused on division, tackling new challenges and building our understanding.
Our science investigation explored the question: Are all metals magnetic? We carried out experiments to test different materials and discovered some surprising results!
In history, we examined the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, using our inference skills to understand its meaning and significance.
During P.E., we continued developing our collaboration skills, focusing on attacking strategies in games to improve teamwork and gameplay.
We and a fantastic time doing our photography workshop and having an extended assembly when we were introduced to our Take One Picture artwork. We also enjoyed creating a modern interpretation of the painting using paints and squared paper.
🔹 In science, we will explore how magnets attract and repel.
🔹 In English, we will be writing a brand-new portal story inspired by our Take One Picture artwork: Caneletto’s Regatta.
🔹 In maths, we will be learning about scales and correspondence problems.
🔹 In D.T., we are excited to make our own bread!
It’s going to be another fantastic week of learning!
Home Learning
Continue with the Doodle Learning in Maths and English (These do not reset)
Keep reading at least 5 times this week. Remember to sign and bring the record book on your allocated day.
Spellings: Individual spellings or class spellings: Contractions: couldn't, didn't, I'll, I'm, it's, hasn't, she's, won't, you'll
Please talk about what words make up these contractions and what letters the apostrophe is replacing.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs. Garland
Friday, 31st January
This week, we have been busy exploring settings in our model text, using our writing toolkit to plan both shared and individual portal stories. We can't wait to bring our ideas to life next week!
In maths, we have started multiplying a two-digit number by a one-digit number, developing our skills in problem-solving and mental calculations.
During Guided Reading and history, we discovered the fascinating process of Ancient Egyptian mummification—learning how and why they carefully preserved bodies for the afterlife.
In D.T., we investigated the role of yeast in bread making, finding out how it helps dough rise. Our science lessons took us into the world of magnets, where we discovered that bigger magnets aren’t always the strongest!
It’s been an exciting week of learning, and we’re looking forward to what’s next! 🎉
Home Learning:
Continue reading at least 5 times a week.
Stay in the Green on Doodle English and Maths
Spellings: Individual spellings or class spellings.
Homophones: groan, grown, meat, meet, peace, piece, scene, seen. (Please learn the meanings of these words too.)
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs. Garland
Friday, 24th January
This Week in Our Class
This week has been full of exciting learning experiences!
In history, we explored why and how the ancient Egyptians built their incredible pyramids. It was fascinating to learn about the engineering and teamwork that went into these monumental structures.
In science, we investigated how different surfaces affect friction. We conducted experiments to see which surfaces create more or less friction, and we had a lot of fun testing our predictions.
In R.E., we learned about the story of Bilal, a truly inspiring figure whose story taught us about courage and obedience.
In D.T., we put our taste buds to the test with a taste-testing activity! We compared flavours and discussed how taste influences our preferences—yum!
In maths, we focused on multiples of 10 and related facts, building our skills in patterns and mental calculations.
In English, we worked on describing settings using similes, sensory adjectives, and the "power of three." Our writing has become so much more vivid and engaging!
What’s Coming Up Next Week
Next week, we’ll be diving into some exciting new topics:
It’s shaping up to be another fantastic week of learning!
Home Learning
Please read and sign the reading record at least 5 times for a stamp.
Continue with your Doodle Learning.
Individual spellings or class spellings.
Spellings. Words ending with _al: actual, animal, capital, hospital, material, natural, occasional, special.
Have a lovely weekend,
Warm regards,
Mrs. Garland
Friday, 17th January
This week, we have been busy with lots of exciting learning!
English: We read our new model text and focused on describing settings. Using our senses and similes, we brought settings to life and wrote descriptive sentences with prepositional openers such as around her, beneath her, and nearby.
Maths: Our focus was on mastering the 4 and 8 times tables, using fun activities to practice fluency and recall.
History: We learned that the Ancient Egyptians were polytheistic (believing in many gods and goddesses). We explored how these gods were often depicted with animal heads, which made them even more fascinating!
PSHE: We discussed the importance of staying safe and what we need to consider before taking part in a risky activity to avoid danger.
PE: We had lots of fun playing a creative version of "battleships" using beanbags and cones, working on our accuracy and teamwork
Here’s a sneak peek at what we’ll be learning next week:
Home Learning
The passport book list is found at the back of your child's reading record. I encourage you to read as many of these books as possible. If your child is not reading passport books please feel free to enjoy them together. They are found on the year 3 reading shelf.
Keep reading at least 5 times this week.
Keep up the Doodle Learning: Maths and English.
Spelling: words ending with el and il: angel, evil, fossil, pencil, pupil, nostril, travel, tunnel.
Have a lovely weekend,
Warm regards,
Mrs Garland
English: We will continue to develop our setting descriptions by writing power of 3 sentences to make our writing even more engaging and descriptive.
History: We will explore how and why the Ancient Egyptians built their incredible pyramids, learning about their construction techniques and significance.
It’s going to be another exciting week of discovery and learning!
Maths: We will investigate the relationship between the 2, 4, and 8 times tables, identifying patterns and making connections to build our fluency.
Saturday, 11th January 2025
Welcome back to Spring Term 1. I trust you are all managing to stay warm.
This week was a short one as we returned after Christmas, but it's been a busy one as we began our new units across subjects:
A great start to the new term!
Here's what's coming up next week:
It’s shaping up to be an exciting and busy week!
Home Learning
Please continue to read and sign the reading records at least 5 times this week.
It's really important that the children are reading the passport books as these have specifically been chosen for their age. These books can often take a while to read, so don't worry about how long it takes. Please encourage your child to keep persevering. Please return reading records on their scheduled day so they can receive their stamp.
Please continue with Doodle English and Maths.
Spelling: -le endings: angle, circle, dangle, little, middle, people, possible, table, title
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs. Garland
Friday, 20th December
First of all, thank you so much from Mrs Perry, Miss Dovbenko and myself for the wonderful and generous gifts. We thank you also for supporting your children's learning this first term of year 3.
This week, we had a delightful range of activities and accomplishments to celebrate. The highlight was the lovely KS2 carol service at St. Mary’s Church, where Year 3 students sang beautifully and performed the actions with enthusiasm.
In class, we completed and published our non-chronological reports on the River Nile, showcasing the students' hard work and research skills. We also engaged in a comparative study of three festivals of light—Diwali, Hanukkah, and Christmas—exploring their unique traditions and meanings while celebrating their shared themes of hope and joy.
A message from Mrs. Bennett,
PE - Gymnastics: This half-term in PE, we have focused on developing our gymnastics skills, particularly headstands. The children learned how to safely perform a headstand by first practising with support and gradually building confidence and strength. Emphasis was placed on core stability, balance, and proper technique to ensure safety while performing the movement.
Computing - Animations: In Computing, we explored the creative world of animations. The children learned how to create simple animations using different tools and techniques. This included adding movement to images, creating sequences, and experimenting with timing to bring their animations to life.
Spanish - Counting 1-12 and Personal Information: In Spanish, we focused on counting from 1 to 12. Through interactive activities and games, they practiced saying the numbers aloud, writing them down, and recognising them in both spoken and written forms. The children also learned how to give their age in Spanish and share other basic personal information, such as their name and how they are feeling.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas full of light, peace and joy, and we look forward to welcoming you all back to school on January 8th.
Please continue to take pleasure in reading over the holidays and sign those records.
No official homework is expected but house points will be rewarded to those who make time for some Doodle Learning,
Warmest regards,
Mrs. Garland
Friday, 13th December
This week has been a busy and exciting one in Year 3!
First of all, we had a fabulous time watching the 'Jack and the Beanstalk' pantomime at Watersmeet yesterday. The children behaved very well and seemed to really enjoy the show.
English: We completed our shared write and have now started writing our own non-chronological reports about the River Nile. The class has been working hard to include fascinating facts and use clear headings to organise their writing.
Maths: Our focus has been on the 3 times table. We’ve drawn arrays and bar diagrams to help us visualise multiplication and division and explored the strong link between the two.
D.T.: We began making our pavilions using lolly sticks. Everyone has shown great creativity and teamwork as they carefully constructed the framework for their designs
Next week maybe the last week of term, l but we have lots to do.
It’s going to be a fantastic week full of creativity, learning, and teamwork. We can’t wait to see everyone’s amazing work! 😊
Home Learning.
Please continue to read regularly with your child and record it in their books.
Please focus on learning the words to our Christmas Song- All around the world. (This replaces our English homework)
Continue with Doodle Maths.
Spellings: individual spellings, year 3 spellings (+er and est) bigger, closest, grandest, luckier, smellier, spiciest, sweetest, thinner.
I look forward to seeing you all at the Carol Service next Wednesday evening,
Mrs. Garland
Saturday, 7th December
What a fantastic start to this Advent season. We have begun opening the doors on our class advent calendar and lit our advent candle each morning. We have also begun our count down to Christmas reading a part of the nativity story each day. It has also been a fantastic week of learning in year 3.
English: We have started our shared write about the Amazon River. The class has been working together to create a descriptive and well-structured piece using exciting vocabulary.
Geography: In small groups, we researched the Nile River, learning about its location, importance, and unique features.
RE: We explored how Christians celebrate Christmas, discussing traditions, symbols, and the meaning behind this special holiday.
Maths: Multiplication has been our focus this week! We’ve been looking at patterns in the 2, 5, and 10 times tables and drawing arrays to help us visualise our calculations.
PE: Shooting skills were the highlight as we practised using the acronym BEEF (Balance, Eyes, Elbow, Follow-through) to improve our technique.
Science: We investigated materials to discover whether they are transparent, translucent, or opaque. The hands-on activities made this a fascinating and fun experiment!
Next week is packed with exciting activities and learning opportunities! We’ll be enjoying the Key Stage 1 nativity production, a festive treat we can’t wait to see. In English, we’ll use our research to write detailed reports about the River Nile, showcasing all the fascinating facts we’ve discovered. In maths, our focus will shift to mastering the three times table through lots of fun and engaging activities. The highlight of the week will be our trip to Watersmeet on Thursday to watch Jack and the Beanstalk—we’re all so excited for this special experience!
Home Learning
Please continue to encourage your children to keep in the Green on their Doodle Learning.
Read at least 5 times aloud and sign their reading records.
Please practise spellings. The class spellings this week have double consonants: banned, chopping, hitting, patted, planned, ripped, shopping, swimming.
Have a lovely weekend. Keep dry and keep safe.
Mrs. Garland
Friday, 29th November
This week has been a busy and exciting one in our class as we tackled Assessment Week! We completed reading, maths, and spelling tests to see how much progress everyone is making. The children worked hard, and we’re really proud of their effort and focus throughout.
In English, we explored some important grammar topics. We practiced using adverbs for cause (like "because," "therefore," and "since") and worked on forming sentences in the present perfect tense. The children also practiced writing in the third person, which was great for developing their storytelling and reporting skills.
In Maths, our focus was on column addition and subtraction. We concentrated on presenting our work neatly and understanding the steps to ensure accuracy. To make things more fun and build our speed, we also did quickfire challenges involving addition and subtraction within 10. The children loved the competitive element and are getting faster and more confident!
In Geography, we explored the many uses of rivers. The children were fascinated to learn how rivers provide water, food, transportation, and energy, and how they are vital for both people and wildlife.
Finally, in PSHE, we discussed communities. We talked about the different communities we belong to, starting from our families to our school and then expanding to the wider global community. This helped the children understand the importance of each role they play and how they contribute to the world around them.
It's been a fantastic week of learning and growth, and we’re excited to keep building on these skills in the coming weeks!
Next week promises to be just as exciting, with lots of new topics to explore across our subjects:
🌍 Geography: We’ll be diving into a research project on the River Nile. This will help us gather facts and develop our skills in writing non-chronological reports. The children will discover why this famous river is so important historically and today!
🎄 R.E.: As we get closer to the festive season, we’ll be exploring the Christian meaning behind Christmas. We'll look at the story of the birth of Jesus and discuss why Christmas is such a special celebration in Christian communities.
🔦 Science: In Science, we’ll be investigating shadows! The children will learn how shadows are formed, how they change throughout the day, and we'll even conduct some fun experiments to see how light behaves when it hits different objects.
It’s going to be a wonderful week filled with discovery and creativity! We can’t wait to see the children’s enthusiasm as they tackle these new learning adventures. 🌟
It was wonderful to see so many of you at parent/ teacher consultations. I hope you enjoyed seeing some of the work your children have been doing and finding out how they are getting on in year 3. I thank you for what wonderful supportive parents you.
Home Learning: Due to an extensive spelling test this week we will keep the same spellings for next week and take the test on Thursday as usual.
Keep going with the Doodle Learning. From next Monday, those who do not complete their work will be doing it at lunchtime. (If there is a particular problem do let the school know.)
Keep reading at least 5 times out loud and have your reading record signed.
Have a lovely weekend.
I hope to see many of you at the Christmas fair tomorrow.
Mrs. Garland
Friday, 22nd November
This week in class, we continued working on addition and subtraction in maths. The children are improving but still finding it tricky to remember to show all their working. In English, we focused on subordinating conjunctions, PC sentences using 'both' and 'and', and ensuring the correct use of the determiners 'a' and 'an'.
In science, we explored how we see and discovered that all objects reflect light, with shiny objects reflecting it better, allowing us to see our reflections. In R.E., we learned about how Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah, and the children enjoyed creating Lego animations in computing.
It’s been a busy and engaging week, and the children have worked hard across all subjects!
Next week, we have lots of exciting topics to explore! In R.E., we will learn about how Christians celebrate Christmas, and in science, we’ll be investigating reflections using mirrors.
In geography, we’ll look at the different ways rivers are used, while in English, we’ll be analysing the structure of non-chronological reports, learning about adverbials for cause, practicing using commas in a list, and writing in third person.
Home Learning
Read at least 5 times and make sure you record it in your book.
Spellings: revising ed/ing: arrived, copied, enjoyed, hurried, laughing, loving, slicing, sparkled
Keep in the green with your Doodle Learning.
Looking forward to see you all next week at parents evening.
Warm regards,
Mrs. Garland
Friday, 15th November
First of all, due to a busy end of the day, my apologies that the raffle tickets and spelling sheets are not in the children's bags. These will be there on Monday. This afternoon we learnt about the different parts of a river and we were constructing models of the upper, middle and lower courses. This was a lot of fun and we were busy right to the end of the day.
This week we have been introduced to our new Non Chronological Report unit. We have drawn our own story maps and begun learning the model text. We have focussed on writing sentences with prepositions and at least two adjectives. In maths we have spent a little longer on column subtraction as it gets tricky when exchanges need to be made. Please go over this with your child if you get a chance over the weekend.
In Science, we explored the positives and the negatives of the sun and created posters about sun safety, in relation to protecting our eyes.
Next week we will be writing sentences using a variety of conjunctions such as: when, so that, until, wherever, in order that, although, because and also looking at the determiners a and an. In Science we will find out about how we see with our eyes and investigate using torches and reflecting light off different materials.
Home Learning
Keep listening to your child read at least 5 times. Well done to the growing number of children who have achieved their bronze award.
At least 15 minutes of Doodle Maths, English and Times Tables.
Spellings: Reviewing plurals- babies, catches, copies, families, flies, lives, thanks, thieves
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs. Garland
Friday, 8th November
Welcome back to Autumn 2.
This week in English, we focused on publishing our "hot writes," allowing our children to showcase their writing skills and creativity. In Maths, we worked on column addition and subtraction, specifically practicing techniques that involve regrouping when crossing the tens and hundreds boundaries.
Our Geography topic on rivers commenced with an introduction to the water cycle. The children enjoyed creating a "water cycle in a bag" experiment to observe the process first hand. In R.E., we started our unit on Festivals of Light, beginning with an exploration of Diwali, the Hindu festival celebrating light and new beginnings.
In Science, we introduced our topic on light by sorting different light sources into artificial and natural categories, helping students understand the origins of various light sources. Finally, in P.E., we started netball, where we learned fundamental skills like chest passes and pivoting to improve their coordination and teamwork.
Next week, we will be finishing our unit on addition and subtraction, solidifying their understanding and application of these essential skills. In English, we will introduce our new topic, focusing on a non-chronological report. Through this, our children will explore and apply prepositions and the power of three sentences to enhance their writing.
In Science, our focus will be on understanding the importance of eye protection from the sun, discussing practical ways to stay safe. In Geography, we will continue our study of rivers by examining the different parts of a river and its course, helping students build a comprehensive understanding of river systems and their features.
Home Learning
Spellings: Children working on the Year 1/2 words have their new spelling lists in their bags.
Next week’s spelling focus will be revising the Year 2 Common Exception Words (CEWs). The rest of the class will have the following words for their spelling test next Thursday:
Please continue listening to your child read and signing their reading record at least five times a week. Congratulations to our first group of children who have achieved their Bronze award – well done to them!
Additionally, keep practicing with Doodle English and Doodle Maths to stay in the Green Zone. Well done to Year 3 – we were the top class in both Doodle English and Doodle Times Tables!
Monday 11th November - Scouting uniform for Remembrance Day
Tuesday 12th November - Odd Socks Day for Anti-Bullying week
Please begin to sign up for the parent consultations on 26th and 27th November
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs. Garland
Apologies for sending home the recorders this week :). It would be really beneficial for the children to practice infront of a mirror and only hear themselves play. Below is a quick video to explain what I would like them to do.
Many thanks,
Mrs Maxwell
Friday, 25th October
We've made it to half term. What a long and busy half term it has been.
First of all, thank you to the wonderful parents and grandparents that came with us to the Chilton Open Air Museum on Tuesday. We couldn't have done it without you. It was a wonderful day and the children did us proud, attentively listening and actively participating in our Stone Age and Iron Age workshops. We have completed our units on rocks and soils by researching and creating posters about Mary Anning, we looked at change and continuity from the Stone Age to the Iron Age in History, we have begun to use column addition in maths and we have also planned and written our own stories using our narrative toolkit.
An update from Mrs. Bennett about the subjects she has taught on Fridays:
Spanish - The children have loved learning a new language this half term, and I look forward to building on their excitement and progress in the next term! The children have learnt how to say hello, goodbye, good afternoon, good morning and good night. They have also learnt how to introduce themselves and say how they are feeling.
PE - This half term in PE, the children have been working on essential physical skills (agility, balance and coordination). The children took part in different circuits to practise these skills. Agility exercises that challenged their speed and response time, balance practise using ropes and equipment, and coordination drills.
Computing - This half term, the children have explored fundamental concepts in computing by focusing on input, output, and process, as well as understanding how digital devices connect to each other.
Home Learning
There is no official homework or spellings over the half term break but I do encourage the children to keep learning through their play and in the places that they visit.
Please continue to listen to your children read. Take the opportunity to visit a library perhaps, or find a book/ magazine to read for pleasure. It all counts and I'd love to hear of any interesting facts that they have found out or if there are any new author's that they've discovered.
Have a lovely break. I hope it is a peaceful, enjoyable time and I look forward to welcoming year 3 back on Monday, 4th November.
Warmest regards,
Mrs. Garland
Friday, 18th October
It has been a busy time in year 3 this week. We have been writing our own story based on our model text, taking each paragraph one at a time. In maths we have been challenging ourselves to add ones and tens and crossing the tens and hundreds. We have used base 10 and number lines to help us find the answers. We have played a game to find out whether we would survive in Iron age Britain, bartering and trading the things we have for the things we need. We completed our R.E unit designing our own symbols to represent the trinity and we learned all about how fossils have been formed.
Next week, we are looking forward to our trip to Chilton Open Air Museum on Tuesday. We will be creating posters all about Mary Anning and writing our own stories. In maths we will be subtracting ones and tens by crossing the tens and hundreds. We will also create our final dance piece based on wild animals in P.E.
Home Learning
Please practice number bonds to 10 and 20 to secure this knowledge.
Keep doing Doodle Learning: 15 minutes Maths, 15 minutes English
Listen to your child read at least 5 times and sign the reading record.
Spelling: All children have taken home a spelling sheet. For those working on year 1/2 spellings they have their own personal list. For the rest we are focussing on the grapheme oi, oy?: annoy, choice, enjoy, rejoice, royal, toilet, voyage, The year 3/4 words we are working on are: accident, actual, address
So that I have enough time to mark and set new spellings, we will be doing the spelling tests on Thursday starting next week.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs. Garland
Friday, 11th October
It's been another busy week in year 3. We have begun to hug the text and have started writing our own story based on our model text. We have been adding and subtracting ones, tens and hundreds in Maths and investigating fossils in Science. We have compared infant and believer's baptism with Jesus' baptism and learnt about how bronze changed people's lives.
Next week we will be adding and subtracting across the 10 and 100. We will complete our shared writing and we will find out how fossils are formed. We will also be learning about the importance of trade during the Iron Age.
Home Learning
Please keep doing your Doodle Learning. At least 15 minutes of Maths and 15 minutes of English.
Read at least 5 times out loud and sign your reading record.
Spellings. Long U sound: rescue, issue, include, huge, prune, viewed, fruit, continue, group, through. I'm sending a spelling sheet home.
Have a lovely weekend,
Warm regards,
Mrs. Garland
Friday, 4th October
It has been another busy week in year 3. We have completed our place value unit in maths, been analysing our model text and identifying our toolkit within it. As you read with your children, you could look out for dialogue, similes, adverbial phrases and the way the character's feelings change as the story develops. In history, we were being archaeologists, making sensible guesses, identifying different stone age artefacts, considering what they were made from and what purpose they might have. In Science, we were considering why soil is an important microhabitat and how it provides for both animals and plants.
Next week, we will be finding out about how fossils were formed, we will be finding out about how bronze changed prehistoric Britain, we will be writing our own narrative based on our model text and begin our unit on addition and subtraction.
Home Learning
Keep listening to your children read at least 5 times this week.
Do at least 15 minutes of Doodle Maths and 15 minutes of Doodle English.
Spelling: long o sound: suppose, potatoes, throat, coast, meadow, tomorrow, piano, echo, spoke, gnome
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Garland
Friday, 27th September
Home Learning
Please keep reading at least 5 times a week. Bring in your reading record to be stamped on your allocated day.
Do at least 15 minutes of Doodle Maths and 15 minutes of Doodle English
Spellings: long i sound: flight, height, might, bright, knight, smile, guide, describe, guide.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs. Garland
Friday, 20th September
Thanks to all of you who came on Monday morning to Meet the Teacher. It was lovely to meet you. This week we have been investigating the properties of different rocks in Science, we have been reading and acting out the paragraphs from our model text and representing hundreds tens and ones using Base 10 and place value counters. we were discussing how to resolve conflicts with our friends and how good it is to make amends. The emotion we have explored this week is 'excluded'.
Next week, we will be investigating Skara Brae using archaeological evidence to find out how people lived in the Stone Age. We will be finding dialogue, similes and times adverbs in our model text and placing numbers up to 1000 on a number line. Next week the emotion we are going to explore is 'relieved.'
Home Learning.
Spend at least 15 minutes on each app on Doodle Learning, especially maths, English and Times Tables.
Keep reading aloud at least 5 times and sign the reading record, bringing it in on your assigned day.
Spellings: ee, ea, e_e: complete, extreme, increase, three, squeak, steam, these, even, agree, peace
Have a lovely weekend.
I hope you enjoy the good weather while it lasts.
Warm regards,
Mrs. Garland
Friday, 13th September
This week we focused on writing poems based on Kit Wright's 'The magic box', we have been working on place value in maths and beginning to think about hundreds. We began our topic on rocks and soil in Science, learning that there are three different types of rock and began to learn about life in the Stone Age. In P.E we have been moving like wild animals and learnt a little about Jesus' baptism in R.E.
Next week we will be beginning our unit on characterisation in English and be learning about numbers upto 1,000.
Home Learning
Mrs Maxwell is sending out information about Doodle Learning. Please encourage your child to do at least 15 minutes English, 15 minutes Maths and 15 minutes Times tables so that they hit the green level. We will explain this further at the 'Meet the Teacher' session Monday.
Please listen to your child read at least 5 times a week and sign their reading record. Please return your reading record on your child's day to receive the stamp.
Spelling:a sound (ay, ai, eigh, a_e, aigh, ey) eight, weight, made, brain, they, crayon, behave, strange, name, straight
See as many of you as possible at Meet the Teacher on Monday at 9 a.m. in the Year 3 classroom,
Warm regards,
Mrs Garland
Friday 6th September 2024
Hello and welcome to Year Three and Key Stage Two! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer break. We’ve had a lovely start to the school year so far. The class has begun to settle in to their new routines. We have begun our poetry unit in English looking at the poems, 'Words are Ours' by Michael Rosen and 'The Magic Box' by Kit Wright. We had our first Spanish, Computing and P.E lessons with Mrs. Bennett. We had a very fun afternoon on Thursday in our ‘school family groups’ completing a scavenger hunt, an outdoor activity and a helping around the school too!
Home Learning:
To help us with our poetry writing, please could all the children bring in a photograph of a special occasion, a treasured object and a favourite book from home for Monday please. Mrs Maxwell has challenged Year 3 to earn some stars by completing some learning on Doodle Learning.
Next Week:
I will listen to all the children next week and they will then take home their reading books and reading records. (Their day to change levelled books and have their record stamped will remain the same as it was in Year 2 for continuity.) I will explain more about levels and the reading passport in our ‘Meet the Teacher’ session on Monday, 16th at 9 a.m. PE days will be on Monday and Friday.
In English, we will continue with our poetry unit . In Maths, we will focus on place value – representing, partitioning and comparing numbers. We will begin our Science unit on Rocks and Soils, looking at the Trinity in R.E and finding out about when the Stone Age was in History.
I hope you have a restful weekend.
Mrs. Garland