Fantastic result with 97% achievement for the Year One Phonics Screening. Please contact Mrs Palmer ( in the school office if you would like to book a tour of the school. For more St Mary's news, please visit our Facebook page -
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St Mary's Rickmansworth Church of England Primary School Aspiring, nurturing, flourishing; together shining a light

Sports Council

St Mary's Sports Council


We have set up a St Mary's Sports Council to ensure that pupil voice is an integral and consistent part of the development of physical education. Sports Council is represented by 2 children in each year group.


Each Friday, during celebration assembly, Year 6 sports council report on the sporting events that have happened throughout the school. The children write their own reports for the assembly - they focus on the positives and the values shown in the matches or games.


The Sports Council meet once a term to discuss physical education at St Mary’s. This area encompasses lunch times and play times, out of school clubs, resources, sporting events, P.E lessons and the profile of P.E in School. Each meeting the minutes and required actions are documented.


The Sports Captains are: 


The Sports Council Members are:

Jamieson and Scarlett (Year 1)

Lily M and Duke (Year 2)

Josh and Miles (Year 3)

Jamie and Louie (Year 4)

Leo D and Owen (Year 5)
